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  1. Yesterday
  2. With a lack of a thread for our puppers lets make one here. Ill go first. Came home after work to this and couldnt be angry.
  3. Last week
  4. Both the Terrarium and the Syndicate Outpost have a Nutrimax Vendor, which is where you'll be able to dispense yourself a seed sorting tray. You can also use a plant analyzer on a plant bag for faster sorting if you want (both also found in the same vendor). I hope this helps!
  5. Earlier
  6. The Lavaland Botany Ghostrole "Preserved Terrarium" is intended to have a full setup to be able to play around with botany relatively easily. Unfortunately, the Botany Rework added the need of the seed sorter when plant mutations are being done and the previously mentioned "Preserved Terrarium" Ghostrole currently lacks the seed sorter. I have also noticed that the Syndicate Outpost Ghostrole also lacks a seed sorter. This role needs it as being able to play around and figure out the various things on the Outpost such as Botany. In short: Add one or more seed sorters to both the Preserved Terrarium Ghostrole and Syndicate Outpost Ghostrole.
  7. Update I should have posted like a week ago. The unlucky sods at CM got given our fucked box.
  8. Thanks! That's exactly what I was going for, as I do love a battle of attrition.
  9. This sounds really fun. Specifically, shatter and rupture. It forces combatants to retreat or succumb to injuries off the bat instead of harm harm you're dead now.
  10. Syndicate Combat Training - A particularly lethal martial art taught to elite syndicate operatives, focusing on raw damage. Purchasable by agents for 70 TC. Grants 40% reduced stamina damage. Basic Attacks: Harm - Deals 10 damage. Deals 5 bonus damage to targets that are aggressively grabbed (or floored) and 10 bonus damage to targets that are neck-grabbed. Grab - All grabs start as aggressive. Throwing someone into someone else deals more damage and downs them both for an extended amount of time. Combo Attacks: > > > Shatter - A forceful strike intended to break bone, fracturing the targeted limb. Needs to be executed twice to fully break the head or chest. > > > Rupture - A targeted jab that bursts blood vessels, causing internal bleeding in the targeted body part. Additionally removes 10% of their blood. > > > > Shock - A specialized attack that targets the organs, with different effects based on the targeted body part. Head: Inflicts brain damage, confuses, and blurs vision temporarily. Chest: Damages the heart and lungs, deals oxygen and minor stamina damage (enough to slow down). Lower Body: Damages the liver, forcing the target to vomit blood and dealing significant stamina damage. Arms: Retargets to chest. Legs: Retargets to lower body. > > > > > > > > Obliterate - A finishing move that carries enough force to sever the targeted limb. Has varying effects depending on the target's state. Standing: Knocks the target down and severs their arm/leg, launching it several tiles. Floored: Severs the target's arm/leg and removes 50% of their blood, spraying it on nearby walls. Dead: Severs any limb, breaks bones and inflicts internal bleeding on body parts near the targeted one. (beheading people with your bare hands is awesome)
  11. this is technically a trial admin therefore we can count it as going back -1 therefore 3 backpacks
  12. I realized once you got admin really anything is possible im running for president next
  13. Clover and lore? Never expected this combo!
  14. Name: Clover Koi Gender: Female Species: Human Age: 26 Background and Qualifications Education: Biography: The following is a segment of a transcript recorded prior to their transition into complete employment at Nanotrasen: Appearance:
  15. Seen it before a few times, its always awful and not very fun.
  16. I mean this'll just cause half the crew to suicide or cryo, so there's a lot less people in the round and a lot of salty people in dchat who got tricked into not playing the game
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