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Posts posted by EvadableMoxie

  1. 2 hours ago, Enginseer-42 said:

    So basically, the Magistrate is the captain. And the Captain is just some schmuck who has a fancy hat and holds a disk?

    This is hyperbole at it's finest.  Because the Magistrate outranks the Captain in one specific aspect while the Captain controls literally everything else that goes on in the station, the Magistrate is more powerful than the captain? Ridiculous. 

  2. Parole falls under "Modifiers and Special conditions' to sentencing.  Therefore parole is not an alternative to sentencing, it is a sentence (or more accurately part of a sentence).  It's a sentence with a special modifier applied to it, in the same way the Warden giving time off for cooperation is.   As such, the Magistrate has final say over if someone is paroled or not.  If he didn't, he would effectively have zero power since anytime anyone disagreed with his sentencing they could just threaten to parole that person.  It would completely undermine the entire point of the role. 

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  3. 3 hours ago, Bxil said:


    Dying in the first ten minutes will still make you bored, however I agree with this. It's not that hard to make your death fun; all it takes is more effort.


    Yea, but I'm not going to die in the first 10 minutes every round, and when I do at least I can spectate, or I can go do something else.  Losing 2 hours of my time because I'm waiting for something to happen is far worse, and that happens way more often than when I die.  

    What I'm saying is if a few people have to die every round so it can be interesting for everyone else, that's a trade we should be making.  Plenty of servers do, and they do fine. 

    • Like 1
  4. Hijackings are about the only time traitor rounds are actually interesting for me.

    I don't understand why everyone focuses on the guy who dies when an antag actually makes a round interesting, but no one cares when it's a cult round and 90% of the station sits around bored out of their minds doing nothing. I don't want to be protected from being murderboned.  I want to be protected from being bored, and I will gladly accept the risk of dying for that.


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  5. Man, it's time to get some poison out, so I apologize in advance for the profanity.

    * Shitty CMOs that can't make biomass or SR. This is basic shit to keep Medbay going and if you don't know how to do it, don't play fucking CMO you incompetent hack. Or maybe take 10 minutes to read how on the wiki before readying up for a command role?

    * Shitty CMOs that let Medbay turn into a disgusting mess. Have some fucking pride for your department.  This doesn't apply to really crazy shit like Nukies, Terrorspiders, etc, but on a normal shift, keep your shit clean.  When you obviously don't give a fuck, no one else will either.

    * Shitty Doctors that pull patients away from me when I'm obviously working on them. I am very nearly to the point where I'm going to start stun prodding these people, and I don't even care if I get arrested for it. This is the fucking worst. Bonus points if it's the CMO.  Super bonus points if I'm the CMO. 

    * Shitty Surgeons who hog the tools and then take 10x longer to do surgery than they should, while also have no idea how to prioritize things like IB over broken bones. There is nothing more frustrating than rushing someone to the OR with 50% blood and IB, seeing wannabe House-MD with their fucking deathgrip on the OR then stand there for 5 minutes while the patient slowly dies, all the time thinking to myself that I could have had this done in 20 fucking seconds if they weren't holding the tools. 

    * Surgeons who hog the tools of claim ORs in general, regardless of there actual surgical skill. I don't mind as much if they are actually good, but still, this is shitty to do for any reason.

    * Assholes who waste Medbay's time with repeated self-harm.  I don't even treat them anymore, I'll let them bleed out right in front of me,.  If you want to play, play, if you don't go cryo. If you need attention, go harass security or something. 

     * The doctors who think you can treat people by dragging them back and forth across Medbay repeatedly without actually doing anything. I don't know what is going through their heads, but I see this all the time.  If you don't know what to do, put the person in Cyro so they don't get worse, and fucking ASK on Medical comms. 

    * The non-doctors who drag people back and forth across Medbay repeatedly while your trying to chase them down so you can jab their victim with a epi-pen before they die due to the moron dragging them. I get it that if you aren't a doctor you might not know how to treat them but constantly moving them is the worst thing you can do.  If a doctor sees an abandoned person bleeding out in Medbay they'll stop in help, if they see them being dragged they don't know if you are helping them or not.

    * Doctors who insist their way of treating is the only correct way.  You know, ones who get pissy because you used charcoal when they think you should have used pentetic acid, or accuse you of 'wasting' cryox because they don't think the injuries were enough.  Worrying about shit like 'wasting' cryo when it takes all of 20 seconds to make a batch of 120 units is just silly, guys. Ditto for the doctors complaining about infection on Nuke Ops rounds or similar inability to not hound their fellow doctors about inconsequential shit in serious situations.

