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  1. Hello! This is my Roleplaying guide based on my time on paradise combined with a lot of tabletop roleplaying experience. I hope it can give some interesting ideas. If it doesn't, I'm still happy you took the time to check it out. This guide doesn't dwell a lot on what you SHOULD do but rather HOW you do it. It's easy to tell someone to roleplay. It's harder to tell someone how to roleplay. This guide tries to amend this by providing traditional roleplaying and improv techniques. It also gives a lot of examples on how you could accomplish the three steps detailed below. The guide in 4 words: Build, do not destroy. The three things that make you a good roleplayer in this game are the following, in order of priority: Create interesting situations Be Interested Be Interesting Creating interesting situations Difficulty: Hard Note: As always, any interesting situations you create should follow the servers rules. The hardest, but also the most interesting part. It's hard to define an interesting situation but it's something that involves player characters somehow interacting with something. The classic example is an antagonist trying to kill you. It is immediately interesting because it's your character being hunted by a threat. You wanting to survive versus the antagonist wanting to take you down. However, interesting situations can be bigger than this. The bartender can throw a date night for the lonely hearts, the librarian could have a poetry competition, a civilian could try to get a permit to build something in the maints. The possibilities are endless, it just requires imagination. They also require initiative and work. Creating something means you have to try and risking failure. This is, combined witht he imagination required to come up with interesting ideas, is what makes this the hardest thing in this guide. Push yourself and go for it. Examples of creating interesting situations Here are some suggestions for different jobs to initiate interesting situations. Note: This skill depends heavily on the round and whats going on. If you're currently to busy doing your job to initiate interesting situations, do your duties first, then start getting creative. If you got skills, you might be able to do both. Captain: HOP: Sec Officer: Detective: Therapist: Civilian: Be interested Difficulty: Easy Be interested in other characters. Ask them about stuff. Ask them about their backgrounds and whatever else comes to mind. This is appreciated by everyone who has made a Character. They want people to know about their character. Let them show it off. By being interested, you can also show off your character. I've heard SS13 being called a "glorified chatroom" and it struck quite a cord with me. Talk to people. Ask them about their day. Being able to smalltalk as a made up character is a pretty high level of roleplay. The 4 techniques used to be interested are: "I heard a rumour" Yes/Yes And/ Yes But Have an excuse to start a conversation Join in on the action "I heard a rumour" One of the easiest and best conversation techniques to use in this game. As long its harmless, you can make stuff up about OTHER player characters like rumours or facts. Bonus points if you make this flattering or interesting tailored to their personality. They could play along using yes/yes and/ yes but or just say you're totally wrong. Either way, they get a chance to small talk about a possible previous event. Maybe even add something to their backstory. Try it. Examples About a Badass: About a Captain: About a Detective: About a Quartermaster About a Clown: About a Mime: Fill in the blank examples: Yes/ Yes and/ Yes But: This is a classic Improv technique. Someone comes to you for something. Clown wants all access, the chaplain wants to bless you, Sec wants to arrest you, Captain wants you for a special mission. In most cases, you should avoid saying no (Unless you really don't want to do it). It's better to say Yes/Yes and/ Yes but. All these answers will lead to MORE roleplaying and MORE interactions. A No will in most cases lead to less roleplaying. However, you should obviously still follow the server rules and apply common sense to the situations. Examples below. HOP example: Chaplain Blessing you example: Sec Arresting you example: Captain wants you example: Have an excuse to start an interaction When you make your character, consider how they interact with certain people. Different people want different things out of an interaction. What would your character be interested in finding out? Some are focused on the job/personal life/love life/interests. More detail on how to create excuses for your character is in the character creator in the next post. Examples, based on types that can be found on the station.: The young CentCom goldenboy/girl The Gossipy Grandmother The Naive Newcomer The Flirt The Badass The Preacher Join in on the action If you see someone announcing something, like a private investigator, a fun religion or a scientific experiment being announced, interact with it in some way. Just stopping by is good but if you can contribute, taking it in a different direction or building upon what's already there, it's even better. Create interaction. By talking with someone, you can start a series of events that could make someones round a lot better. Don't be afraid to ask people for things or ask about things. Be Interesting Difficulty: Medium. To be interesting means you have a character people are curious about and want to interact with. Your character changes you from just your job to an actual person. This step also happens before you've actually started playing the game. In my next post I'll post a character creator, designed specifically for Paradise, to help you create an interesting character. Some shortcuts to be interesting are the following: Have a unique or odd style/appereance. Speak in a distinct manner. Off hand mentions to previous events in your life. If you came this far, thanks for reading. I truly hope it gave you one or two ideas!
