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More station objectives


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Let's see .. massive food production for famine on a nearby planet? Food would be shipped off with a cargo shuttle or a shuttle sent by CC (Gives chef more to do, gives a sense that more exists besides space and the station)


Expansion on the bsa: Build the BSA, then wipe out targets designated by CC

Keep watch over prisoners who are transported on the ship from a fellow colony.  -> Several permaprisoners (who are perhaps a bit genetically modified to be a bit more dangerous?) will be put in the permabrig. However, they are quite volatile and need watch/care.



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I have some ideas on my mind, will share them:

1) Another sation McSpessBox lost its gamma armory during alien infestation. Aliens were wiped out, but it needs to be built again. So basically objective is to build gamma pod, fill it with mechs and weapons and then bluespace teleport it to more secure location before round end.


2) army of super soldiers.

War was declared to nanotrasen. HQ decides to prepare an army. Station is required to make (for example) 5 supersoldiers, who should reach CC alive. I imagine it to require each soldier to have at least 3 genetic superpowers, at least 3 implants (good implants, not tracking one), have augmented body and  possibly wear some high tech weapons and gear. Maybe even implanted xeno organs of some sort, i cant remember all the game mechanics.


Edited by McRamon
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This could be a fun idea. The "produce x and ship to Central Command" tasks could work well with our lore seeing as we are a research station and all. I think it could encourage inter departmental cooperation, give Cargo a bit of action in the mid-late round phase. And since the goals are just something extra to work towards and not necessarily mandatory it's not going to really ruin anyone's round if they aren't completed.

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More station objectives would be a great idea but you have to remember that the station objectives currently have unique mechanics and to implement more would take a chunk of work with regards to spriting them and coding them so I don't think we'll see anything new soon.

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