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Streaky Haddock

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Everything posted by Streaky Haddock

  1. make this a function of the promotion/demotion consoles.
  2. Medibots scream their location and the name of their targeet when they notice someone in crit. That alone makes them sooooooooooooooo goooooooooooooooooooooooood. Also, our simple mobs have huge pathing problems; and medibots would become a huge security risk as you could just walk behind one and it would just open up ID-restricted doors for you.
  3. Honestly, all of them would be nice. Except Command, since that's the NT Rep's job.
  4. I agree, Tzo. My argument is that, given the nature of the problems encountered when I play IA ever, having access to more radio channels would go further to solving their issues than the ID Access. I'm not saying giving them ID access was a bad idea/shouldn't have been done/etc. but when I looked at the github comments, the possibility of increased radio access wasn't ever discussed. So I'm bringing it up now, because I think it would be more helpful.
  5. Oh yeah, they shouldn't have command radio that is squarely the NT Rep's job.
  6. Frankly, if they're able to be shitters on six comms channels at once, I think admins would notice. I'd argue there's much less capacity for greytide-tier grief with the radio access than with the ID access they've been given. My second concern is that IA Agents are often empty slots as it is, though nowhere near as vacant as the Magistrate. I don't know if adding karma pricing to the IA role would be... healthy for it.
  7. I didn't realise that the IAA Retool was a thing while the PR was open since i'm not a big checker of git. So I'm going to poke this dead horse now. I believe that the IAA Buff should have targeted their radio instead of their IDs. A Big issue with IA Agents is they have no ability to acquire hard evidence, and are forced to rely only on witness testimony. They also only get two sides of any given story: Security's, and the Defendant's. Not only that, but their job role is to lubricate the grinding gears of production on the station. It's their job to find out why mining's not getting any minerals for science, it's their job to find out why engineering hasn't come to the brig for the past six calls, it's their job to track down and tell the HoP where the Janitor's vanished to. Giving them increased access doesn't hurt, but it doesn't really help them in this regard, either. Instead, give them more radio access. That would actually help them and make them more effective. Yes, this would make them more mechanically similar to the NT Rep; but the NT Rep and the IA Agent have different concerns. Or, at least, they should do.
  8. Yeah, I made the report back in October, been updated half-heartedly occasionally since then. No views/comments/etc. Edit: Added the Issue Report Link in the Original Post
  9. He'll still be able to do that if we have human shapes, since the grey shorts will still match his skin tone. It just means I can wear my goddamn blueshield uniform, formal security uniform and coroner scrubs.
  10. Greys have a weird skinny body which looks cool until the Grey gets fat, or puts on anything that isn't a standard uniform. Even then, for the blueshield and coroner their uniforms are invisible when worn. There's lots of sprites that kinda need fixing with Greys having massive heads and oddly placed eyes, adding more sprite errors that need to be manually sprited and fixed for a neat-ish nakedness sprite that nevertheless looks exactly the same as regular humans when wearing fixed clothing seems kinda pointless. So give greys sensibly shaped bodies, please, since it's just a quicker fix than manually respriting everything. https://github.com/ParadiseSS13/Paradise/issues/8174 - My original Issue report
  11. I ate there. Service was good, Music provided by Slip was good.
  12. fuck he reminds me of bup just less narcissistic and more deranged
  13. Miners can find it in the asteroid. As for why it shouldnt be class S when linked, I can't think of a single helpful, useful or good function it has. It can only be used to sabotage the station and the people inside. It has no good use, so if you have it LINKED to someone, you're clearly not trying to help them.
  14. I'm okay with unlinked Voodoo Dolls being downgraded to Class C contraband, but a linked one should still be considered class S since... you know, you clearly intend to do someone harm. IIRC you can also make people say things with the voodoo doll which can be very damaging if you're in a communications position like Command.
  15. Cultists can appoint a leader. The Avatar of the Geometer, The Blade of the Reaper, the Enkindler of Pyr'kaeus. Being appointed leader gives you visibly fancy armour, makes you stand out in cult chat and... that's it. Multiple leaders can be appointed, they are not more powerful when it comes to rune shit, they can be deconverted just the same, it just gives the cultist either a figurehead or a group of 'we know what we're doing trust us' figures for the clueless cultists to rally around. Leaders are appointed by a vote, there can be multiple leaders, and they can easily be replaced if lost. Again, point here is less to buff the cultist directly and more to tackle the tremendous disorganisation inherent to it.
  16. I'd consider it class W contraband. Put it into the wiki, no problem. Batons and tasers are restricted weapons, so people carrying ion carbines/AEGs without permission from the HoS/Captain should fall under the same charge. Sure it may only be 10 minutes but you also get to take the weapon off the halls, and, you know. Not everybody who carries a weapon actually deserves being sent to Prison.
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