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Port Goonstation


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So, mayyyyybe I've been playing a bit too much goonstation for my own good, but here goes nothing.


Basically, how feasible would it be to port a lot of the differences between goonstation and paradise? Goongenetics is AMAZING. Interesting powers AND a reason not to OD on power. Mechanic is cool. Mechanic being able to replicate stuff? Why not - it's basically R&D without the ability to make new things. Mining having cool ores that they can smelt together, Artifacts existing for Science again, freaking stock markets and economy systems, imagine adding even more interesting complexity to the game.


Talk about a coding mess, though. I don't think our poor coders could survive it.


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I mostly want goon genetics and VR.

We had the code for this a long time ago, it couldn't work with our DNA system, so it was either GoonDNA/genetics or what we have now. I hope Fox can (dis)prove this?


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Port Memes!





Or am i?



On a serious note, we need goon genetics bad... would stop alot of the "I gots hulk! Ill look for strange objects in maintenance :wink: :wink:"


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Goons mining, surgery system, augments, mechanic with his Reverse Engineer capabilities - thats all very very cool.

And security can fine and ticket people as well, which is fun.

Also goons have programmed bots Guardbuddies.


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