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Perma Layout

Will Turner

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So this Idea comes after seeing the prison station events and seeing how different and more expanded the Prison Wing (More of the Perma to be exact) was. As I can not find the correct image of the Prison from what I remember it had several small cells, A botony area, a Basketball hoop, and the bathroom. Now the current perma being 15 by 8 has almost nothing and what it does have is garbage.


What I am trying to say is that the perma is in need of some changes but I do not mean as huge as it was during the prison station because that would be way to much and it was built more to escape. What I am asking for is for the current perma to be expanded.


Now there are plenty of things that could be added but I do not want to ask for much. I am mainly asking because the only thing to do in perma if you have no plan to escape is to suicide or ghost or better yet try and kill your self by spacing your self with no equipment. Basically its boring and has nothing to do in it. As I was saying anything could be added and as my imagination slowly dies while writing this I slowly lose more and more ideas to to add that would not be to hard to work out......I hope you get what I mean from this....


Thanks for taking the time to read this and if anyone has any ideas to add id love to hear it.


Sorry if I miss spelled anything.


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Assuming they're being kept there for a long time, some basic things, like sport stuff (Such as a Basketball and Hoop por Exambre.) Some other, basic stuff would be nice, otherwise, getting Perma'd is a round-ender.

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I'm gonna say no. On the one hand, it would be nice to give prisoners something to actually do, especially if it's something productive (reform programs yay). On the other hand, the company almost certainly doesn't care enough about its permanent prisoners to do anything like that. Also, that's what the labour camp is for, and everyone totally uses that, right?

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In iceland, prisons are of higher quality than retirement homes...




ANYWAYS, one time dumbdumn spawned me a foodbomb and a cardboard stealth box in permabrig for ending up in permabrig 3 times in a row as a peacetag slime person that cant digest the food in the prison vendors...


it ended up to be more fun than normal brig, which is how it should be.


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In iceland, prisons are of higher quality than retirement homes...

The problem there is probably with the retirement homes, not the prisons. Anyway, to the matter at hand...


I guess this is another argument between staying true to the lore (NT is a positively tyrannical corporation that would most certainly disapprove of wasting resources giving prisoners anything more than their basic requirements) and gameplay (sitting around doing nothing more than surviving is boring as all fuck). Personally, I tend to bend more towards the RP/lore side of these things.


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ANYWAYS, one time dumbdumn spawned me a foodbomb and a cardboard stealth box in permabrig for ending up in permabrig 3 times in a row as a peacetag slime person that cant digest the food in the prison vendors...




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IMHO, there are several issues with perma:


1) Gameplay wise, it is the least fun of the three capital crime sentences (the other two being borging, which keeps you in the round, and observing, which at least if you're being removed from the round lets you see how it is going). It is also the default sentence, both for capital crimes (it is the only one that doesn't require captain-level authorization) and for massive accumulation of brig time. This is kinda messed up - we should be trying to keep people in the round, not leave them to rot in perma.


2) Because it is the least fun, it has a hugely high suicide / escape attempt rate, which further makes sec officers hate it. Why bother jailing someone when they're probably going to go SSD / suicide / try to escape as soon as they're jailed, because they have nothing better to do? Borging (for example) would be better.


3) It is super-isolated, with almost no chance of seeing visitors, or really anyone except the odd sec officer. In RL, even people with life in prison are allowed visitors sometimes.



Personally, here is what I'd like to do to fix issues with perma:


1) Create a 'phone room' - a semi-public room in sec that has intercomms linked to the perma prison (and nowhere else) which prisoners can use (with sec approval) to talk with visitors. Sec could use it to interrogate from a safe distance, sec could listen in to prisoner/visitor calls to get intel, etc. RP opportunities.


2) Redesign perma such that there are things prisoners can do there, be it playing arcade games, doing basic botany, or whatnot. There is still an isolation room for people who have to be absolutely confined - but I don't think most perma prisoners are like that. This is actually in sec/NT's best interests - more distractions means fewer suicides, escape attempts, etc. Giving perma prisoners something to do isn't to be nice to them ICly, it is to keep sec / the station happy ICly and everyone happy OOCly.


3) Place some roburgers (or an item with equivalent mechanic) in the execution room. A prisoner who voluntarily eats one would turn into a borg. They'd be scripted such that force-feeding them to someone was impossible. The idea is that if prisoner is going to be sentenced to perma, they can instead ask to eat a roburger and be left in isolation until they turn. This is better for them (more gameplay options), better for sec (no chance of escape/reoffending) and better for the station (they now have a new borg helper). Perhaps these borgs could have a slightly more restrictive special lawset, to ensure that asking sec for one of these roburgers did not become the preferred way to self-borg.


4) Have the 'prisoner transfer shuttle' actually transfer prisoners. IE: lore-wise, send them back to NT and get replacement crew instead. In-game, send them off-map then gib their body and return them to the new player screen, letting them rejoin as a different (perhaps random?) character. That way their character is permanently removed, but their player is not. Great way for sec to reward players who give interesting RP while being captured, etc, while still ICly giving them a suitable punishment for their crimes.


5) Fix the labor camp. It is broken, and used by no-one (except sometimes antags). Ideally, it would be easier for sec to control (ie: prevent break-outs), harder for prisoners to accidentally kill themselves (or be killed by monsters) in, and actually work to effectively release prisoners who compensate with their crimes using labor.


6) Create a safer form of 'supervised release' in between timed brigging and perma. Basically, parole. Parole implants would be like tracking implants, except that people with them have to revisit security and be approved by a sec officer every 20 minutes or so. Failure to do this in time causes the parole implant to broadcast, every 5 minutes or so, the parolee's location over sec radio, and/or act like a tracking implant, and/or incap them like a chem implant full of ether. Oh, and they issue an alarm if removed. Basically, they are very good at controlling a character, and can be used as an alternative sentence for co-operative criminals - or to let some reformed perma prisoners out on parole in certain conditions. Heck, you could create a new karma job, "Parole Officer" whose job it is to manage parolees. This would require quite some balancing (all of the above ideas would be OP together, but maybe some combination would work). Still, if done right, maybe it could create interesting new RP opportunities for both prisoners and sec.


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In iceland, prisons are of higher quality than retirement homes...

I guess this is another argument between staying true to the lore (NT is a positively tyrannical corporation that would most certainly disapprove of wasting resources giving prisoners anything more than their basic requirements) and gameplay (sitting around doing nothing more than surviving is boring as all fuck). Personally, I tend to bend more towards the RP/lore side of these things.


Id agree with you if it weren't for the fact that I do not give a fuck about the lore anymore as its dead and NT is the admins so if they do not give a crap about the players then well that's how servers die


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