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Posts posted by Arthur_Dayne


    After almost a year of tumbling the commendation around intense debate between the CentComm's command staff it has been decided that, for defeating alone a full team of highly trained and extremely competent syndicate strike ops, for making a swarm of grown xenomprhs flee in terror, and for above average performance as Blueshield despite how prone is the average head of staff to kill himself, Klara Rio will be given the Medal of Robustness, wear it with pride.

    (As the person in question could not be found, the medal will given to the next Head of Security of the NSS Cyberiad for safekeeping, someone tell him to keep it in a dry place or it will rust.)


    Glory to NanoTrasen.


    You're late :P



    Name: Alice Peirson II, Collin Bastille


    Commendation: Medal of Loyalty (Alice), Medal of Bravery (Collin), Upgrade to Superior Synthetic Life (Both)


    Reason: Their deeds have often gone unrecorded, and though I have no specific account or tale to pinpoint I have seen these two risk their lives for the corporation over and over in exceptional circumstances. Alice's dedication to Nanotrasen in combat and logistics is rivalled only by her irrational, excessive hatred of the Medical Profession. She can be found shielding Command as a Blueshield without picking favourites, commanding the station as Captain or liasing with Nanotrasen as a Representative during both calm and dire times. I have never known her to be subverted by the Syndicate, Wizard's Federation or Cult of Nar'Sie


    Collin is a personal friend of mine, and unlike the rest of these gun toting buttglobs and half-brained gumshoes; has a sense of tactical knowledge and the kind of gumption and wits to make both a successful Officer, Leader and Investigator. A long-standing Detective in Nanotrasen's security department, and occasional Head of Security, it has been my pleasure to fight alongside him as an Officer, serve under him as... as an Officer and aid him in investigations as a Coroner... and an Officer. His heroism has gone unrecorded, but it shouldn't go unrewarded.


    I feel that both would benefit from an eternity to sharpen and hone their skills. I would urge The Company to make a concerted effort to upgrade Collin and Alice to the superior existence of being that being an Independant Positronic Chassis would convey.


    Actions leading to Commendation: Long-standing and exemptional service.


    Recommending Person: BUP, Best Captain, Best Doctor, Best Engineer, Best Scientist, Best Botanist, Best Janitor, Best Cook, Hero of the Cyberiad, beloved by all.


    I, King BUP of the Cyberiad, do solemnly swear the above account is true, made in good faith, and understand that lying upon this commendation is grounds for immediate dismissal from NT and further penalties may apply.


    You're too nice, Streaky. To this day, this is one of the best things. One of the BEST things.



    Pretty sure it was just meant to be humorous and not an attack, Arthur.


    It certainly feels like an attack, considering it's something I said after spending an entire day observing and answering questions, this one being late at night, and the fact I fucked up and said something stupid that /could/ possibly be used against me makes me feel like it was an attack. It wasn't a real answer to anything and I'm seeing it here makes me feel self-conscious as fuck because, you know, it's something that shows I done fucked up. It could be interpreted in a variety of ways, most of them not fucking good. And further more, the fact he left out the actual answer to the question further shows malicious and slanderous intent.

    No, it does not. I don't think anybody interpreted it like that except you. It's fine, and unless you have solid, concrete proof that it wad malicious, I don't think I would advise driving that point further. All it will do is derail the thread for no reason (if your point isn't correct). If anything, he was trying to applaud you for humor.


    I don't see what's funny about it at all. Enlighten me, how could it be seen in a light OTHER than me messing up?



    I recall a round with 101 players on, two staff. One trialmin, and one mentor, styla and myself.

    I remember a round with 76 players on, one staff. Myself.

    It happened again the next day.


    Please, please delist. Please. No-one will go to the second server, and I miss Paradise's RP, back when our peak population was 50 or so. Please, please delist.



    Pretty sure it was just meant to be humorous and not an attack, Arthur.


    It certainly feels like an attack, considering it's something I said after spending an entire day observing and answering questions, this one being late at night, and the fact I fucked up and said something stupid that /could/ possibly be used against me makes me feel like it was an attack. It wasn't a real answer to anything and I'm seeing it here makes me feel self-conscious as fuck because, you know, it's something that shows I done fucked up. It could be interpreted in a variety of ways, most of them not fucking good. And further more, the fact he left out the actual answer to the question further shows malicious and slanderous intent.



    So I asked an admin how Long time storage works.



