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Everything posted by tigercat2000

  1. We used to have vox traders. But then the server's focus, community, and staff realized it wasn't working, so that's gone now.
  2. as a quick note, if you do go with a button, you might consider making it log the preference to the server logs, could be used as a good indicator of who uses it (if possible)
  3. I'll add an aside to Fox's post- Mentors are just players there to help out with IC mechanics and game related questions on the side, so they just get the ability to see question PM's and look for new players via the account age button. We have moderators, which are basically senior mentors- they can do a bit of investigating with aghost and msay, and pass it on to a trialmin or higher, people that actually have the experience and power to handle rule-based situations.
  4. First off- Helmets, masks, gloves, shoes, and radios all require overlays to apply to the monkies, which we do not have- that's around 200 new sprites or so. Secondly - Fair game monkies is.. just not a good idea in any way, IMO.
  5. Hm. I don't think this is a good idea, really, it adds a bit.. too much depth to surgeries and the such, if you ask me another problem is, if I remember right, this was a major overhaul on bay, and isn't really feasible to port.
  6. We also need this to go along with it, heheh https://github.com/tgstation/-tg-station/pull/8262
  7. I believe there is a way to make the jumpsuits start off at max, but, I believe it is a bad idea to remove the no-sensors option, simply because it means that anyone that wants the protection bonuses of security jumpsuits is fucked if someone tries to track them.
  8. I know that cyborgs can open lockers via the hack-y method of hitting their tools against it, but, it seems kinda pointless to not have three lines of code allowing them to just interact with lockers normally. Any thoughts on this? Edit: To clarify, this would only allow them to use attack_hand- no locking lockers, just being able to open and close them like normal
  9. I believe this is relevant: https://github.com/ParadiseSS13/Paradise/pull/564
  10. MarkvA has already discussed this with each donators that had the slime picker fluff item, and has offered compensation on an individual basis.
  11. Adr is correct, the code is already complete- ZomgPonies and Necaladun requested that I hold off on making a PR until they are sufficently able to compensate all of the people that bought the color changing fluff item.
  12. Obviously, the only response that can be given is this; Or this;
  13. Why give the mean HOS a cute little bunny? Why not give him a large Bengal tiger? *cough* totally not obsessed with tigers *cough* ... but I do actually like the little bunny, is cute, name it Jason.
  14. Obviously, we need the alt title of assistant, which spawns with a grey jumpsuit and blue toolbox. on a serious note; all of yours sound like a good idea, actually.
  15. One assumes, after such a time, that adr was most likely not going to take action in the first place
  16. While all this cybernetic stuff sounds awesome, I think it is probably not feasible to code at the moment. It also seems very over-powered unless the stuff is ridiculously expensive to produce and takes a complicated surgery to install. But if someone wished to take up this large of a project, I fully support most of this- with balancing of course.
  17. This is fucking awesome. Goon's master controller (from what I understand) is a much more efficient system than current bay or /tg/ master controllers.
  18. Wait, you are trying to say that the detective shooting and arresting for building thing's in an empty engi room is a legit reason to arrest? I... am not sure in what universe this is an arrest-worthy offense. And, Plotron, unless you give a Direct order not to build anything without authorization, engi's don't need an actual authorization to build in an empty room.
  19. If you are in complete darkness, the pointing shouldn't work. Likewise, the AI shouldn't be able to see pointing through walls. Pointing should also have a delay to prevent spamming it. However, it seems silly to make cuffs/muzzles actually completely prevent pointing. It makes no logical sense, and it is removing one way to actually not be entirely fucked if you end up muzzled and cuffed. IMO, muzzle + cuffs should not be a win button that completely fucks the victim over. EDIT: I would also like to point out one thing I missed- The way the human emote code is laid out accommodates to not fucking over muzzled people. If they use the scream emote, it should return "[Muzzled Person] makes a very loud noise." However, due to the way muzzles work, it is impossible to actually trigger the emote.
  20. I have always thought of their core as their heart, brain, and mouth...
  21. About 3-4 month's ago the wire notes worked, they don't anymore.
  22. Simply to clarify; The plasma fire was caused by the cult mask. It used the blow-out-lights spell to ignite the plasma.
  23. Rev is a clusterfuck, RP Rev is a clusterfuck that feels worse. I personally hate them both, especially when I am trying to do or test something and (lolflash).
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