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Everything posted by Citinited

  1. Came back from being AFK to find myself directly on top of a blob core. Naturally, the blob core didn't survive.
  2. If you want Ian to get revived, surely the simple solution is not to let Ian die in the first place... Also, you're in charge of mining. Go incentivise miners to get you an injector.
  3. Difficulty: easy. /tg/ has this. It makes the silicons sound much more robotic, plus draws attention to them, which is a good thing.
  4. Perhaps change the objective from "nuke the station" to something else? It would suck if traitors and lings had done their objectives, being villainous and -bam- nuke because the disk went missing.
  5. Added some more detail to the very sparse security records, added some more detail to other areas and sort of cleaned it up a bit.
  6. Why was this even changed? There are multiple benefits to being able to see this information, and absolutely no downsides. Related: revert being unable to stack floor tiles. This makes replacing flooring almost impossible with limited time.
  7. Keep suicide. Suicide allows players to get out of the round and observe if they have no other option in a non-messy way that shouldn't waste sec's time if they crowbar themselves to death i.e. it doesn't leave a stupid crime scene. (I know ghosting is an option but you might want to respawn as an NPC or something) Player suicided in their cell? No problem, just transport them to the morgue or incinerator. People shouldn't be cloning suicides anyway, and it's impossible without upgraded cloners. It's not really a problem that players suicide as soon as they get caught. It just means that you can move on to different things instead of having to waste your time with a non-cooperative player. You could make the RP argument, but I doubt that anyone willing to take their own life after being brigged would care much for RP anyway. Players overcoming their survival instincts to suicide isn't much of an argument, considering that on your average shift your average crewmember will be willing to put themselves into stupid amounts of danger (fighting nukeops, fighting blob, going to the AI satellite to possibly die to the stupidly powerful AI that is about to explode the station instead of getting the hell off-station, etc.) Is it distasteful to suicide at the slightest hint of trouble? Yes, but you should always have the option to.
  8. This would be useful if the examine text actually updated when you get fully healed. I often spend around five seconds per round without any space protection as mechanic, then end up walking around with about a dozen lines of injury text for the rest of the shift, even at full health. The whole system needs an full overhaul, to be honest.
  9. There was a virus that made you retarded before killing you and bringing you back to life. Yes that is monkey 440 next to the space carp, and survived 10 minutes of no air + space carp with no damage at all. Turns out that the virus made you invulnerable to everything after dying, but you couldn't do anything after falling down. Then an admin deleted the monkey for me and the space carp tried eating me unsuccessfully before I committed suicide and failed.
  10. Updated, RIP Xenoarchaeology ;_;
  11. Being vague allows for lots of different roleplay directions for the AI. Variety is nice. I usually define it as the entity which governs the station, i.e. command staff. This is, however, subject to interpretation by AI players. In my opinion, AIs should adopt a hands-off approach and try to not be the station's micromanager, barring situations where they are required to act. Crewsimov actually would be worse at making sec rely on the AI, as the AI would be forced to follow security's orders, as opposed to other lawsets where the AI can be more shrewd with security's commands. As for your original post, I like to have variety in my lawset whenever I play the AI, so I vote no to the premise. That being said, some lawsets just don't function as intended with the way laws have priority on paradise (e.g. NT Default) and could be removed from the rotation or otherwise looked at.
  12. I've never heard of the pacman exploding... maybe it overheated like david said? If so you can wrench it down to the cables inside the station - there is one which is already wired up into the emitters. I'll be adding a picture of what the wiring looks like to illustrate this.
  13. I've been screwed over multiple times with accidentally releasing the singulo by lowering the output of the SMESs to maintain power that it's just not worth endangering the station - PACMAN is absolutely the safest way to go about powering the emitters. What if you get an AI or other enginneer that sets the output to maximum without thinking about it? What if you accidentally run out of power during setup? I feel that PACMAN is the best way to go about it. It really doesn't matter which order you do these, as long as you do all the steps before you turn the PA on. This is already addressed under the optimisation section, where it says to use supercold plasma. My record for power generation is 100MW, but I'm sure I can do better. All of these apart from screwdrivering the PA console are in the guide. Does screwdrivering the PA keep the PA on? If so might add it.
  14. Emitters use 300W each (in theory, at least - I've hooked an emitter up to a cable with 1W flowing through it and it worked just fine but that's probably a bug); they're really not a concern. Also, I need to update this wrt. the new engineering layout.
