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Increase Borg slots (Seriously, it's only 1!?)


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Kinda dumb that it's 1. And it doesn't seem to increase as the round goes on. If possible, I'd make it so the slots automatically increase. Let's say you get 1 slot per 20 people, the number doesn't really matter. Having only ONE slot is really absurd. Apparently HoP can increase the slots, but does that EVER happen? Probably not. If the slots can't automatically increase as the round goes on, then I'd increase the number of slots to 5. 3 at a minimum.

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Tho realistically you can spawn as a civilian or any lesser role and be borged. I know the idea is to save that step but, roboticists new stuff to do too lol

I bet @Jared12100 supports this :P

Edited by ZN23X
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Not only do they take 3+ months to make a decision, but they seem more inclined to keep it the way it is and instead, REMOVE the posibrain from robotics. I'm speechless. Pathetic if you ask me. Not trying to be rude. Just throw up a damn poll or something, or TRY it for a while. MOST people seem to want this to be a thing.

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With the server de-listing, it is much less needed to increase the slots, but I do think it should happen.

No need to be rude at individuals, particularly Markolie, he is a good guy, and isn't directly involved in any of the delays.

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I don't know if this absolutely neccessary. Seems like on most rounds i play with the population being around 60-70~ there seem to be borgs of all kinds going about. There's a functioning robotics office most of the time, from what i've seen.

Upping the slots wouldn't neccessarily be a bad idea, but having a lot of round-start borgs takes something to do from robotics. This also could prove to be a problem in one other way too. Cyborgs are rather powerfull things, not OP, they have some counters. But they have tools needed for the job with them at all times. They are also durable and space-proof. They are strong. The point here is that round-start + robotics borgs could equal to a lot of cyborgs onboard at once. And having a lot of borgs on at once could be a problem.

Edited by saywat_the_15th
Added the second paragraph
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The only thing upping the slots will do is affect round start. having too many at start is a legitimate concern. So let's assume worst case scenario, all slots are taken at start. How many do you think is appropriate at start? I say minimum 3, and 3 is probably the sweet spot. 5 would probably let everyone who wants to play Borg spawn as one at start, and give the roboticist nothing to do for a time. 3 would potentially leave probably 1 or 2 people out, giving the roboticist something to do. The problem with only 1 slot is that leaves too many wanting to be borged at round start. the positronic brain goes off instantly, and 1 or 2 people show up wanting to be borged. That's a lot of work for typically 1 roboticist. 1 is retarded, 2 is still too low but would be a lot better, 3 I think would be perfect.

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That's insane. Maybe one extra borg at round start. But you can get a lot of borgs throughout the round. I've seen 15 one time. You just have to built a frame, and put someones brain in an MMI, or activate a positronic brain. That easy.

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