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Energy/Laser Shotguns


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I think we should get them. I know there is code there for them, I've used it on a sandbox server once upon a time. I think it'd be neat. Laser shotguns that shoot 6 10 damage laser balls, disabler shotguns that shoot a spray of disabler beams to non-lethally clear out the rowdy bar patrons, pulse shotguns, for the REALLY angry Deathsquaddies who want to kill, maim, AND breach as much of the station as possible, etc. I think it'd be fun!

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I absolutely like the idea of disabler shotguns, however it's absolutely going to prompt a dozen cries of shitcurity over the radio because you're definitely going to hit bystanders who aren't actually being troublesome. Maybe make each of the beams from the shotgun do half the (what is it, stamina damage? I dunno what it's called) effect of the disabler shot from a hybrid taser. It'd take more shots to knock people down but it would certainly slow people down so you can get up close and personal or whip out the taser and finish the job.

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Would it be viable for the DeathSquid shotguns to have some kind of energy blade attachment on the end of them, for the squaddie who doesn't wanna settle for JUST shooting people?

Also, stun attachments for the normal shotguns just in case, because there is always gonna be that one person who wants to run up to the person with a shotgun


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Imagine a taser shotgun. That would bring in the salt.

Also, bladed pulse shotguns sound fucking fantastic.

Throwing a stun baton onto a ranged weapon though, even if it is a shotgun, would make normal stun batons obsolete.


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I had that idea several days ago. Laser scatterguns. I just considered it too exotic so I didn't share it.


For instance:


  • Cheap scatter attachments to convert existing laser guns into 2x10dmg beams with little spread. Very unrobust, an ad hoc modification, buildable early by science.

  • Dedicated scatterguns (equivalent of a laser cannon) 3x12dmg beams with moderate spread. More robust, doesn't hold much charge. Still more accurate than ballistic shotguns.

Regarding non-lethal weaponry...



A relatively slow shockwave cone (could be 70-90 degrees wide) that deals stamina damage depending on how far away you are from the origin point - plus, it goes through mobs. Holds 3 shots. It deals enough stamina damage to stun point blank, but otherwise it's a crowd-control weapon that should be followed-up with disabler shots. People will slow down to a crawl when you use it on them. You can also fire twice in a rapid-succession for the ultimate crowd control - cooldown could be that of a taser or slower.


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I see. What are the benefits and downsides of a refactored gun code, apart from the obvious workload it'd put on the coders refactoring/porting it? I assume it wouldn't be a very high priority port at the moment, seeing as gun code works fine right now.

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I see. What are the benefits and downsides of a refactored gun code, apart from the obvious workload it'd put on the coders refactoring/porting it? I assume it wouldn't be a very high priority port at the moment, seeing as gun code works fine right now.


Not much; we've been wanting to do it for about a year now, but it's just an absolute mess and will require a lot of work.


Both DZD and myself independently attempted to port it, got goodness knows how many runtimes, then threw up our hands and said "we have more important things to work on at the moment"


Upsides? More unified code, easier to add in more guns, buckshot lasers, sprites taking up less room, easier to port from TG in the future.


Downsides: Figuring out how to re-implement pixel projectiles with the new system and aim-mode would be axed (good riddance on the latter, if you ask me).


It's more a matter of "effort and what we get out of it vs time that could be spend on other projects". On the whole, aside from a few minor things, players wouldn't really notice any differences at all.


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