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Posts posted by Arthur_Dayne


    Why is it okay to say stealing the original ss13 code is a good idea, and it's also okay to wish to steal archangel's code, or lifeweb's code, but not Goon's?


    You steal Archangel's code, we will all go ahead and hunt you down to the ends of the earth. Archangel is a unique thing and it should stay that way, as well as Lifeweb and Goon. They're unique, they have their own thing, and they're fun. Things aren't fun if there's a bajillion copies, remakes, and plain copy-pastes of the thing.


    Yeah, I got pissed off when I saw this. I like Archangel to death, it's the first server to be overhauled to my favourite fandom, and stealing code is an assholish thing to do, even if SS13 was built off of stolen code, that doesn't mean you should do the same thing.


    Uh dude I never said I was going to steal anything, I was making a comparison to how people openly want to steal closed source code but when it happens to Goon that's not allowed. Chill out.

    I'm pro-Closed source, anyway



    If it wasn't for leaked and stolen code, SS13 wouldn't exist. After all, the original build was closed source. The original thieves and goons didn't care about that, nor the creator's wishes. Why the change? Why shouldn't you do the same thing they did, especially since it is built off of stolen code in the first place?


    Why is it okay to say stealing the original ss13 code is a good idea, and it's also okay to wish to steal archangel's code, or lifeweb's code, but not Goon's?


  3. I actually really enjoy the idea of this species, and it's also in the code already, so why not? IMO it's a lot more unique than the current selection, and with a bit of rebalancing [spoiler2]Remove the insane x2 brute and x4 burn modifiers[/spoiler2] it could prove pretty unique.

  4. How about, the round ends if all the nations unite by signing some sort of union charter document OR there is only one nation leader alive. That way, some people will want to unite while others will want to war, as either is mechanically supported. Naturally, the union option should only become available and hour in or so, so people don't just immediately end the round.

    I'd support this, with a twist- The treaty HAS to dictate a certain nation as international leaders, earning them a major victory against the other signing nations' minor victories. This'll create diplomatic friction rather than just being 'lets sign to all win'.


    Without a doubt, my pipe dream has always been a proper skill system. Maybe even stats and perks/feats/advantages/etc if you want to get super crazy.


    Ability is limited in SS13 by OOC knowledge, and not metagaming knowing everything (lol).


    It'd be a coding nightmare, needing almost every machine and interaction to have skill checks with it...but the potential there would be amazing. Security having lots of points spent in combat stuff, being more easily able to beat a scinerd in a fist fight. Only people who know surgery being able to do brain surgery. People blowing themselves up trying to make bombs they have 0 knowledge of or failing to hack. Assistants being utterly unpredictable in what skills they know.


    It'd move SS13 so much more into an RPG that it'd be great. But dear god the nightmare that coding it would be.

    Lifeweb does this, and it is awesome



    For those unaware:


    Arachnogenesis is the name of an old Stage 4 virus symptom that has since been commented out. In short, it caused people to vomit up live spiderlings, varying from one every few seconds to one every second (or more in rare cases). Usually when viruses got to this point, everyone would be infected and you'd have dozens of people vomiting probably dozens of spiders before the spiders grow and kill everyone. At that point, there's too many for security to handle, and eventually the station will succumb to the spider infestation.


    One round I recall is where it got so bad that the server could barely run with all the spiders, spiderlings, eggs, and webs. An ERT was called and murdered by the spiders. The Deathsquad was called, and murdered by the spiders. Another ERT was sent along with a Syndicate Strike Team. I think the two ultimately worked together for a bit against the common arachnid enemy before the server crashed.


    In short, Arachnogenesis is a round ending symptom that's kind of gimmicky and amusing for a couple rounds before the "spiders, every round" gets old and boring and complete unfun. As such, this "suggestion" seems a bit more shitposty than serious.


    I just wanted to say that this suggestion isn't entirely shitpost. This symptom did actually really entertain me, even if it was completely overboard while it was still in the game. With a significant nerf, it could prove to be p cool.


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