    * Anyone who bumps me while I'm trying to use a defib.  Seriously, the patient has 180 seconds from the time of death, every one of them is precious.

    * Anyone who drags a reviable patient away from me while I'm defibbing or prepping them for defib. Bonus points if they are a non-clonable race.

    * Heads of staff who use the announcement system to address one specific person.  If the Captain needs to tell the CE something, that's what fucking command comms are for.

    * Command staff that conducts pissing matches via announcement system.  Keep that shit private, have some fucking dignity for christ-sake.

    * AIs who immedately send messages insulting the Captain for 'not logging out' because he walked away 10 ft away from the Bridge Console for 12 seconds without logging out. No, it isn't funny, and you're just being an asshole.

    * AIs who obviously have an ego, and don't even make an attempt to act like an Artificial Intelligence instead of a person.

    * AIs who indirectly ask for law changes, then do everything they can to intentionally subvert their lawset if they don't get one, because they personally don't like the lawset.

    * Any virologist that orders a Virus Crate

    * Any CMO that lets the virologist order a virus crate. Bonus points when the unlock it and deliver it in it's entirety, GBS and all. 

    * Chemists who have nothing in the fridge after 30 minutes when they were here since the start of the shift.  Also Chemist who:

    Do wierd shit like make synthflesh pills or Mannitol patches.

    Make 3u Styptic/SS/Synflesh patches

    Have made shit like Atropine and pentetic acid 45 minutes into the shift, but not Mannitol. Just seriously... what the fuck?

    Label their stuff anything but what it actually is and what the actual dosage is.  I don't know what "Blood Restorer" is. Is it Saline-Glu? Iron? Both? How much? I'm a doctor, it's my job to know what Meds do.  It's your job to label your fucking meds properly, not pretend I'm an idiot and need you to tell me what pill to give for what.






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  6. Name: Grimes

    Age: Unknown, although his personnel file claims 32

    Gender: Male 

    Race: Slime person

    Blood Type: N/A

    General Occupational Role(s): Grimes possess a wide array of knowledge and skills, but shows particular expertise in science and medical. 


    Little is known of Grime's past, beyond that he hails from Xarxis 5 and was recruited as a part of NT's industrialization efforts on the planet. He tends not to speak of his past and gives conflicting versions of it if pressed. His general outlook seems to be a mix of nihilism and hedonism, and he often doesn't much care for anything beyond finding his next source of amusement. He is polite and affable, even to those who mean him harm, but beyond that he is quite unpredictable.  On many occasions he will refuse to fight as if a devout pacifist, in other situations he'll take up arms easily. Sometimes he can show a callous disregard for the well-being of others, and other times he will go to great lengths to help a stranger. It all seems to depend on whatever his current whims are at the time. Generally, though, as long as he ends his shift with a cigarette in one hand and a Vodka Martini in the other, he is content.


    Once did 200u of Methamphetamine and lived.

    Created a cannabis plant with 0 yield.  

    Built a BSA in Cargo and fired it into the cargo shuttle warp field, breaking space.

    Seems to possess knowledge in a wide range of areas, from medical expertise to improvised weapons, to hacking and more.

    Highly adaptable. Very skilled at creative problem solving when usual methods are unavailable.

    Employment Records

    Recruited from Xarxis 5 as part of NT's ongoing industrialization efforts.

    [Restricted to Heads of Staff or above]

    Grimes is a former member of the terrorist group "Xarxis Liberation Movement", a group dedicated to the removal of NanoTrasen from Xarxis and an end to their ongoing industrialization efforts there. This group believed NanoTrasen's industrialization as well as management of the planet's government will only lead to the exploitation and eventual destruction of Xarxis and the slime people race. NanoTrasen's response to such groups was swift and brutal. One such raid lead to the complete destruction of an XLM base with all hands thought to have been lost.  However, several months later NanoTrasen patrols caught a single survivor attempting to escape. 

    Impressed by his skills and will to survive, NT offered him a chance to turn on the remains of his former group in exchange for his life.  Grimes accepted, and helped remove the last holdouts of organized resistance from the planet.  As a reward, he was allowed to work freely and by this point in generally trusted with most roles. While he's still somewhat cold toward Nanotrasen in general, he seems resigned to his fate and no longer opposes them.

    Security Records

    Several incidents of minor theft, drug possession, breaking and endering, vandalism, and possession of improvised weapons.  Usually with reduced sentences for good behavior. 

    Medical Records


    Personnel Photo




    Other Notes:


    • Like 2
  7. Nukies who just rush the bridge and get in and out fast are the ones who win.  

