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Removing hands by chewing them - Fix


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It has recently come to my attention that my absolutely favorite mechanic (grits teeth) of chewing your hand off to evade arrest or escape being restrained doesn't function merely based on limb damage. It has, in fact, a flat 10% chance of instantly removing the limb.


This led to an amusing situation today where I cablecuffed someone, they bit their hands once, and immediately escaped before Security swarmed me. Good times.


I would therefore suggest that the 10% be removed, and that sanity be prevailed by having chewing do regular limb damage until the limb falls off.


Good day.


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I think I can see a use to chewing off your hand (even though I really can't stand the thought). You'd be limiting yourself for a bit of extra security against justice. I guess you always could replace the hand with a prosthetic if you catch them again. Can you chew off hands that are not fleshy?

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Slitting your wrists is a form of suicide, biting or disfiguring your hand to the point of mutilation to escape cuffs seems... wrong. It should make you bleed out in a few minutes with healing the wound to stop the bleeding.


Changing this to breaking the thumb and/or a few fingers makes a bit more sense. Cuffing mechanic in general drives me nuts, it serves its purpose but the complete inability to fight back or at least use cuffs as a garotte just seems like a missed opporunity.


TL;DR remove the mechanic or have it come at a severe consquence to your health, not just 'lol 1 good hand'


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You wouldnt bite your wrist off with one gnaw to escape cuffs? It totally feels like a natural reaction to me, and you obviously dont need a bone saw or anything. And the heavy bleeding after that is just a minor bother.


I mean, totally guise, its a normal thing! It happens in the movies and IRL aaaalllll the tiiiimeeee.




Nah, fuck that.


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Worst game mechanic ever!


Although I have to admit, that I have never given much thought about how i could remove my own hand, but chewing on it until it falls off would definitely not be the first thing that comes to mind.


I think handcuffs themselfs are fairly well balanced, you can break out somewhat quick if nobody is looking and you can run away while beeing cuffed. Seems resonable to me.


The buckle to a chair and the pull mechanic are to OP and should be nerfed somehow.


Additionally you should be able to activated airlocks while cuffed, maybe with a short delay. I don't see why you are unable to operate a airlock while your hands are cuffed, it's not like you are inside of a straight jacket. Nothing in the game suggest i need to use my hands to operate a airlock and it just opens for me. In case i need to press a button or something i could allways turn around and push it (assuming my hands are cuffed on the back)


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Chewing off your hand instead of using the actual handcuff removal mechanic in general was probably unintended to begin with, so a better fix would probably be to stop you being able to bite your hands whilst cuffed.

You can only chew on your hands if you're cuffed. Escaping cuffs isn't unintended, it's the sole purpose of the feature.


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Most handcuffs are placed behind the suspect, since front body cuffing allows the suspect to still wield things twohanded, or swing at the officer, or choke them with the cuff's chain, Since we cant do that ingame I assume the cuffs are placed back body style, which would make hand biting impossible.

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