    2 points
  2. Made a custom card for @MysticLiger , hope you like it. :) Happy Anniversary with @xProlithium. Many more to come!
    2 points
  3. new custom for @xProlithium ; hope you like it, admemer. Portrait by @MysticLiger. great job!
    2 points
  4. Made a new custom ID for @CourierAsy ; using @Drakeven's art :) Hope you like it! :0 *beep
    2 points
  5. drew a couple unathi (koik) (fenton) and updated a reaction png i had
    1 point
  6. Hey all, long time no see. Made a new custom card for @Vuhonn hope you like it. *beep
    1 point
  7. So i randomly found this guy in maints wile building an autolathe there. We talk for a bit and we agree that we want to make the maints a better place as maints dwellers. I make my autolathe and a hydroponics tray he makes a chemistry both and sells his universal medkits to medbay. We fix up the room to look legit as all hell, it was a secret room in the beginning but we did everything to upgrade. Good times.
    1 point
  8. Sol-Oorm-La has a good bad day. [00:00] Hhhh. The shuttle ride is bumpy. Everyone else smells. You get used to it, in the same way one gets used to arthritis. Painful. Unpleasant. An unavoidable part of Nanotrasen Employment. [00:03] Tayata is not here. AGAIN. My little parakeet is out on special assignment, doing work in another solar system. It's likely not Nanotrasen, considering her name won't bring anything up in security records anymore. A waste of chloroform that adventure was. [00:05] There is the grey. James? It had a weird name. Likely why I remember it. It was at our wedding. Flatulent. We carved it to seal our ceremony. It squealed like a Jlorm out of water. The cloner didn't remove the scar. ... [00:10] It has passed wind again. Everyone is being polite and pretending they did not hear it. That is stupid. [00:11] James is crying. It is overly sensitive. Greys are not capable of growing tumor cultures. It was an empty threat. - [00:18] Hhhhh. We've arrived. NSS Cyberiad. Would it kill them to accommodate us? Vox within stuffy masks and I have to deal with the unbearable heat and humidity. Humans may lounge in their hot boiling atmosphere like maggots, but some of us require sanitary temperatures. Regardless, It is time for my job assignment. [00:19] Head of Personal. Is this a joke? It must be. Paperwork is a massive pustule on the body of a functioning employee. To enable it is to spread a disease willingly. I cannot write galactic common at an advanced level. Nanotrasen is either hiring me out of incompetence, or punishing me for the leg thievery incident. I suspect both. [00:20] The usual suspects line up. The human who wants to explore the gateway. The likely murderer wishing for security access. The mime... being there. He has not moved for about a minute now, and his breath is fogging up the access line window. [00:25] I have completed the majority of requests. The rest can have card changes another time. I am sick of their stench. [00:25] Peace and quiet. While I far prefer the chill and carpet-less touch of the operating room tiles under my toes, the soundproofing makes up for what this office lacks in taste. [00:29] ... [00:31] ... [00:33] I am bored. [00:38] So far security has done their usual route of incompetence. The overfunded growth of this station has falsely arrested a clown for a slipping spree, which was actually the fault of the janitor. It is hardly surprising. In other news, there is no news. [00:39] I have gone to the bridge. The place stinks of caffeine and sugar as usual. The captain is talking to the representative. Some debacle involving lube. Likely discussing fornication. It is easy to tune out humans, but the representative's bubbling and popping is irregular enough that it's jarring. Slime people truly are designed in all the worst ways. No bones, no organs - Their cut off limbs don't sell well either. I'm fairly certain they're the anthesis of Nanotrasen's motto; To annoy me and make my job difficult with other organisms. Once I made myself known, they whined that I needed to 'finish my job'. Neither of THEM were doing anything. The only job of a captain is to provide entertainment for the strange cult that sits in front of the bridge. The representative is just here to make up rules to stop people having fun. Neither of them have the slightest understanding of hard work. It's been nearly forty minutes and I haven't been cloned once due to self-inflicted wounds. Dying of boredom is more entertaining, and messier. Perhaps it'd make the janitor do their job. [00:40] This is awful. I cannot STAND this. A cyborgification contract. So many WORDS. all in their grubby little language. Would it kill galactic common to include frequncitones? The language is so blocky and meandering. It