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Everything posted by AngelDominusRadiant

  1. Want ZAS back? Feel free to open your PR on GitHub to implement it back. <:
  2. On some codebases, 15u welderfuel in a cig will make it explode harmlessly, but the noise will be like of a real bomb, and will be heard across the station. >Engi walks into bar >cig in his lips >casually lits it with a welding tool, engi style. > BOOM > ; BOMB NEAR KITCHEN > ; WHERE IS THE BREACH > ; OMG CALL THE SHUTTLE
  3. What kind of question is even that? What are you? AN ELF!? Weldercigs are one of the funniest ways to mess with Heavy-RPers who barely know about game mechanics.
  4. You wouldnt bite your wrist off with one gnaw to escape cuffs? It totally feels like a natural reaction to me, and you obviously dont need a bone saw or anything. And the heavy bleeding after that is just a minor bother. I mean, totally guise, its a normal thing! It happens in the movies and IRL aaaalllll the tiiiimeeee. Nah, fuck that.
  5. Oh my... Joshua is that a blush on your caparace?
  6. There is the xeno! Get him dont let him escape!
  7. What character do you play? Department? And how they fuck did you set that as forum name? I blame Regens and his poor forum sanity checks.
  8. Its 6, yadork! You have to use your other hand to count past 5, its what i do. (the next number is seleventeen)
  9. It will be a dark day for all of Mankind when a feline achieves such unholy powers. Just think about it, the kitty will casually decide he wants to see you explode, but this time it will actually happen!
  10. In the far furute of the XVI century, there are wonders of technology like the teleporter, the Marauder combat suit and the most inefficient lightbulbs in the universe! You need to harvest the power from a black hole to power the dim light in the station! But yes, screw incandescent lightbulbs that break when a carp farts near the station.
  11. The one at the back looks almost cute. If you ingore the fact that it's an eldritch space horror that wants to subdue the minds of you and your friends to steal their vital force to become a walking Avatar of Death and Destruction. So kinda like cats.
  12. Phazon squad, the best for stopping crime wherever it is. Or just to fuck around, because nobody pays us to do security's job.
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