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End the traitor's "contact" suggestion at round start


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At round start, traitors are given their objectives, their PDA Uplink code, and a name. The name is of someone aboard the station who may be able to help them in their objectives.


As I understand it, that name is generated not by who is an antagonist, but rather who has a negative opinion of NT selected in their character setup. Often, the name generated, therefore, is not an antagonist.


This has created some odd interactions as a security officer and not knowing of how that name is generated. Twice, when a surrendered traitor tried to negotiate a lower sentence, he gave his contact's name. The first time, thinking this was simply another traitor being referred to as a "contact," they were hauled in for interrogation. They didn't know what was going on, I doubt they even knew the antagonist. After some wrangling, they were released.


The second time it happened, the name was the Blueshield's.


That NT preference is likely one that's indicated once and never changed, and it's a potential round-ruiner for people who get randomly tied up in an antagonist's round. Not to mention that it somewhat encourages self-antagging which could result in a difficult explanation to admins.


I think the name suggestion should be nixed, or at least be made to select only from other round antags. In the latter instance, it will allow traitors to contact each other rather than attempt to use those ridiculous code phrases over comms or in general conversation.


What do you think?


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While I do like the idea of using other antags so as to encourage cooperation, this runs the risk of a captured traitor simply ratting out another traitor who hasn't actually done anything as a means of escaping a harsher sentence.


The main issue I see is that the "contacts" very often tend to entirely a crapshoot for the contacting traitor. They don't know the codewords, so you are almost forced to reveal your status to them directly unless the help you need is very subtle. Additionally, nothing stops them from simply turning around and calling security on you, meaning many times the traitors simply won't bother out of self-preservation.


It would be ideal if the contacts received the code words when they were selected, so as to help both them and their respective traitor aware of their "role" and to facilitate contact and communication. This runs the fine line of danger though, as they can still betray their traitor and turn in the codewords / traitor, but balances it with the knowledge that they are actually meant to be an aid and will likely not be as scrutinized for actually doing just that.


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It would be ideal if the contacts received the code words when they were selected, so as to help both them and their respective traitor aware of their "role" and to facilitate contact and communication.


It would also add an extra layer of complexity to traitor rounds - instead of just crew v traitor, you also have collaborators, who lie somewhere between the two; not actively working against the station, but working to assist the traitor(s) in minor ways.


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Collaborators should probably also be determined via a special role in game preferences since they would effectively be an antagonist (albeit a minor one) if we went that way.


They are already related to your character's nanotrasen relations choice, so if you want to avoid it, put yourself as supportive or loyal.


Although yes, it should probably make sure they aren't banned from antag roles just to be safe, if we went this route, so that we aren't giving people mini-antag rights when they can't be trusted with full antag rights.


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Collaborators should probably also be determined via a special role in game preferences since they would effectively be an antagonist (albeit a minor one) if we went that way.


They are already related to your character's nanotrasen relations choice, so if you want to avoid it, put yourself as supportive or loyal.


Although yes, it should probably make sure they aren't banned from antag roles just to be safe, if we went this route, so that we aren't giving people mini-antag rights when they can't be trusted with full antag rights.


That works.


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It should also be made clear to the player that they are a potential collaborator and not a full antag, as well as to the antag themselves.

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I remember the first time I started rattling off the secret code words in an ill-advised PDA message to Neri. She was like, "What.. the.. fuck.. are.. you.. on?"


Then I was more direct about it and she was like, "Oh, no can do. I won't turn you in but I'm just planning on hanging out with the HoS all shift."


Was fun.


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I used the codewords once, and it actually worked - I think I helped whatserface some vulpkanin idk back when I used to play Kaya and I got her some telecrystals after she helped me take out my target. It works, you just have to be





reallyl lucky


really patient


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My 2nd antag round ever I started in Xenobio along with another guy. He immediately started rattling off the code words without even being subtle about it. I was like, "Dude, chill." We agreed to work together but he eventually wandered off and did his own thing and got caught.

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Yeah, you have to somehow work it into an almost natural sentence, although of course experienced players will spot it from a mile away. "Man, I sure could some hospitality and a doctor's delight. I've heard that guy from virology can make them!"

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