    Er, you forgot to include the part where I actually told you what it does, rather than my silly headcanon. In actuality, cryogenic storage deletes your character and saves some select gear.

    So, yeah. Please don't come here to the screenshot thread and post something that makes me look bad and unknowledgable about game subjects.



    Actually, I might argue that Enthralling through loyalty implants would be better.


    Because now less players are taken out of the round.


    Less players are taken out of the round? Yeah, that's totally a great backing to it and I love it yep /sarcasm.

    It just leads to characters having to change irrefutably and because thralls literally cannot do ANYTHING other than support the antagonist at hand, and eventually everyone gets enthralled because, you know, they can't do anything to stop it. It's stupid as all hell in my book, and I despise the idea of this antagonist in general.



    The major concerns I have are as follows:


    1) Thralls can be anyone. There is no test, no way to de-convert, and no way to prevent conversion. Even Nar'sie can't override Loyalty implants!


    but enthralling takes time!


    Yes but a Shadowling can do it anywhere, to anyone, at anytime. can you imagine an MD shadowling? Throw someone into cryo for a second, eject them, convert while they are unconscious. It's a cheap, easy stun. How many dozens of people pass through medbay? Is there even an notification to local players that a person is being converted? Anyone can make cable cuffs and a stun prod, this is only slightly better than LOLFLASH since there is no protection against it. Even worse, since Hatched forms get their glare which allows them to 1v1 anyone, instantly stunning and muting for 30+ seconds at a distance. And you think people bitch about Changling stings.


    Balance Proposal: Make Loyalty implants able to prevent conversion. Give Holy water/Null rod chance to deconvert. If Shadowling is intent on converting an Implanted crew member (Such as a Security officer or Head of Staff) we could add a 'break mind' spell that would consume 1/2 the the Shadowling's total health, and cause the target to suffer from Mindbreaker-esque effects for 20-30 seconds (hallucinations, screaming a whole lot, ect...) After the effect is done, their implant would overload/fry and make them eligible for conversion.


    2) Hatching has no requirement, Ascending is ludicrously low.


    Thralls are pooled, up to 3 Shadowlings can be present at a time. As stated above, it really only takes on Doctor to be a Shadowling and their ascension is unstoppable. Turn on a cryo tube, grab and toss everyone in it to stun them, thrall them, and have them bring everyone who steps in for treatement to you. Within 10-20 minutes I guarantee Lings will be ready to ascend. Can you imagine if Cult could convert 9 people, learn the words and summon Nar'Sie in 20 minutes? If 3 hatched Shadowlings are working in unison, it's pretty damn easy for them to take 3 people at once. It's not difficult to lure sec into the tunnels and once you get them your thralls can easily make 'arrests' bringing you more thralls or leaving them cuffed in a firefighting closet for you while they seek out new targets.


    Balance Proposal: Hatching should require at /least/ 5 thralls, and up the Ascension headcount by a fair number. 30 seems like a fair number, given how their resources are pooled and it should only become easier to convert people as you get more thralls.


    3) Ascended form is just LMAO-OP levels. It's like a adminbus incarnate.


    Antagonists should feel powerful, but not unstoppable. Ascended Lings can happily wade through ERT, CC Commandos or Deathsquads without even flinching. They have about 100k hp, with their laser weakness it still takes 1000-5000 laser shots to kill one. With such a low barrier to become an ascended (even if we upped the requirement to 1/2 current crew) and there is up to 3 of them at any given time, little to no way to detect them or their thralls, their ludicrous powers are just op.


    Balance Propsal: Lower Ascended HP to 1000 + 100 for every thrall.This will encourage them to keep enthralling crew rather than outright murdering everyone on sight. It will also make it possible for Security/ERTs to drive one back if necessary or properly equiped. With their healing back on, they wouldn't be easy prey, but they wouldn't be unstoppable juggernauts who can stroll onto the bridge and kill everyone.


    I support this. All of it.



    I might add that enthralling goes even past loyalty implants.


    Really, really dislike this. All that means is shadowlings just stunspam and enthrall literally anyone.


  10. Reviving this because I know there's a lot of people out there who still go through the gateway, but often have to go through a rather annoying process to get there. Personally, I would do it more if it wasn't so damn hard to actually get there. Any thoughts on how to make it better/other ideas?


    Blueshield should have both consolidated into an energy gun.


    Besides, a good Blueshield doesn't need anything more than your typical .38 revolver to get the job done. Even then, enough rounds will kill people.


    Rubber bullets can be lethal, too.


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