  15. I bought 10,000 points' worth of alien toys and released them onto the escape shuttle: --- I renovated the abandoned teleporter --- Gibtonite is fun
  16. Why not? A full-stop clearly shows a definitive 'stop', whereas leaving it off could indicate a breathlessly-said sentence, someone who doesn't talk clearly or inflect their sentences, or a completely deadpan sentence. Fox meant that sometimes people use multiple say commands for one sentence. Adding a full-stop to the end of each of these dramatically changes the meaning of what that person is trying to say.
  17. I disagree with a full-stop being automatically added to the end of a sentence. It can help to provide a different feeling to what you are saying. Also, is a missing full stop really more jarring than ALL CAPS SENTENCES instead of a single exclamation mark at the end of your sentence? Morphic clerical kit seems like it would be fun, but nobody does paperwork anyway. How about... a traitor fax machine? One that can intercept faxes posted to Centcomm and can send faxes to other machines?
  18. I sometimes label SEs in disposals for shits and giggles, then sell them to the crew with a disclaimer.
  19. Information extracted from subject's brain at NSS Exodus on 9th August, 2559 at 02:05:00. Blackness. It felt... odd. Like someone had lifted a heavy rug from my unconsciousness, allowing me free reign once more. Except that this time, I was not bound to an organic body. I observed my own, broken body, missing several limbs and its head. And then, my attention moved over to the person who had slain me in cold blood. 'John Doe,' Shaft Miner, it said on his ID card, yet he was dressed as if he were a virologist. What exactly were his motivations? I had previously seen him on the asteroid, when I was heading out to rescue an injured shaft miner on the western side of the asteroid. Poor soul had gotten himself into a fight, and was in need of medical aid. As I went to head outside, I saw John Doe. Thinking that he was a doctor here to help, I instantly felt my gut drop a few inches when he threw a bananade at me, scattering banana peels everywhere. I attempted to put some distance between myself and him, yet he got a revolver on to me and emptied the gun into my head and body, smushing my head as easily as watermelon. He then picked up my brain and placed it in his box. However, my murderer was pulled out of the broken airlock with me and slipped on his own banana peel, thus causing his demise. How ironic. As I explored my newfound degree of freedom, it soon became apparent that nobody had really noticed anything had happened, so I decided to spook the quartermaster, who eventually came to my aid, along with several borgs. She checked my body, announced I was dead, and then... went off to rescue the injured miner that I was originally looking for? Oh well. I suppose I had all day to wait. The borgs dragged the bodies to medbay. Doe was dropped off at cloning, and I was left in the care of a chemist. Not noticing the lack of head, they proceeded to apply medicine to my body, and then applied strange reagent. Upon this happening, my headless body started moving, clawing at the room, and gasping for air. My body was alive, yet I was not. Cue screaming. The chemist, satisfied with their monstrosity, dragged the headless body to surgery, where the surgeon began repairing the body's damaged areas, yet not noticing the lack of head. I managed to look at the surgeon's console, and it looked like this: At one point the body registered 201 damage, yet the body was STILL ALIVE. Finally, after noticing something was clearly wrong, the surgeon seemed to look more closely, and saw that I was missing my head. Everyone was quite nonplussed. Yet it gets weirder... Meanwhile, on the asteroid, Aurea Dsia had managed to find my brain, and was bringing it to surgery. She kindly agreed to donate her head so I could live again, which was... very kind of her. The surgeon took her in, and removed her head. He then attached her head to my living body which was gasping for air, then stood back to admire his work. Fawkes gasps! Uh-oh. So. We had my old plasmaman body, which was living, with a human head attached to the neck stump, with a dead human's brain and consciousness inside it. The body was alive, yet the soul was dead. Shortly afterwards, the surgeon noticed that there was a mixup, so proceeded to remove the human brain from the human head. Somehow, this resulted in him killing the monstrosity that the chemist had created (I am not even sure if this counts as killing). He, however, couldn't tell which one was which, and by this point the shuttle was docking with the station, so he dragged the body to the shuttle, and took both our brains to Centcomm be processed. I'm still unsure where the body ended up - probably to some forsaken department of medsci. Me? I hope that, after what I've seen, I at least have my memories rearranged to forget about this... interesting medical journey. I can but hope. Fawkes.
  20. If they are obtuse enough to not know that plasmamen or vox die when stripped, they really shouldn't be playing security. That being said, it would be a good idea to include the information.
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