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Everything posted by necaladun

  1. Aviator Sec Glasses, and maybe cool visor type things for the futurey feel. Variations on the armoured vests - flak style/leather style jackets, As for extra holsters and storage space...that's better discussed elsewhere as there are some big balance implications to consider there. I believe Xan was more looking for ideas for different looks of pre-existing items. (correct me if i'm wrong as usual xan)
  2. A full time coders wages sound pretty hefty for byond. That doesn't add up to me for the number of players etc, but I havn't checked. Without any evidence it'll work all I know is that it will decrease the attention to ss13 that lummox pays. A single post on the forums would likely do little. An email to him from multiple donors saying why they cancelled their subscription would, however.
  3. We really can't get behind a campaign started the way you did there. If anything I'd prefer cross server fundraising for byond for specific coding goals than to start out with a passive aggressive approach communicated via prs and reddit posts. The idea of punishing lummox seems risky, and a bit mean. We don't know his or byonds finances or situations, and reducing the income could result in less time being dedicated to it.
  4. It could be better is not a cost. Until someone shows an actual working alternative, disendorsing byond is all risk with no real gain. It's a pretty big leap to say to openly disendorse byond will lead to us getting open source. There seems to be some missing steps.
  5. I don't think calling holding it hostage is fair. I'd love the engine to be open source, sure, but these methods are questionable on methods and effectiveness. Activily choosing to disendorse byond - which it now would be - would be a very stupid move for us. We currently are gaining from byond with no cost to ourselves. A tiny in game advertisement in game seems more than fair. Hell, if byond had a steady income it could even expand to more than 1 guy one day.
  6. Code wise i don't like gating this behind time locks too much. Playing 10 full shifts as a janitor or doctor can be 20 hours and give little experience for nuke ops. The best bet code wise is better descriptions and explanations in game of how to use things and making them more intuitive. Non code wise, its about making the wiki better, and being helpful to new players. Yelling that they're idiots (even "icly") wont help and makes people scared to ask for help.
  7. The Chaplain isn't an antag, and isn't a member of security. While they have a few nice abilities against cultists and the like, we really don't want to see them be too powerful. They're primarily an RP role, and I'd prefer to see people playing them for the RP and not to get access to a bunch of powers and abilities. A lot of people have floated various ideas for this kind of thing, and while many of them are really cool, it doesn't fit the balance intended for the game or the chaplain role.
  8. The hiring requirements of NT used to be "A pulse". IPCs changed that.
  9. We have no intent of making the Chaplain any more powerful atm, if anything the reverse.
  10. But easier than pulling someone who is resisting, which itself is harder than pulling someone who is unconscious...
  11. This is...really interesting. A surprisingly big change for how minor it is. I don't know if I support it or not but think it has potential
  12. Having nearly all of command being trusted like that would be horrid for a lot of reasons. Without cmd, i have no interest in making murder ok but insisting they have to be revivable. The arguments as to what and wouldn't mean revivable alone make me cringe and they haven't even started. An arbitrary delay on when you can murder would be meta'd to all hell. If people know oocly that murders shouldnt be occuring before 12:30 they'll act very differently before and after that mark. Tator gear costs are prolly better for a seperate post tbh. Changling tests have never worked well for us. Having the only way to be confirmed as a ling being if the ling fucks up is good, it adds to the fear and paranoia. Shadowlings are not gonna get removed outright. Balance tweaks can be done before that. If you just cryo rather than facing them ofc they are going to win. That's a self fulfilling prophecy. I personally like having the odds stacked against me for once. Saying they cannot be balanced is the same defeatist attitude. Vampires i would very much like to have to only go for living players rather than monkeys. Knowingly helping an antag in "any way shape or form" i do not want to see banned. It's incredibly broad. Medbay should not be stopped from healing someone they know or suspect is an antag. Overall this very much is against what we want here. Some balance tweaks are good, but overall this is a severe nerf to antags. Antags are meant to be powerful and dangerous. The chance of being killed and out of the round adds to the fun and enjoyment when you are alive. Losing can be fun.
