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Make a Vulpkanin lore.


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You heretic, I want my snowflake ;_;


What Cupcake has said is completely true, I wanted to point that out earlier as well, but even then the fur doesn't really mean anything.


Look at humans on Earth - we're not really fitted that well for cold environments, but using technology we manage anyway. It's probably reasonable to assume that another Terra-like planet would also have a lot of climate variation with just a small part of it being the actual origin of the species. It doesn't have to be some shitty ice/tundra place without tropical beaches.


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Just me, maybe, but I've noticed that the Vulpkanin language looks somewhat like German. I've uh, actually thought it might be interesting to write their culture up as being somewhat similar to post Berlin Wall-era Germany.


Something similar to punk culture/a pop culture renaissance occurring (Thus why Vulpkanin dye themselves such wild colours and are largely on the young side).


I really like this idea.

I feel like this could turn into a nice blend of german and japanese because of how much value is placed into decorations/appearances/snowflakeness and often times I see lots of vulp play dress up and of course their fur and hair in every color under the rainbow. Pretty sure the japanese have a few subcultures all about that and a ton of others (besides the obvious : Kemono).


I also agree with the last five posts too.


My two cents to add:

Vulpkanins evolving on a terra-like planet, probably with more forested environments.

Maybe the wildlife does not have much predators leaving plenty of prey for the Vulpkanins to fill that role (essentially making meat more valuable/nutritious, and others less, game wise for them).

As they spread out over planet, they just adapt to the new environments ( the different breeds).

After that it's ancient aliens and ancient civilizations for a while.


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I only just realised they don't have a lore when looking at the wiki, so they are actually just a fur race rushed through? Now I see the large backlash when they first came about.


My suggestion though, make them come from a cold planet, arctic conditions. Fur wise fits that, other than that I don't really have much input to be honest. Somethingsomething rawr.


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It might be worth dispelling a common fallacy here. Having fur does not necessarily mean a creature is from a colder environment. Fur can also develop (and has developed) as a method for drawing body heat away from the body and protecting it from direct sunlight in hotter climes. A good fantasy example of this is the Khajiit from TES because I'm an elder scrolls nerd - Similar to tigers, their habitat is hot and humid, and their fur is meant to draw heat away from the body. This was the subject of many slap-downs when I saw people confused all like, "Why are khajiit in skyrim really cold when they have fur?! Nonsense!"


So, don't fall into the logic trap of "fur = heat retention" - we might be able to expand into more interesting areas this way.



My suggestion though, make them come from a cold planet, arctic conditions. Fur wise fits that, other than that I don't really have much input to be honest. Somethingsomething rawr.




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Most certainly ignorance, I do care little for the fur race to be honest, I am just mostly surprised it's in the game with no lore, I'd rather add a teeny bit of possible lore for them instead of just bashing the fact they have no lore and are present in the game.


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I only just realised they don't have a lore when looking at the wiki, so they are actually just a fur race rushed through? Now I see the large backlash when they first came about.


My suggestion though, make them come from a cold planet, arctic conditions. Fur wise fits that, other than that I don't really have much input to be honest. Somethingsomething rawr.




Cats don't start panting until a room is 55C.


At 55C, humans start dying quite quickly. But cats?


Cats are just like "Wow, it's kind of hot here".


Cats have LOTS of fur.


Fur != Arctic Climes


I think it'd be great to go for a heavy industrial background for Vulpkanin, they could have spread out so recently due to contamination in their core worlds? Severe smog and pollution causing them to branch further out. Again, I think a mildly indoctrinated/militant/unified societal lore behind them would fit well too as the vast majority of Vulp players tend to be rather cliquey.


It would give them something different from other races, for sure.


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Update - as nobody else seems to be doing anything with Vulp lore so far despite PLENTY of discussion I've taken the liberty of adding in sections to the lore page itself.


I will be doing a mockup of Vulp lore eventually which will be posted to my personal wiki editing page for further deliberation and possible approval. Expect this to be fairly slow-paced until I have a good idea worked out.