barely describes anything and you have to assume the majority of the meaning based on whatever brain-dead cretin handed it to you. I'll give it my stamp, I'm sure it's fine. They're a civilian anyway, the most they'd be otherwise is half-time entertainment. [00:42] Done. Additionally, I've purchased the captain's soap from him. It was cheap. Free. [00:43] The captain DOES NOT TAKE BATHS. He cannot insist that this 'valuable property'. [00:45] Apparently the captain has taken one bath, for the dopamine rush and 'thrill of it'. Knowing this, I have relinquished the soap. I expect this incident to haunt me for some time. I would remove the taste with fine cuisine, but the chef is only making omelets. I cannot understand Earthen cuisine. Why are is it so specific on when a fetus must be eaten? They gain less nutrition while it's small. [00:46] Back to my job. Which is to sit here, and look at the quartermaster. they are on the ground next to a clown. The clown is laughing. This shift is dull. [01:20] I have woken up. Apparently there was a murder. Importantly though, I can hear a scratching underneath the carpet of this office. If it is terror spiders, I will at least be of use to something this shift. [01:20] It is a mouse. [01:21] Mouse. carriers of disease. Underrated, as far as applications go. A mouse is the perfect mammal. Useful for testing. Displays similar behavior patterns to humans. Can chew through keratin, fur and skin. But it is unfortunately not useful to me when I am stuck babysitting the incompetent who are unable to sign a simple job waiver. Oh look, it is drooling onto the carpet. Truly, a perfect example of the crowning intelligence of mammals. [01:22] Something is wrong with this mouse. It has large growths sagging off it. They are not tumors- the skin tissue is all wrong. They appear similar to boils, but the smell is strongly sulphuric. It may be a new disease! [01:22] Time to investigate. [01:23] It attempted to run into the bridge. I am taller. I am faster. It did not escape. A dissection will reveal your secrets, little rodent. [01:28] The captain gave me an odd look. Something akin to disgust and bewilderment. Perhaps he is constipated. Human bowel functions are poorly designed. They'll dye their hair but not straighten their rectum, another sign of their inconsistent values and priorities. Bah! Hopeless. Now for my fun. [01:30] I have taken a knife from the kitchen. The chef was missing. Won't be missed. A race that deep fries earthen vegetables clearly needs a few centuries Darwinism to sort itself out. [01:30] The first slice was unexpected. The second I cut into the thick oily coating surrounding the growths, they exploded. Fortunately it doesn't appear to be acidic, despite initial projections. It appears that the growths had some sort of tendril-like system wrapped around the animal's spinal cord. Fungal in origin? [01:31] The structure is all wrong for this to be a fungus. I can practically feel my heart thumping behind my eyes, threatening to rattle out of my mantle. FOCUS! A precise cut prevents poor performance. - [01:38] I have finished dissecting the rodent. I would have cut further down the abdomen, but the growths ended at the lumbar spine. I'll investigate the lower regions for abnormalities later. This growth system is far more elaborate then I initially projected- there appears to be some sort of chemical injection via pseudopods into the brain- the growth uses the rat's own muscles to control it. It seems that it either replicates or reprograms the muscles to pump the excess blood containing these chemicals into the brain. This is clearly a short-lived parasite, the excessive pressure and blood would likely cause a hemorrhagic stroke within hours. How does such a developed and deeply ingrained infection develop so quickly? The nutrients and resources it would need to replicate and expand into the rodent's body do not correlate with the projected lifespan the rodent would have post-infection. I will need to cross-reference brain rot. If we're lucky an infection will break out soon for a fresh sample. [01:39] Curse the physical body. An incredible apparatus to be endlessly modified. The only toll it takes is food- but a toll none the less. Why must my work be interrupted by these pangs? I cannot focus if my hypothalamus continues to complain. But the food the chef created.. those foul concoctions. Revolting. And it's unlikely the medical bay has fresh samples for consumption. [01:40] I am growing desperate. The gnawing has become unbearable. My dearest Tayata. the only creature of which cannot be perfected. I hope you are enjoying yourself at your job- you likely are. It is difficult to make you unhappy. Otherwise we would not be married, if my hypothesis is