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Posts posted by Arthur_Dayne

  1. Hello, I'm Arthur_Dayne. I'm a former moderator and mentor, and have played on Paradise since last June. I took a bit of a break in June for personal reasons, but I'm back now. Anyway, you might know me as Alice Peirson, Tiki the Vox Chaplain, Samuel Redding, or Zilt Snarkral. Feel free to ask any questions, I'm glad to be back.


    Hey, uh, pal, admins do events all the time. I have tons of screenshots and logs from them, a lot of them recent. Just because they're not happening every round doesn't mean they don't happen. Also, the game shouldn't be about JUST events, even though they're fun and all. Furthermore, events where everyone die (DS one, like you suggested, or the xeno one, like you suggested) remove people from the round and should only be done when they need to be done. Deathsquads aren't called for no reason.


    Also, don't tell administration how to do their job. It's fairly rude.


  3. Out of any server, Paradise has close to the most races (that title belongs to some niche server) And I certainly think having another anthromorphic already existing species is NOT what we need. It's boring, it's snowflakey, unoriginal and a waste. Instead of adding. In a special snowflake species to date one person's wanting for it, how about we do something unique and original? Come up with an actually good species. Skrell, Vox, Nucleations and stuff like that are excellent examples of some unique and original species, not just some anthro animal

  4. For the record, I don't quite believe this is me. Don't play civilian, for the most part, and I sure as hell don't try to become captain/HoS as one (fuck I hate that job) outside last night, when I was a vampire attempting to do so because the access to all that extra good stuff is lovely. Definitely didn't succeed, which SAA can attest to.


    If those regulars that want a more RP-experience would just POPULATE the 2nd server, it would work out fine. But people like to bitch and moan about their ArPees and when handed a perfect solution completely ignore it for the sake of the primary server.


    Fuck playercaps. Put up a second medium/high RP instance of Paradise and get all the regulars who are unhappy with the current levels of RP to migrate there and STICK TO IT. Change the rules for that server to flip towards medium/high stuff (like not knowing about antags, shit like that). Get some more RP-focused admins to hang out there and provide their services.


    It's really not that hard guys, and doesn't require tons of speshul code. The second server doesn't even have to be unlisted, it just needs stricter rules and the admins to enforce them. Oh and with summer upon us, populations will rise. So I don't think populating it will be a problem.


    I could get behind this.



    Can we like, stop whining and concentrate on the game instead? I kinda agree with what Adr said, though.


    Also, Arthur, jesus christ, are you whining about farts now, really? Really...?


    I kinda wanted to write a longes post but it was full of insults towards other people so I deleted it.


    Not really whining, I'm simply using it to back up what I'm saying, because *fart is typically something you would see on lower RP levels. If I was whining, it would most likely be more strongly worded.



    Right. We keep lying to ourselves, calling the server medium RP, but there isn't much evidence to support this. There's a lot of evidence to contradict this, however.


    Massive amounts of VALIDHUNTING.

    People with obscene, senseless, or just stupid names. (I saw a Barack Obama, today. Hughe Jass is another great example.)

    Lack of any form of RP, whatsoever.

    Janitors performing surgery, yay!

    Stuff like [Common] [REDACTED] says, "Seriously it's like. Validhunting. But. Still."

    Said by a captain. Because, ICly, we know what validhunting is!

    Additions of features like *flip


    Multiple attempts to add a fart noise.

    Fart medicine.

    Goon stuff in general.



    I don't mean to sound salty, I'm not. Low-RP isn't all that bad, but it annoys me that this is such an issue that we need to explain "DE JURE MEDIUM RP DE FACTO LOW RP." and stuff like that. It doesn't make any sense. We need to embrace the fact we've changed.


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