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New Genetics Disabilities


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New genetic disabilities ideas - These are not the kind of disabilities to get at the start of the round, just something you get for fucking with genetics ie tourettes and shit



Flaming Bile - Your stomach feels hot. If you vomit for any reason while you have this disability, you also cough up some blood and you receive some burn damage. (If possible, make this vomit orange-colored?)


Avian Bones Syndrome - You feel really... brittle. You can suffer from broken bones much more often and you have a weakness to brute. (Although I thought this was already a genetic defect under a different name, I couldn't find anything on the wiki.)


Fake Hulk - Your muscles ache. More or less meant to throw off those that don't read carefully, this gives you the hulk overlay and the OBNOXIOUS LOUD SHOUTING thing but doesn't affect you in any other way, all your stats are unchanged and you gain no special abilities.


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Actually DNA deterioration would be neat, you slowly start developing some kind of like mutation illness or some sort of cancer or idk how this stuff works.

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I actually really do appreciate the idea of having a maximum number of mutations on one entity. We'd need to come up with an appropriate and reasonable number before seeing about adding it to the game.


Let's take the arbitrary number of 3 powers per entity, maximum. Maybe if you go over that amount you start taking regular toxin damage, like 0.1 every tick, so you better keep some anti-toxin chems handy. I think that if we limit it to 3 powers most people will go after the big 3 powers: Xray, TK, and Remote View.


This will hopefully cut down on the people using Hulk or Polymorph to stir up trouble, although now that TK works through Remote View that's a whole new can of worms that needs to be dealt with as it's extremely powerful combo for antags who have the goal to kill someone. To be fair a well-regulated Genetics department shouldn't be handing out powers to randoms anyways but if the antag is in a Command position, especially the CMO role, it's just a matter of making sure Genetics is staffed properly and waiting for the powers to come rolling in. It's a valid tactic, for sure.


Maybe instead of constant toxin damage having more than 3 powers makes you start to manifest a disability for every power beyond the 3rd?


I'unno. This is certainly a topic worth continuing, though maybe in another thread since this thread is about adding in new disabilities.


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I like what Keroman has suggested. For every power above a set limit, you gain a new debuff. The more powers you have, the stronger the debuffs get. I think that acts as a way to balance it out. Let's hear your opinions on this.

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Too harsh...

WELL, the only thing most geneticists do all shifts is to sit there and collect powers, besides, when did you NEED more than three powers at once?


having the leaper ability on its own is a pretty amazing thing to have.


only having the matter eater makes you immune to handcuffs.



only bad thing i can see is that geneticists can literally insert every disability and superpower into one person with one syringe for a quick death...


they dont even have to inject them, just convince them to use the needle.


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I'm in favor of the fake hulk, as removing some of the dud blocks to have more disabilities, but, instead of limits, how about after every so and so shots (three or four) a random block is activated, good or bad. I don't think a simple radiation/toxin damage is enough. They really do have some amazing powers but I don't think there should be a limit. And if we go for the min-max route ( a good for a bad one) then they wont be any different than virology and they have much less to offer in terms of beneficial stuff.


As for geneticists only sitting on their asses all shift stuffing powers into themselves? Those kind tend to get fired when they ignore orders and other responsibilities.


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Too harsh...


SS13 is meant to be harsh, suck it up. Genetics is just too stronk, which =/= harsh, so some balancing debuffs would be ok.


And yeah, I guess they do, Knighted, but that's only if a competent CMO is on. (Although most CMOs are competent by what I've seen, there's always one or two bad dicks in the bunch.)


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A while ago, having a single Power would give you clone damage over time, with more damage overall as you get more powers. This was absolutely terrible since Greys would receive clone damage due to their roundstart Telepathy.. and thus this was removed shortly after. I suppose you could re-add something like this, but give it a reasonable threshold before you start breaking down.

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Too harsh...


SS13 is meant to be harsh, suck it up. Genetics is just too stronk, which =/= harsh, so some balancing debuffs would be ok.


And yeah, I guess they do, Knighted, but that's only if a competent CMO is on. (Although most CMOs are competent by what I've seen, there's always one or two bad dicks in the bunch.)


So if I need a clean SE I need to inject myself with charcoal afterwards? silly


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You do that anyway with normal genetics: SEs, clean or not, cause a slight bit of rad toxins, unless that was changed. (Or if Radiation =/= toxins. Either way, you still need something to fix you up last time I've done it.)

Man the hell up. It isn't difficult to get charcoal anyways.


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I definately support the idea of some kind of debuff or other penalty associated with having too many powers at a time. First thing that comes to mind would be just simply having the stability of the mutations decrease proportional to the number you've got (or how massive the change is, if that is possible. I'm a bit rusty on genetics. Do some mutations require more modified blocks than others?)


If I remember correctly, radiation exposure run the chance of causing random genetic modification, correct? Perhaps apply a similar effect to mutations. If you could make having X number of mutations apply tox damage, then I see no reason why you couldn't use the same system to apply the genetic scrambling from Radiation as well.


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It already takes ages to stack up on powers. A whole round to solo an SE, and not much less than that-- even working with a competent coworker


This sounds like 'I ded pls nerf' to me


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I've seen competent Geneticists find all the powers (with, admittedly, a little bit of luck) within 30 minutes working with a partner. Of course this thread is less about removing powers and more about adding in more disabilities to balance out powers. Even limited to 3 powers an antag could be a huge menace so long as they picked the powers that best suited what they were trying to do. And keep in mind I threw out 3 powers maximum as an arbitrary number just for the sake of example. I'd be all for a discussion about whether or not such limits would be reasonable and if so what should the limit be but, again, that's outside the scope of this thread.


Another suggestion would be to allow any single SE block the ability to manifest A) nothing, B) a disabilty), C) a power, or D) both a power AND a disability. You want Xray but it comes with tourettes? Deal with it or do without.


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I know the dna code pretty well and play genetics, so time to weigh in


Another suggestion would be to allow any single SE block the ability to manifest A) nothing, B) a disabilty), C) a power, or D) both a power AND a disability. You want Xray but it comes with tourettes? Deal with it or do without.


to avoid assassinations via too many powers AND disabilities in one needle, can we limit the amount of powers/disabilities you can get from one needle to 1-3?


i know full well that this could be a coding nightmare.


With how the code is, both of these would be horrible to try and implement.


Radiation =/= toxins. Increasing the toxins wouldn't help as often the first thing a geneticist does is head to robotics to get a medibot for the lab. Radiation had more potential, but unfortunately I figured out a work around in about 2 mins... namely start playing as Diona, as radiation doesn't mutate them, it heals them.


Both causing random mutations and causing random disabilities each time you get a power over a certain number of powers are doable. I'm not sure which I prefer... random mutation seems far more natural, but would lead to (pretty rare) situations like finding xray and getting tk as a mutation


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I'm personally a huge fan of Goon's system.


Instead of "spam button, hopef or luck, receive powers".


Each person's DNA strands are unique; not every mob will have every single power/disability.


As for activating powers, it's like a game of mastermind; you engage in a process of elimination to pint down what strands should be what, then activate them.


You don't have access to injectors until about halfway through the round--they have to be researched via the research budget---you can get more points if you actually clone people (or just bide your time).


As for power stacking? Well, every gene has positive or negative stability; disabilities have negative, powers have positive; if your stability is too high (too many powers), you'll start taking tox+brute+burn damage; the higher it is, the more frequently (and more) damage you take; if you go over the ultimate limit, you roll for a chance to out and out gib the next life cycle.


The gist is you have to take disabilities with powers to balance it out---though some are neutral (speech modifiers, for instance).




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