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Posts posted by Arthur_Dayne


    More incredibly heretical things to hate? No fucking thanks.


    I can only imagine the weird catbeast dogbeast interactions that'll happen, dear lord.





    The result of a gamemode vote.


    So, it's nations. I decided to bring Alice back as a rare character, and due to the whole nations thing, I was forced to become a PMC due to the fact the NT Rep isn't part of any nation. While there were many offers, cargo made the best one. I become de facto leader and then lead my glorious nation to a series of defensive victories, one of which resulted in the captain's death and beheading, and his head being mounted on a spear. Eventually, in our last victory, I was shot to death by my allies in a misunderstanding. I was defibbed in medbay but a Syndicate Assault Team attacked the station, resulting in the destruction of all nations, including my glorious cargo. We fought bravely, that round, and I was honoured to fight alongside a cargonian militia.





    The last stand of a DonkCo strike team. After CC found out a small team was based in the moon outpost through the gateway, we armed up and prepared to defend ourselves with each member getting a syndicate pistol, two extra mags, an e-bow, and one member getting a syndicate assault rifle and bulldog (Me.) Security and a bunch of civilians charged through, wielding lasers and welding tanks (Which I blew up, severely wounding three people.) However, the sheer number of the assault team meant we had to retreat and retreat, taking three hostages along the way. Finally pushed back to the diner, with low ammunition, heavily wounded, dealing with dying hostages (The crew didn't even care about them) and being flanked on two sides, we had to run. Our brave leader sacrificed himself as we ran into maintenance, but it was too late. We all perished, taking somewhere around 15 crewmembers down with us. One hostage died as well, having been a meatshield while the others managed to be saved. All in all, a pretty fun event, and I'd love to do something like it again.



    Admin room shenanigans!




    Too many clowns.




    I walk the valley, in the shadow of the honkmother.




    After killing everyone else, the clowns, and all other bits, me and Magikarp broke into the BSA room. I changed my ID to say "Alice Peirson II, NanoTrasen Navy Admiral." sent out this announcement "PREPARE FOR BSA STRIKE, SCRUBS! - Alice Peirson II, NanoTrasen Navy Admiral."


    And then blew up the captain's office with the console. After round end, ofc.



    Due to Alice's recent promotion and subsequent reassignment, we had a going away party, quite a few people turned up. It was lovely, and I got the slightest bit emotional about it.






    Goodbye, old friend. I'll miss you.



    Update: After hearing of the permanent death of Alice Pierson II, Graham went into spiraling depression. His love was gone. He now had no will to live. He has no idea what to do with his life now. He realized he was too attached to her, and he suspects that that is the reason she chose not to be cloned again. But, alas, it is too late. He must move on now. Onto another day. It is unknown, however, if he will ever truly move on. He may be a shell forever. A small singularity in his heart, where Alice once was, is now loose, and devastating him every second


    First off, Alice isn't dead. I don't know why everyone thought that when I said "Hey guys it's Alice's last shift before to I stop playing her." Second, Alice still has one more shift to go before I actually get rid of her. Lastly, it's supposed to be a happy ending for -her- and one for everyone else because she's gone.

    Ok I'll change it. Did she quit? What happened to her exactly? I NEED SOMETHING.


    You'll fine out soon enough.



    Update: After hearing of the permanent death of Alice Pierson II, Graham went into spiraling depression. His love was gone. He now had no will to live. He has no idea what to do with his life now. He realized he was too attached to her, and he suspects that that is the reason she chose not to be cloned again. But, alas, it is too late. He must move on now. Onto another day. It is unknown, however, if he will ever truly move on. He may be a shell forever. A small singularity in his heart, where Alice once was, is now loose, and devastating him every second


    First off, Alice isn't dead. I don't know why everyone thought that when I said "Hey guys it's Alice's last shift before to I stop playing her." Second, Alice still has one more shift to go before I actually get rid of her. Lastly, it's supposed to be a happy ending for -her- and one for everyone else because she's gone.



    I think I actually remember that, Earth, wasn't that the round where Dave the Head of the Board of Directors got killed and was left in the hallways until I tried to get him cloned but couldn't because there was no biomass?


    But on this topic, I think it would be a very interesting alternative to the Nuke Ops, kind of like if the Nukies and Vox Raiders got combined


    That was a different round, SST was called, and I got to solo operative kill Dave and his Blueshield. Was fun as hell.





    Basically, engineers released singuloth ten minutes into the round, Alice screamed A LOT over the bridge announcement bit, Commander Jayson "Superawesomedude" Hawke immediately demoted her, and she was taken back to Central via the ERT's shuttle. Sat around drinking whiskey and listening to coffee play Canon in D for the rest of the round while the station died.


  10. Personally, if the Blueshield got a helmet, I would keep it in my bag until someone screamed "AGH NUKKIES" or something of the sort. However, that's for another thread, unless this one should be changed to a Blueshield equipment thread.

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