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Posts posted by Arthur_Dayne

  1. The other day I was wondering; Do players make their characters actively follow a certain moral code? And to take it further, what about a code of honour, preventing them from doing various dishonourable actions. Due to the fact morality and honour is up to interpretation by the player, I'd like to know what you do with your character if you follow one of these concepts.

  2. Most of the pictures you added were of the in-game locations, as well as your own and other player's characters. Go back and take get some of the map itself, and please get a picture of the entire brig, rather than just perma.


    I feel like the main thing that would warrant a change like this, a change to lore that is perfectly fine as-is, is the fact that certain races don't want to have that hanging over their heads, the fact that almost all the players of a certain species refuse to follow the damned lore. Blah blah, stupid stubborn rant, I refuse to let them win. I think the lore is nice, and we don't need to change it.


    Also, this is very poorly worded.





    This was during a xeno round, in which I joined the ERT late and they left without me. I then proceeded to clean the special operations room until the DS came. I tagged along.




    So, having recently rekindled my love of Blueshielding, I declared myself the Bestshield and set it to my primary job. This was a malf AI round in which the captain, NT rep, and myself went into the AI's chamber to card it for the shuttle, however; It then set it's turrets to lethal and gunned down the both of them and hit me a few times. I managed to take out three of the remaining turrets before teleporting into the core proper, giving the AI a real scare, and then severely damaged it before I was finally gunned down. Pretty fun round.

    The other corpses came along later.



    What is your most robust achievement in SS13? Is it soloing a nuke ops? 1v1-ing a deathsquad member with nothing but a crowbar and fire extinguisher?


    I'll start, as I'm not very robust, this'll be short: I once got into a bar fight with Alice Peirson II, and went about 70/30 in terms of damage, ended up with with glass sticking out of my flesh, and a few good broken bones, but it was still a pretty decent fight.


    Oh yeah. That fight.


    Personally, I'd say either soloing a nuke team, soloing a rogue AI, or soloing something else robust. My memory of my robustness is a bit blurry right now.


  6. *Boop* Warden here. This was fun, I think what caused the fire was actually some of the lights being over-loaded. Other than the horrible death business, I think that plasma gassing might be a good way to execute people when you've got a lot of prisoners that need to die. I was thinking about writing a story about this from my perspective, but oh well.

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