    War-deccing and letting the crew secure your disk and then having to fight through 80+ people usually ends in failure.  If anything, War-dec needs to be stronger.  As it stands nukies do it because it's more fun, not because it increases their chances of winning. 

  8. Another idea might be to have it so when Nukies declare war, a couple of crewmembers with traitor turned on become activated as traitors.  This gives further incentive to nukies to war dec, and prevents the crew from handing out all access because now not everyone is automatically trustworthy. 

  9. 3 hours ago, ZN23X said:

    I'm also 100% joking about sec obtaining meth to counter meth users. If sec ever developed a round start ritual that involved obtaining meth and meme chems to combat antags then I'd quit. I'd rather be slaughtered by meme chems forever than succumb to that.

    I agree with that, I was just thinking about extreme situations and 'what ifs'

  10. So, a bit of a tangent here, but can security just fight fire with fire and use meth themselves?  I looked at the space law on this and it's.... hazy.

    There are two laws regarding narcotics: Possession and distribution.  The obvious take away here is that only possession and distribution are illegal. Using meth or any other drug is not illegal. Of course it's hard to use something without possessing it first, and security (probably) can't make it's own meth, so the possession and distribution laws become somewhat important when it comes to practicality. 


    To possess space drugs, ambrosia, krokodil, crank, meth, Aranesp, bath salts, THC, or other narcotics, by unauthorized personnel.



    To distribute narcotics and other controlled substances. This includes ambrosia and space drugs. It is not illegal for them to be grown - distribution is the crime here.

    Given that Meth is specifically listed under drug possession as a narcotic, it would make sense that it's covered by the drug distribution law as well. It would be pretty difficult to argue against it being classified as a narcotic anyway.

    The clarification on distribution simply mentions that tricking or forcing someone to inject narcotics is assault. Nothing important there. The possession law though.... is really tricky:


    Botanists and MedSci staff are authorized to possess drugs for purposes of their jobs and are not subject to this law so long as they are not distributing or using them for profit or recreation.

    Lets ignore botanists for now... what exactly is "MedSci"? The only job that is covered by both science and medical is genetics, and I don't think the intention of the law is to allow them to run around on Meth. Or do they mean anyone in Medical and/or Science?  Or just Chemists and Chemical researchers? Or do they just mean Medical in general? The Psychologist gets a pill bottle with Meth in it at round start, so it would be odd for that role not to have authorization to have meth. 

    Well, either way, I think it's safe to assume that MedChem is meant to be included in whatever "MedSci" is.  But what the heck is MedChem going to do with Meth, if not distribute it? The entire job of MedChem is to make and distribute Chems. The psychologist as well, isn't the point of having the pill bottle with meth to give meth to patients? Unless this law implies chemists need to be hocked up on meth to do their jobs, it's inherently contradictory.  If you aren't supposed to distribute meth ever why isn't it illegal to make it and have it as a chemist?

    Now you could argue that distributing chems is the purpose of the chemist job, the 'purposes of their jobs' covers giving out meth when appropriate.  The problem is, that clarification is under the possession law.  The distribution law has no such exceptions. It doesn't say distribution is illegal by unauthorized personnel, it just says it's illegal.  That's it.  No exceptions.

    You could argue perhaps the CMO has the authority to authorize it, or even any doctor if there is a legitimate medical use... but you could just as easily argue they can't. The space law doesn't say they can, and even the Captain isn't above space law.  If the captain can't make murder legal, can the CMO make narcotics distribution legal?  Doesn't seem like they can.

    So, my interpretation of the law is that MedChem can legally make Meth, and cannot be arrested simply for having it. However, they can't legally ever give it to security, as that would be distribution which is always illegal.  The only legal way I can see to do it is this: You'd need to argue that security falls under the umbrella of 'authorized personnel' to posses meth, then give them chemistry access and have them make their own meth, since it's legal for them to do so, as long as they don't give it to anyone. And there's no law at all against using drugs.  Just possessing them or distributing them. 

    Another way, which is not quite legal as it does involve breaking the law, is tricking Security into accepting something with meth in it, then having the Warden, Head of Security, Captain or Magistrate pardon you for the assault and distribution charge. You'd still need to trick security into it, though, because if you tell them it's meth they would be obligated to confiscate it and have it held as evidence instead of using it.  Technically if you did it again, you'd have to serve both sentences, although it's a bit hazy on if that could be paroled too or not. 

    Oh and.... I think it goes without saying that these laws badly need some re-writing or clarification. It needs to be far more clear who has authorization to give out what and why. 



  11. The problem is that the population level on Paradise is so high that if we didn't have antag hunting rules, antags would be swarmed every round and it would just become a deathmatch of traitors trying to fight off hordes of graytides. Like a mini-nuke ops round every round. 