correct- the pain, it is unbearable. There are no options other then my cyanide implants. [01:40] Unless... [01:42] I have equipped myself with my gun and will use this chair as a shield. The captain is the only one in the bridge. Hopefully Nanotrasen will understand my resort to cannibalism, given the dire circumstances. [01:42] Wait. [01:42] Did I pre-pay my company insurance? [01:42] A thousand dead stars! If I die the warranty expires. [01:42] But if I eat the captain...Wait. [01:42] The rat specimen. So much unfound potential. A new disease with incredible new properties. It could be sold for so much. And yet, the aroma is so tantalizingly fresh now. Even the yellow pustules give it a healthy, finely aged look. What am I willing to do in the name of science? [01:43] I have decided that I am not willing to die in the name of science. I'm sorry, future Sol. Rent will not be easy next month. [01:47] It was deceiving, in the way that all earthen food is. The bitter aftertaste gave way to warm, chunky flesh. It burns my mouth, and yet I will starve without nourishment. And I am at least certain it is better then the omelets. Another discovery of science, lost to space and the digestive system. [01:47] THE REPRESENTATIVE WAS THERE. [01:49] WHY WAS SHE IN MY OFFICE!? I haven't broken a single standard operating procedure this hour. And clearly from the captain's behavior, lack of interest or incompetence is CLEARLY not a factor. Synthetics may be void of hunger, but they seem to be void of reason. It was a dire circumstance. [01:50] Appendix-grown fetuses, she's still going. She's not even mad about the discovery lost. Idiot. If it were me, I'd be ripping myself apart to find the dissected sample. Were it not for my own pesky self-preservation instincts, I'd already be gouging out my upper third intestine. And yet her concerns are HYGIENE. SANITARY. She is a SYNTHETIC. WHY DOES IT BOTHER HER!? [01:51] I have been let off with a warning. A very dull, long warning. While there is no consequence for my job and rank, I do not want to be caught again. It is hard to look like you are listening to something that you cannot operate on, because there is no true incentive for co-operation. But I must keep my placement here. Space trade organs are expensive. This rat is irritating my intestinal tract, I believe. It is unpleasant. [01:59] The pain of hunger cannot compare to this. My intestinal tract is compressing and contracting as though I have ingested chili. It is agony. I am used to physical pain. The parasite could not have survived the dissection. It is impossible. And even if it did, the chance of it adapting to a Hoorlm-born specimen is.. highly improbable. [02:08] I am going to die. My warranty is going to expire, and I am going to have to perform secretary duties to keep my pod. Let the cloning bay malfunction, so I am not subjected to this hell after rebirth. Perhaps the wizened are right. We should not have abandoned our spiritual rites at Hoorlm. [02:10] [AUTOMATED LOG]: THE EMERGENCY SHUTTLE HAS BEEN CALLED AT 2:10] [02:11] Central Command. If I can make it there, I can get to my self-performance kit. If I can't remove the parasite, I'll just remove my parietal lobe. I can live without object permanence. It'll be fine. [02:12] I've made it onto the shuttle. The captain appears to be covered in a lubricant, and has been strapped into the command chair with tape. I could only make out a few words beneath this wave of agony. Something about clowns and butter. The captain appears to be in a state of shock. [02:15] The lurch of the shuttle's done it. Whatever the pain was, it's finally go - INCIDENT REPORT-#818 Two hours and fifteen minutes [12:20, LOCAL STAR ROTATION] into shift #4804 aboard the NSS CYBERIAD emergency shuttle #14, a level 5 biohazard was identified and spotted by command staff. This biohazard originated from the body of Sol-Oorm-La, temporary Head of Personnel relief and registered employee. Upon the biohazard being visually identified, Captain K'lark of Clan Kuzzczack attempted to destroy the biohazard with an energy gun, but was rendered unconscious due to hitting his head on the command console. This was later found due to his entire person being coated in clown butter (SEE INCIDENT REPORT #819). K'lark's acting Blueshield (Jamie Gulivner, rank 37) Responded swiftly and neutralized the biohazard with their own energy gun. The body of Sol-Oorm-La was later cloned at Central Command. Captain K'lark of Clan Kuzzczack issued a statement for the report to central command, claiming it was "The second worst thing that's happened to me." Further investigation has found no syndicate involvement, and the incident is marked as closed.
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