I thoroughly encourage a maintainer or someone with concrete knowledge of Vulpkanin mechanics to post all of the caveats regarding Vulpkanin here.


At the very least, those things can be added to the wiki page right away.


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Update - as nobody else seems to be doing anything with Vulp lore so far despite PLENTY of discussion I've taken the liberty of adding in sections to the lore page itself.


I will be doing a mockup of Vulp lore eventually which will be posted to my personal wiki editing page for further deliberation and possible approval. Expect this to be fairly slow-paced until I have a good idea worked out.




I thoroughly encourage a maintainer or someone with concrete knowledge of Vulpkanin mechanics to post all of the caveats regarding Vulpkanin here.


At the very least, those things can be added to the wiki page right away.


I literally made this last evening. I was under the impression that everyone knew because I shitspammed the minichat with it. Regardless, feel free to do the mockup thing and base it on what I've already done or just start out fresh. Just please no imperial germany bullshit, because it makes no sense for anyone aboard an NT vessel.


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The minichat is probably the worst thing to put anything on, ever.


I typically close forum tabs because of the annoying sound it makes whenever something gets posted.


Keep it clean with the baseless conjecture as well please, I fail to see what heavy industrialization and smog have to do with IMPERIUL GERMUNY whereas your mockup quite clearly references Stalinist Russia.


If we were to draw parallels with real life history it would be more on par with India or China.


I'll probably do a mockup more in the realm of formatting, proofing and so on and so forth.


You may also want to adjust some population numbers.


It may also be an interesting thought to have the core world still remain largely isolationist/unified and have some amount of fractured relations (even to the extent of war) with it's colonies and rather than having the "and they sought a better life with NT" you could twist it to have Vulpkanin from the colony/outer worlds seeking refuge.


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My stalinist stuff was just jokes and I don't mean to draw the connection between industrialism and Imperial Germany, just a lot of people spammed the minichat with the idea. I just don't think international politics should be a big point, as the civilization has /just/ been exposed to interstellar politics.


Anyway, I'll stop. Feel free to write about whatever you want and we'll comment on it after. Good luck! :3


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My stalinist stuff was just jokes and I don't mean to draw the connection between industrialism and Imperial Germany, just a lot of people spammed the minichat with the idea. I just don't think international politics should be a big point, as the civilization has /just/ been exposed to interstellar politics.


Anyway, I'll stop. Feel free to write about whatever you want and we'll comment on it after. Good luck! :3


Nono, don't stahp. >:C


I'll beat you up if you stahp.


Keep back and forthing with ideas and junk.


Primarily right now what I want is to work out the "mechanics" section on the wiki, because none of that needs any sort of lore approval and can just go up right away.


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I'll be fine with anything for lore as long as its not a whole "NT saved this race" or "Lets go to NT for refuge".

NT is a company. People work for it. Its not some friendly space group that takes in refugees and such. Leave that to governments on planets and stuff.


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I made this, tell me what you think. I'm not taking any more /REDO THE WHOLE THING, IMPERIAL GERMANY/, just small edits or a straight up yay.


It is quite short when compared to other races, but those are the basics others can build on. I've noticed that most things suggested on the forums just take so much time to complete it's better to have /something/ done rather than waiting for someone to do the whole thing.


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Seems pretty straightforward to me, I believe the prefix handle is :7 though, not :8.


I also forget the name of the language (despite having a Vulp character).


I'd also change the introductory formatting (I'd feel dirty changing someone else's page)


* Vulpkanin is a free race, requiring no unlock.


* Vulpkanin have a unique language that only they can speak and understand, called Caniluzut. It can be used over radio. Use this in game by typing say ":7


* Vulpkanin have claws, and unarmed damage applied by them counts as sharp.


* Vulpkanin have good cold resistance, but very little heat resistance.


* Vulpkanin are able to wear gloves normally despite their clawed hands, unlike [[Tajaran]] and [[unathi]].


Edited by Guest
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