    That said.... a lot of times I feel Paradise is very non-inclusive.  I feel like there's an interesting story most rounds, but 90% of the people playing never get to see it or be a part of it. Most of the time stuff is going on I just feel like trying to be a part of it makes me more interfering with it than benefiting it because there's already a crowd getting in the way. 

    Standard rounds are usually only security verus antags, for the most part. Cult rounds are an example of this and are especially bad, with almost no participation for anyone who isn't a cultist or security.  

    And I think that's a large part of the problem.  When you have no legitimate way to interact with the round, then people are going to find illegitimate ways.  Yea, you're not supposed to let yourself get converted by antags.  You certainly could sit in the bar all shift and be safe.  But... why are you playing SS13 at that point? SS13 is not a glorified roleplay chatroom.  People want to do stuff, and a lot of jobs finish up in half an hour and then have nothing to do.  Or you can play something like Medical on a cult round and have a 2 hour round with literally 3 patients all shift for 5 doctors. 

    Not really sure what can be done about that, though. I just don't think the game modes we use were ever designed for our population levels.  One thing is for sure, having antags the sole drivers of any content in a round has wildly mixed results that often leads to boredom, which then leads to behaviors like self-antaging. 

  12. Grimes' preferred drink is a Vodka Martini.  He doesn't like hard drinking while on shift as he wants to stay alert, so he tends to nurse it.  On his off-times, he takes full advantage of not having a liver to hold him back. 

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  13. I don't think it's really about how strong it is.  It's not broken in that it won't make you invincible, but it's a pretty decent amount of always on regeneration healing the two most common damage types on top of restoring blood.

    The problem is there is literally no mechanical reason not to dump 1000u of Saline into yourself, yet it's really stupid in terms of immersion and RP.  It's a pure powergaming movie with zero downside. It's like pre-spliting in that way.  Completely illogical within the narrative of the world, but mechanically there is only upside to doing it, and so, people will. 

    It's not so much a balance issue as not wanting to reward people who break the narrative to power game. 

  14. There's a locker near the cryotubes that has some crap no one uses (I think a charcoal bottle and a dropper or something?) That would be a good place for it, I know back when I played more as MD I used to drop one off in there until I got too jaded and just kept it on my person. 

  15. On 7/24/2017 at 2:13 PM, ZN23X said:

    So @imsxz, what came first, the chicken or the egg?

    Neither, the problem is that 'antag' and 'security' are not single individuals.  Let's say for the sake of example you have 2 antags who will wordlessly stun/cuff/murder sec, and 8 who won't.  Likewise, you have 2 sec officers who will stun/cuff/execute wordlessly, and 8 who won't. And this pool of 20 people all plays together on the same server.

    Even though 80% of the player base does not want to engage in that behavior, they will eventually run into that 20% who do.  And when they do, and their round is ruined, they will remember, confirmation bias being what it is.  And they will react to that behavior in the logical way: By defending themselves from it by engaging in the exact same behavior.  And once that begins, it's not going to stop.  Now you have 3 in 10 doing it, then 4 in 10, and it quickly snowballs.

    People will always be forced to respond to the extremists.  The only other option is resigning yourself to being a victim.  Sure, some people might do just that... but most won't.

  16. 4 hours ago, Purpose2 said:

    @EvadableMoxie Yup. I didn't include pop size in my reasoning above. There is still a good bit of work to be done.

    Also, you were a big opponent of the original meta medbay which helped spur me to redo it on Meta. But I don't think I heard your feedback on the new design. Did you get a chance to see it on the playtest? Otherwise there are images on the Git. Nobody actually gave me any feedback on it - other than it looks better, which makes me nervous.

    I haven't playtested it, but I did see the pictures and it seems like a vast improvement.  I don't recall any glaring issues jumping out at me. 

  17. 18 hours ago, TwoCam said:

    We kinda need a bigger map for highpop anyway. This will improve the highpop experience.

    I disagree. Neither Meta nor Delta was designed for a 100+ playbase.  That's why you see things like only 1 OR in Medbay, or horrible use of space, like a giant courtroom that will be used almost never, but only 3 brig cells. Neither map was designed with our level of population in mind.

    Thankfully, Purpose has done a good job changing the maps to help make them more suitable.  However, I still disagree that a map rotation is inherently better for high pop when the maps we are rotating in were never designed for 100+ players. Just like with Boxstation, we'll be modifying existing stations never designed to handle our population.  Delta has potential to be better since it's bigger but that isn't a forgone conclusion. 

    What we'd really need to handle the population issue a map built from scratch with Paradise's population and ruleset in mind... but that's a lot of work. 

