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Alert Condition Overhaul [WIP]


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As time has worn on, I've found our Alert conditions to be rather drab and droll - very little depth to them, and only a bare handful to boot. So I though to myself, "Hey, Starsong, why not write more interesting conditions?"


And so, I did! 


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I like it a lot, especially the idea of making code red for more severe conditions. Never was a fan of code red being raised immediately after "discovering'" the threat.

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- Code blue already permits random searches. This doc implies it doesn't.
- You really want to give Security and Engineering the authority to order all other crew around on blue?
- Requiring red to be periodically re-authorized sounds like it would often lead to things slipping back to blue simply because everyone in charge is to dead/busy to keep it on red. Not ideal.
- Why are orange/yellow better than the captain just doing an announcement?
- Why is Sierra better than just having the timer displayed as normal?
- I do like the idea of something like Zulu, as a "this is beyond red alert but doesn't unlock gamma armory" level. I was actually thinking of making that myself.
- I don't think its a good idea to put the whole station under command of the ERT lead. Half the time ERT teams don't even have a commander, and when they do... he doesn't want command of the station.
- Why would we have a condition charlie, for an event that lasts all of 30 seconds? Ditto Hotel, what would we use that for?



- There are WAY, WAY TOO MANY alert levels in this system. Every alert level needs its own code, monitor graphics, etc, so as a general rule, alert levels should be kept to a MINIMUM. We currently have 6 levels (green, blue, red, gamma, delta, epsilon) and I've been debating adding a 7th, but this has way, way too many levels.
- The best idea in here is, I think, Zulu. The idea of an alert level between red and gamma, set by CC, and basically equal to gamma without the gamma armory. It could automatically be declared during war ops. That sounds like something we could realistically add.

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Please, find a reason for craptain and sec to lower code to green. I think i have seen this just like a few times only made by captains with high rp standart. Traitors who are going sneaky and not that robust (who still learning maybe) might want to have it a bit easier if their double esword hardsuit meth buddy or that one fucka who bomb brig everytime finally die, without leaving permanent red code behind.

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On 9/5/2017 at 2:12 AM, tzo said:

- Code blue already permits random searches. This doc implies it doesn't.

The italicized verbiage is supposed to be the announcement text. And I forgot to delete some old descriptor text, whoops!
- You really want to give Security and Engineering the authority to order all other crew around on blue?

Quite frankly, yes. Blue is supposed to be significantly more severe than it currently is. Same thing with Red.
- Requiring red to be periodically re-authorized sounds like it would often lead to things slipping back to blue simply because everyone in charge is to dead/busy to keep it on red. Not ideal.

The perma-Red statuses we've been having are also less than ideal. We might need to do some thinking on this as to incentivize lowering the alert.
- Why are orange/yellow better than the captain just doing an announcement?

Simply put, they are sublevels of alerts that provide some depth to the roleplay aspects of the gameplay - Expanding the potential pool of administrative events and player-driven incidents.
- Why is Sierra better than just having the timer displayed as normal?

Sierra is set in addition to the timer.
- I do like the idea of something like Zulu, as a "this is beyond red alert but doesn't unlock gamma armory" level. I was actually thinking of making that myself.
- I don't think its a good idea to put the whole station under command of the ERT lead. Half the time ERT teams don't even have a commander, and when they do... he doesn't want command of the station.

From the SoP page on the wiki: "Emergency Response Teams officially outrank anyone short of a Central Command Officer...Their orders are to be followed above anyone elses." This implies a transfer of command authority to the ERT as a whole. Centralizing this transfer to the Lead or highest-ranking ERT member reinforces this SoP.
- Why would we have a condition charlie, for an event that lasts all of 30 seconds? Ditto Hotel, what would we use that for?

We can scratch Condition Charlie, but we can't scratch the HON Entertainment Squad.


- There are WAY, WAY TOO MANY alert levels in this system. Every alert level needs its own code, monitor graphics, etc, so as a general rule, alert levels should be kept to a MINIMUM. We currently have 6 levels (green, blue, red, gamma, delta, epsilon) and I've been debating adding a 7th, but this has way, way too many levels.

Here is our biggest point of disagreement - I feel that the alert system lacks much-needed depth and role playable oomph. Some/many of the suggestions here are technically sub-level Alerts - They are set in addition to or in conjunction with the standard GBR alert, adding a twist of extra flavor. As such, they don't particularly need redone graphics.
- The best idea in here is, I think, Zulu. The idea of an alert level between red and gamma, set by CC, and basically equal to gamma without the gamma armory. It could automatically be declared during war ops. That sounds like something we could realistically add.

I'm glad that you agree. Zulu is definitely one that will enhance the role play experience of the station.

I have responded in-box in that nice green color.

Edited by SigholtStarsong
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We don't need more alerts or to alter the current alerts aside from one thing. I think the only issue is the threshold required for code blue and red.

Currently Code Blue threshold is POTENTIAL THREAT (there is some stuff happening that indicates there are antags)

Currently Code Red threshold is CONFIRMED THREAT (so literally if sec finds a blood rune or some traitor emags the teleporter and steals the hand tele 5 min in, we can now go red)

If the threshold for Blue were increases to what code red currently is, "Confirmed Threat" and the threshold for red was something like "Active dangerous threat" or some other similar wording then nothing else would need to be changed.

Antags stealing high value items, sending sec on a manhunt, and/or finding a body or two stuffed in a locker in maint would be code blue.

Antags setting off bombs in several locations, actively killing multiple people, or more than half the sec force being dead would be a cause for red. Also emergencies like nukies n blob.

Change the threshold for both as indicated, put a message up in big bold letters in the lobby screen indicating the change; just like we did with the execution change. Reprimand for failing to follow it correctly. We will all eventually figure it out and it will be the new norm within a month or so. No complex overhaul required.

Edited by ZN23X
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