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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/06/2022 in all areas

  1. Hi, This mainly applies to NSS Cyberaid map but it also applicable to all maps. Background: I've played a bit of engineer lately and begun to play around with power and I noticed a glaring problem in how the station is powered. At the beginning of the game it draws around 160 kW by default and unless major changes changes happens to the station, it rarely draws more than an average of 160 kW. Meanwhile the supermatter engine on nitrogen cooling easily provides around 360 kW and 1 set of 60 solar panels produce around 90 kW. All of the solar panels of course doesn't provide 90 kW at the same time, but around 2 sets can be assumed to be able to face the sun at any given moment. Now the benefit of solars is supposedly that they're safe and this is true. But a nitrogen powered supermatter engine is also very safe. Even a carbondioxide powered engine is quite safe (at least as long as you set it up correctly). This has the consequence that there's little benefit of solar panels compared to the SM engine since they're both quite safe. The overhanging threat of admin bans for antags who mess with the engine without ahelping also makes people not bother messing with it (or so I assume since sabotage of the SM engine has never happened once over the 100s of hours I've spent on engineering), leaving most power concepts pretty redundant and leaving the SM as a perfectly safe option on the same level as solar panels in practice. But solar panels take a lot longer to set up. The wiring mechanic is error prone and because they need to not be obstructed, they're set up in different corners of the station. In addition the use of hardsuit means it takes up inventory space and slows down the engineer who's sent out to fix them up. But most notably, the solar panels are very redundant! The SM is equally as safe to them, requires often no oversight whatsoever and produces like double the power of all the solar panels combined. Setting up solars is often just a waste of time and at best they act as a power reserve in case some engineer manages to blow the SM engine at some point or a meteor hits the SM engine somehow. In addition the SM engine itself often has no reason to be revisited in the round because of changing circumstances because it produces so much power. You could for instance add more emitters, but why would you when one emitter is basically enough to power the station on its own? You could in theory build another SM engine or some other power-producing object, but once again there's little reason to do so since the power requirements of the station is by default way too low for such to be necessary. Suggestion: There's multiple ways of balancing this issue. In my opinion, a SM engine which is powered by nitrogen should generate just short of enough power for the station by default (somewhere around maybe 140 kW), so it actually has a significant drawback to being a super safe cooling solution and it would require the assembly of solar panels for the station to remain power positive. This would still make power easy but it would also make it less brain dead. There would be incentive to revisit power throughout the round as well or to even upgrade the SM engine or use alternate sources, build more solar panels, make a backup SMES battery for important departments, you know useful stuff for engineering to spend time on... The other is a simple revision to the rule to allow the SM engine to be fair game without ahelping for antags to target. This is of course not super ideal since it can feel like an overbearingly vulnerable target and have far too great consequences should they suceeed but that is also the fault of the design of the SM engine. Maybe a SM engine fault shouldn't be so dramatic, maybe it should be easier to correct faults or sabotage? The current meta of ahelping is a bandaid in of itself because of a lackluster design from the start (no offense meant). The third option (which means more work), is to oversee the objects that draw power. Maybe certain objects should have a much greater power draw. Maybe cryo tubes draw too little or maybe the cooler does which cools the cryo fluid? Maybe the kitchen should draw more power somehow when objects are used? Maybe the chem dispensers should draw some power to regain components? I'd really like some sort of overhaul of the power system because it just seems to depressing that one engineer dabs off to fix solars every round and spends like half the shift doing so and in the end it's entirely pointless.
    4 points
  2. Realism != good gameplay. The notes aren't overbearing, either. Often times you'll hardly notice them. They add a subtle touch. If we wanted to remove many of the subtle touches akin to this, the game would become rather soulless. Missing the point of my statement and fitting in a snarky reply, but sure, why not. My point was largely that HRP servers think a good deal more about these sorts of things than most other server. If they're willing to put in something like this, it's generally because it's small, subtle, and non instrusive--while also bringing something else to the table. I'm one of the biggest 'muh immersion' players around, and I certainly can't find a problem with the notes. This is a suggestion thread, where people discuss and debate ideas. If someone disagrees with you, they may engage with you on that point--particularly when you appear to hold the more 'controversial' viewpoint within this thread.
    1 point
  3. Well you don't see notes flying around other people's head when they listen to music, but you can tell they listen to music if they cranked up the volume to max. You can hear the beat etc. you could interpret it as this very effect. Anyway ss13 is not really grounded in reality in general. Paradise station is not meant to make it more realistic. We literally give chaplains some divine power, there are vampires and mages. That screams more of a fantasy than grounded sci-fi. And seeing we added lately new class to vampires i would presume that making the game realistic is not the direction maintainers and admins want to take. If some people want to have the notes flying around them i say let them have it. It's really hard to notice someone's wearing headphones if the notes are not flying around. People usually don't examine other players to check what they are wearing. If you have notes flying around you it says imidiently "they are listening to music". Good design for people that want to be perceived in a specific way that requires them to wear headphones.
    1 point
  4. A new player learning medical saw my vox. I was in tears from laughter.
    1 point
  5. Soo this one round a sol trader ship was selling stuff at 500 credits and luckily they had a bike so after nervously waiting in the queue I finally got it the beautiful bike , it was Soo pretty and cool BUT IT WAS THE END OF THE SHIFT JUST AFTER I GOT IT , I’ve never felt Soo sad and salty at the same time
    1 point
  6. I was talking to some old friends recently and I decided to make a post about it, I am going to be putting some fun facts and memories of very early SS13 days. I have been playing SS13 since about 2003 or so and originally worked on a very early concept of an advanced medical system with Exadv1 ( Bonus points if anyone can tell me what his username was short for!). So for my first random fact: Way back when once a new round started everyone first spawned on a big shuttle, you had to move you char to the very top and hit 'Ready" and then Enter" and you would be teleported to a holding area on the ship before the round actually started. This would sometimes cause some fights and chaos as the fast you hit "Ready" and "Enter" the better your chances at a job and there were limited tiles you could ready up on.
    1 point
  7. The bridge used to be in the north east side of the station with quite a nice view into space! Though the captains room was about the size of the current janitors closet!
    1 point
  8. The original Station used a Plasma fire engine, this often lead to massive explosions that would blow the majority of the map up!
    1 point
  9. On the very early SS13 servers the full brig was about the size of the our current captains office with one cell inside of it. The server populations were still small then but that was still a very crowded brig.
    1 point
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