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Streaky Haddock

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Everything posted by Streaky Haddock

  1. oh no it's another gangnam ropa fan. nomzy was enough. NOMZY WAS ENOUGH. NOMZY NOOOOO.
  2. I don't care hugely for the revolver but if it plays a key role in game balance then it should definitely stay. How about a modification to this then. Detective spawns as normal with the Forensic Technician and Detective Alt Titles. There is a new job role added in which is the 'Special Consultant' role. Consultant Role also has the Forensic Technician title (no gun though), Psychological Consultant, Coronary Consultant or Crime Scene Investigator Alt title. They have no gun, no power of arrest but have a telebaton, a flash and a forensic scanner. They can spawn in the red, blue or detective's coat but have a shabby suit, psyche turtleneck, black scrubs and blue scrubs depending on role. I would REALLY like to have more investigatory manpower.
  4. i understand the idea i just dont think we need it
  5. oh nooooooooooooooooo there are handcuffs
  6. Read this document. Read it carefully and understand why the HoP got my karma.
  7. no I'd rather not have cryolock because sometimes people go into cryodorms with important gear on them that isn't retrievable via the interface and occasionally people hide bodies in there. Definitely reduce the freeze time by half though, and give admins a notification when someone pulls someone out of the pod.
  8. I'm also bothered by the fact that the Magistrate is expressly forbidden from overseeing timed sentences. Not only does the Magistrate have nothing to do a lot, he's also unable to curtail awful security.
  9. it could just be for weapon decal purposes. As I tested I beat playerless IPCs repeatedly with a katana and a fire extinguisher. There were no oil decals on the floor, but my clothes and weapons were covered in black 'blood'.
  10. oh and it'd be good to protect against people who chew their own goddamn hands off. Obviously I would create a ~special regulation~ which would prohibit its use against people who have already tried it once.
  11. yes and my idea is the best and should clearly be offered as compensation
  12. larva can evolve into drones which can evolve into queens. We don't need a special queen shortcut facehugger.
  13. Another idea I had was that maybe the forensic scanner could note down the age (either specific or general) of blood on the ground or on mobs or items.
  14. New Blood colours according to changelog: - Greys are purple - Kidan are orange - Vox are blue - Diona are green Detectives should definitely pay attention to this.
  15. okay i'm fine with most of the logic except that bit at the end. I wouldn't be able to 0 to 100 someone with compact defibs as a paramedic. If I have to defib someone before I get to medbay, it's probably because they're barely clinging to life.
  16. slime people don't have clear blood, they bleed straight up water. That's an important distinction because 'clear blood' doesn't suggest you'll slip all over the fuckin place. Also I can't seem to make IPCs leave an oil/blood decal on the floor. However, black oil/blood decals are left on the hands/clothes/weapon of anybody who attacks an IPC. Plasma Men are basically humans that breath plasma and start with space suits. General Plasmaman Suit Stats, All job suits have these properties: Extinguishes fires when worn Exosuit Slot (/weapon/gun,/obj/item/ammo_storage,/obj/item/ammo_casing,/obj/item/weapon/melee/baton,/obj/item/weapon/melee/energy/sword,/obj/item/weapon/handcuffs,/obj/item/weapon/tank) Anything that is a /gun/, /ammo_storage, melee/baton etc subitem (e.g stunprods are a baton subobject cable coils are a handcuff subobject etc) can be worn on the exosuit slot. pressure_resistance = 40 * ONE_ATMOSPHERE slowdown = 1 Can only be worn by PlasmaMen Atmos Tech: armor = list(melee = 20, bomb = 25, bio = 100)FIRESUIT_MAX_HEAT_PROTECTION_TEMPERATURE Engineer: melee = 40, bullet = 5, laser = 20,energy = 5, bomb = 35, bio = 100, rad = 80pressure_resistance = 200 * ONE_ATMOSPHERE slowdown = 1 CE Suit is the same as Engineer except it has Max Heat Protection the same as the Tech's suit. Miner: melee = 30, bullet = 5, laser = 15,energy = 5, bomb = 30, bio = 100, rad = 20 Security: melee = 40, bullet = 15, laser = 35,energy = 5, bomb = 35, bio = 100, rad = 20Detective, Security, Warden all get this suit. Brig Physician gets the orange default plasma man suit. The HoP, HoS and Captain suits are all subtypes of the security suit. Nuclear Operative: melee = 60, bullet = 50, laser = 30, energy = 15, bomb = 35, bio = 100, rad = 60This suit has a built in camera for some reason? There are no special suits for blueshield, brig phys, magistrate, sec pod pilot, NT Rep etc. Spawning as a plasmaman in one of those roles will result in the orange plasma man suit which has a slowdown of 2.
  17. I'd say it'd all be one trespassing charge until he breaks into the RD's office in which i'd just count that entire break in as one charge of breaking into a secure area. I quite like battery as a law and I think that pushing someone over should count as such. Other than that i'm content with Dean's summary of a guy pushing an officer over and taking his gun.
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