  13. Can confirm rule 1 is very important. As a general rule though, remember context is king. Greytiding like this can be bad depending on the situation and the extent. Eg, removing the scrubbers when the AI is filling somewhere full of plasma/people using atmos grenades/etc is bad. Always ask yourself if you're making things more fun or just more frustrating for others. Sec need pretty criminals so they have something else to do except hunt antags. No need to be an asshole for them. If you've been greytiding all round, and then scream that you fucked the mother of the guy who arrested you, please don't ahelp if he peppersprays you a bunch or even hits you once with a harmbaton. Sec has a high turnover rate heavily due to people treating them like trash. Try to make it fun for them too! Without security, there'd be no fun in greytiding. And if in doubt, AHELP first. We might even let you do things you wouldn't normally be allowed to - the admins generally know how chaotic the round is (or about to be).
  14. Ambrosia - never seen this used..no idea how to make better. Boozey Shells - never seen them used - 6TC is very high, maybe reduce? Garotte - Expensive, but awesome. Maybe make it cheaper? I've never used it due to my lag making it unreliable, anyone got input on it? Camera Bug - Better interface would be nice, might even be worth a few extra TCs if it was easier to use. Hacked AI Module - Gets a lot of use. While R&D can replace it, it's not like you can just go to the desk and ask for it. The main hoop to jump through is getting an upload board. I think it's fine personally where it is, wouldn't object to 12 TC price though. Dart Pistol - RSG is way better and doesn't scream "I"M A SYNDIE". Binary - situational, generally best with the hacked AI module. Barely used, could be cheaper IMO. Syndie Surgery Bag - The main utility of this is that it can be plucked out of thin air. While it can be made in the autolathe etc, unless you're planning to do surgery in advance, this can be a lifesaver/brain remover when you weren't planning for such things in advance. Military Belt - I think this was just added in because nukies get it. It's not very useful really. Maybe make it non-contraband? It is just a belt, after all...
  15. A lot of really good ideas there, a lot that won't really work and fit in. I'll let people debate which ones are which themselves until a PR appears for it.
  16. Lots of possibilities for awesome here. Flesh it out!
  17. Law 1: Keep the station under quarantine. Law 2: Act like a kinda normal lawset for everything else. Law 3: Allow this lawset to be changed when the situation is over. Law 4: Captain is Comdom Law 5: Comdom is Captain Something like the laws 1-3 there, but worded properly.
  18. While not mandatory, this is a FANTASTIC time saver and useful way for us to assess things. A PR of the code can be hard for morons who don't know code (Read: Me) to understand. Obviously don't need this for a super simple PR, but the more complex, the more this is helpful Thanks again to Anticept for this
  19. Hmmm, having "quarantine" be the lawset, rather than an extra law added might be the best way to do it for sure! Don't worry to much about justifying the reasons in the laws, just make sure the laws achieve the objective.
  20. Synthflesh is a chem, in a patch form. Chems can be in either a pill, path, or raw in their "liquid" form in beakers/spraybottles/etc. Synthflesh in a spraybottle actually works, iirc. Using a patch on someone applies X% of the chem to them (can't remember the %), and some chems do different things if applied via patch than via pill. A syringe/pill of synthflesh actually does toxin damage, again, iirc. How much it heals depends on the unit count in the patch - On touch, heals 1.5 times the applied volume in brute and burn damage. Where it's applied to doesn't really matter. Changing the way synthflesh works just for medborgs is a bad idea, snowflake codewise. It'd be better to create something else to do that, rather than making a chem act differently in 1 very niche case. I've never really liked the way trauma kits work in general, whether for medborgs or anyone else, and I think they could do with an overhaul.
  21. I've talked about and thrown a few sleeper agent ideas around before and I love the idea, but how to do it properly hasn't occurred to me. Some big red text of "YOU SHOULD NEVER BE KILLING ANYONE OR BRINGING ANY ATTENTION TO YOURSELF" would be needed. I might be biased though, as I'm the one who deals with the problematic players who will take it to mean "im an antagonist lol time to griff"
  22. Sorry if this rains on any parades, but without it being so nerfed from a regular medibeam as to be nearly useless, I don't see this at all happening. Even if made very slow and with a tiny amount of charge, there are a huge amount of problems with the idea. The idea itself can't be limited to medical - it'll inevitably end up in the hands of antags, security, R&D, etc.
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