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Not so fluent linguist


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I threw this suggestion out here once before but thought it'd be fun to throw it again.

Some may or may not know that a long time ago you used to be able to pick any species langue to speak. (Ex, human speaking Skrellian) 


So here's the thought,  you're once again to be able to try and speak some of these (of course not all of them would make sense for people to try and do) but the problem is, you butcher the language to a fault. You thought you knew what you were saying, but you messed up a few words on the way, and now this other species isn't sure how to take what you just said to them. Was this an insult?  Did you just accidentally flatter someone? did everything just sound broken? Or was it just all gibberish?  Not only do you mess of a few words when you speak but of course,  you don't quite fully understand the other person too well either.   


I like to think it could make for some fun situations, and interesting conflicts. 

Edited by PhantasmicDream
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If it's possible to do this, I'd support it. But like you said, a few languages may be a bit harder to replicate for each race. Like the vulp language. It's a body language as much as it is vocal, Still, I can  imagine all the silly situations that would come up from someone trying to speak to a tajaran in their native tongue. 

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I think it would be problematic to handle forcing misunderstanding, as well, it would need the game to semi-understand the human language, and change it around. It probably can make you stutter a bit, drop and swap out some words, though, should be good enough for some scrambling. Otherwise, any language would be somewhat speakable/hearable, at least acording to the code, as currently, they are all vocal only. We do have the vocal+sign, and a pure sign language flag in the code, but basically not used. Would be nice to at least use the vocal+sign language as secondary, maybe species specific languages. So Tajarans could use Siik'Tajr on comms, and if they don't want to get eavesdropped on by a human having learned Siik'Tajr, they talk in Siik'Maas, which includes tailmovement besides the vocal component, so can't be used on comms without loosing half the information. See some other servers with their lore, think traditionally, it's Siik'Tajr beeing the combination language, but well, we can make it fit good enough.

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I like the idea, though as MarsMond mentioned, this could be difficult to implement.. I don't have too much coding knowledge, but I'd assume it's possible to have a script that picks random words out when attempting to translate, and randomizes those words (simulating misinterpretation), possibly adding an indicator to the linguist's (or the poor soul listening to the linguist)'s chat as well; such as italicizing aforementioned randomized words.

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It used to be so that when people speak a language you do not know, it showed like this: 

I'* a g*ia*t *ar* g*ol*e*
instead of
I'm a giant fart golem

Maybe some cunning linguist (kek) can salvage some of the code and make a horrible frankenstain out of it.

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IT'd be pretty cool I think, though some languages (IE - Vox) are explicitly almost impossible for other species to speak. I'd quite like being able to set even normal secondary languages as butcherable actually. Maybe a third language slot that was only useable as a "toddler level" language.

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