    Oh and this isn't to say we shouldn't have a rotation (or we should).  Just that I don't think handling high population is a valid argument for doing it. 

  18. 1 hour ago, Urlance Woolsbane said:

    Anyhow, I think a major issue with EMPs is their sheer ubiquitousness. 

    I don't necessarily agree or disagree (I don't feel qualified to give an opinion), but if this is the case perhaps adjusting EMPs themselves is the answer? Maybe the TC cost is too low, and maybe uranium + iron is too easy and there should be some additional equipment needed. 

  19. It isn't very fun or very fair for antags to be able to kill you in a way you realistically have zero chance to protect yourself from. However, IPCs getting killed by EMPs is hardly the only case for this.  Unless you're an engineer who gets to run around in a hardsuit all day, chances are any antag with a syringe gun has the means to instantly kill you with no chance to fight back.  Hell, if they have a revolver and shoot you in the back odds are you'll be dead before you can react. On top of that, we have so many ways to stun people, from batons to slipping, and once stunned you can easily be restrained and then killed.

    So when people complain about EMPs not being fair to IPCs, they are right.  It isn't fair.  But SS13 isn't fair to anyone.

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  20. I don't have a problem with it in dangerous circumstances like nukies. There are some circumstances where it just makes sense to let people have access to areas they aren't supposed to go. The HoS caught me hacking into Medical secondary storage on a Xenos round fairly recently and didn't arrest me because I had only broken in to weld the vents. It doesn't really strike me as powegaming, because I think it's more realistic response for most people than rigidly sticking to the rules in those circumstances. If handing out all access is going to lower your chances of being vaporized by a nuke, I think most of us would do that.

    The only time it's problematic is when who gets the access is determined by OOC reasons, like a civilian gets all access because he's the HoP's meta-buddy, or someone else doesn't because of a meta-grudge. And then it's the meta-gaming that's the problem anyway, not the access. 

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  21. 14 minutes ago, Bigtimetripod said:

    1. Steal a laser gun (multiple ways to obtain) 

    2. Shot a person 5 times and leave him to die (30 burn each shot 30*5=150, enough for hard crit and oxygen damage does the rest)

    3. 5 shots left, enough to kill a another person

    4. Recharge and repeat

    5. Syndicate engineers hate him! Learn his secrets now!

    Bonus! Advanced laser gun recharges it self! Kill more for less!

    If someone is having a discussion about balance and bringing up how much damage something does, saying you could have just shot them 5 times with something else isn't really a compelling argument, nor a particularly honest one.  By that logic I can say crowbars are overpowered, just hit them 30 times.  

  22. 17 hours ago, necaladun said:

    Love it in theory, but not sure how it'd look in actual effect. What would an engi alert do that makes it different from code green? (Maybe, engineers can no longer be charged with trespass?). Same for medi alerts, etc.

    Outbreaks procedures are in desperate need of being updated and clarified.  They still mention radium and diluting anti-bodies which isn't even a thing in the current virology system. There are vague things like: "All infected personnel are to be confined to either an Isolated Room, or Virology;" but nothing about the level of force allowed, or how medical is supposed to actually enforce this.   

    If we actually had something like a viral alert where security was supposed to actively detain and quarantine infected it would go a long way toward quarantine procedures actually being followed.  As is, they almost never are.  Even in the rare case medbay goes into lockdown, everyone breaks in anyway.  There's a recent Black Pants Video where a security officer breaks into Medbay during quarantine, so that gives you an idea of how much anyone cares about it. (Granted, there were shadowlings that were kinda of a bigger deal, but still)

  23. 21 hours ago, ZN23X said:

    Part of the reason for the station currently going to red so quickly is because the required threshold for red is unbelievably low. Green is no threat, Blue is potential threat, Red is confirmed threat. As soon as one antag does something that confirms what type of threat we are dealing with, we are allowed to go red. The goal of this isn't just to give security more flexibility at code red, it's to raise the threshold required to reach red to compensate for the increased power. The station wouldn't go to red unless all hell was breaking loose, so security wouldn't be able to abuse red as much as they currently can.

    I understand the intention, but my concern is if this will actually be used that way.

    The main issue is there is no objective mechanic for when red alert can and cannot be called.  The only criteria is when 'hell is breaking loose' which is entirely subjective.  And the people making that entirely subjective assessment are the same people with a vested interested in red alert being called.  That's a potential problem unless the admins are stepping in to prevent abuse.  Especially in the initial transitional period until standards are re-established.

    Again, I don't think this idea is bad, just that it would be a rocky transition that would require a lot of oversight. 

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