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Posts posted by Arthur_Dayne




    GG Xenostation 13.


    Lambda 7 best on paper.

    [spoiler2]Both of my troopers used ion carbines against the xenos, only draining their guns further. Narrowly managed to escape with one civilian.[/spoiler2]

    GG to the xenos, you really turned it around. Was awesome on your part.



    1. There have been 2 nation rounds so far.

    2. As an RP gamemode, people are going to RP. Friendships are RP. You could say the same thing for every other round.

    3. While I agree the all access for command need to be dropped, I still think they should be able to recruit people. They've got a manpower shortage they need to compensate for.

    4. I think the borgs are fine.

    5. I didn't see much griefing. Combat was limited in the first round, and contained to war in the second one.


    On a side note, I will be dropping the NCR gimmick. Overusing a gimmick is bad.



    The big problem with the NT Rep was it's Wiki page was very obviously editted by someone who was using the job as a powertrip (Even said they can call in Deathsquads at one point), so what they are "Meant to be" is incredibly vague.


    So yeah, a general citation needed for it all. Personally, I've always wanted to re-do the NT Rep page, but I'm sure people would prefer that I don't.



    I didn't know the NT Rep was a "CC VIP". It sounds more like a forced penpusher job they'd send literally as punishment for misbehaving, a dead-end job.


    But don't quote me on that, I don't know the lore as well as I should.


    Eh, I'm going off of the fact there's https://gyazo.com/0359c8726ea86931410ee05511192a81 , the fact they're under the blueshield's protection detail as a "CC VIP", their wiki page, and the fact they're called a civilian VIP in general. Perhaps CC VIP makes them out to be way more important than they really are *shrug.

    Personally, I've always thought it was a career path that they sent people who can't climb any higher on the corporate ladder, generally just a dead-end job like you said.


    IMO, the people sent as them are low-ranking bureaucrats, (relatively) high-ranking normal station staff, like captains, and other people on the low-tier/mid-tier of NT.



    Name: Alice Peirson (II).

    Age: 29.

    Gender: Female.

    Race: Human, Caucasian.

    Blood Type: O+

    General Occupational Role(s):

    NanoTrasen Representative.



    Emergency Response Team Leader.


    Biography: Born on Luna in 2530 to a corporate lawyer and his wife, they enjoyed a privileged (if a bit unremarkable or even "poor" by Lunar standards) upbringing. Briefly went to the relatively obscure merchant marine academy of Ceres, before dropping out due to a difficult curriculum. Eventually became certified in heavy machinery operation, and went to work with NanoTrasen as a Mining Drill Technician. Eventually was re-assigned to NCS Cyberiad (It had yet to be re-renamed.) Promptly joining the security force present on the station. Was permitted entry to the Blueshield Corps of Asset Protection following her survival of an expedition to an abandoned (And spider infested) Russian outpost. After relatively meritorious service, she enlisted with the Emergency Response Team Reserves and was promoted to the rank of O-2.



    Leadership Qualification.

    Advanced Close Quarters Combat Training.

    Advanced Firearms Training.

    EVA Qualified.

    Knowledge of Space Law.

    Internal Affairs Management.


    Employment Records: Formerly performed as a CC VIP aboard the NSS Cyberiad. Registered as a reservist with Asset Protection - O-2. Has numerous citations on her record, majority for minor misconduct. While not perfect, her track record has relative merit to it.


    Security Records: Often loyalty implanted and behaved.


    Medical Records: Relatively good physical health, however, they appear to have an addictive personality and minor anxiety issues. Following a battle with the supposedly extinct spider-clan, lost her leg in a deceased infiltrator's microbomb explosion. Date: 2/17/2560


    Personnel Photo (Appearance text): Average height, green eyes, and sharp facial features.



    Commendations [only to be added by admin]:



    Reprimands [only to be added by admin]:


    Other Notes: pls no bully



    Also one time I walked in on Alice Peirson the NT rep doing surgery on a man and she told me to fuck off. Another pet peeve of mine. Why are non-doctors allowed to do surgery on people? It's not something that some random bureaucrat should know how to do.



    Because this isn't Bay. RP isn't held to that high of a standard. A former senior/headmin friend of mine was a master of ghetto surgery and played solely as a janitor, and performed these surgeries often. I had multiple IC and RP reasonings for my actions, and I'm fairly certain I didn't tell you to "Fuck off".

    Furthermore, because you got angry and moved the person I was operating on, a mindslaved person, they broke their ribs and later died of a ruptured lung.


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