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Everything posted by Anticept

  1. You just about have to for carppires or carplings. There's not much else that really works to an effective degree.
  2. You have to be really careful with them though. I think one of the reasons you rarely see them, is the server rule about bombs. Of course, you're an admin, so "contact the admins about it" doesn't really apply to you, but to anyone else making bombs to deal with antags, seriously, ahelp first. Even an accidental bombing is gonna get you looked at with tilted heads. That said, smaller bombs that don't breach the floor seem reasonable and I doubt a min will be opposed... just make sure you tell them so when the explosion log comes up, they don't have to do tons of research and come at you aggravated.
  3. Vamp glare: if you're a vamp wearing flash proof, glare shouldn't work. Goon has it that if your target has flash proof, then it won't work on them either, but ehhhh. Completely agree that vamps shouldn't be able to use sleeping carp at all. Honestly, nobody should roll multiple antags at once without admin intervention. Cooperation though, I am fine with (if a traitor gives a vamp an item, that's fine).
  4. I am about to necropost the shit out of this topic. This section does not work. Undefined variables in NTSL do not equal false in the current version. if(mem("first_run") == FALSE){ broadcast("Enhanced Telecoms Enabled. Enjoy!"); mem("first_run", 1); } Instead, it must use if(mem("first_run") != TRUE){ broadcast("Enhanced Telecoms Enabled. Enjoy!"); mem("first_run", 1); } Which DOES work. However, this section will cause every server this script runs on to output "Enhanced Telecoms Enabled. Enjoy!", which is a bit spammy, and to fix that requires some really hacky solutions.
  5. You can also see the tech level of anything you print by using science goggles and toggling on the research scanner function.
  6. Tests complete. Stabbed myself in the legs and feet a bunch of times (and somehow mishandled the fork and poked myself in the head too), applied gauze to right hand, bleeding stopped. So where you apply gauze does not matter. I have not been able to duplicate the issue regarding someone being fully healed and still bleeding. Sounds like an annoying little bug that's gonna be a bitch to track down, because I'm still getting complaints about it. I also can't seem to duplicate the issue with gauze NOT working.
  7. Suggestion: Nuke ops always war. SIT becomes its own gamemode for stealth ops, but instead of one single objective, they have a set of high profile objectives. What's the difference between this and normal traitor rounds? The cooperation is expected from the beginning. Only part that I'm not sure about is is this enough to hype the crew up? Is there enough interesting things for SIT players to do, and enough for the station to fear for their lives and hunt for them if they are discovered? SHOULD they even be hunted by crew? Lots of things to think about.
  8. Anticept


    The big issue with late game is how mist form doesn't have a hard cooldown, but rather it's a ramp up recharge. Activating sooner means you travel shorter distances, but once mastered, you know exactly how much time you need to jump small gaps to you, but huge gaps to sec. It makes it very very hard to pin down a vamp for any real length of time. There is a couple ways to defeat end game vamps with relative ease no matter who they are, but it's such a pain to get scichem/medchem to cooperate under even the best of circumstances, and you will still need some backup.
  9. You should only have to apply it once. I'll test.
  10. I just gauze the chest. Thanks for asking, forgot to mention that. Worked every time. As said, examine yourself after gauze. If it says they were bandaged instead of "They are bleeding!" then you've stemmed it for the time being.
  11. So there's a little bit of confusion in regards to bleeding. As part of the blood refactor, the MOB ITSELF bleeds. It's not centered on any one particular organ. Just hit them with gauze for a temporarily stopping the bleeding. The handheld will still say they are bleeding, but if you examine, it says they are bandaged with something. When you've healed them enough, the bleeding will stop. The gauze will fall off on its own in time, whether or not you've healed them. If they still haven't been healed, you need to apply new gauze because they will bleed again. At the moment, I would not trust health analyzers and bleeding, except where internally bleeding.
  12. Assfax centcomm and find out.
  13. Actually, this is a big problem in space. Anything that generates heat needs careful consideration for radiating that heat away. There's no air to take the heat away, so the only option is surface area so that it radiates on its own. So it might not make sense at first glance, but unless IPCs have a circulatory system carrying heat away from their internals, it wouldn't bode well for them to spacewalk. OOC, our blood plays a critical role in this; it doesn't just carry oxygen, it also carries heat to the skin.
  14. One drawback to that, is there's not enough roboticists to handle any more than a minor station event.
  15. The term I used is inverse square law. Hehehehe. And it's inversely proportional to the square of the distance. That means if you double the distance (radius), the intensity must be EXPONENTIALLY increased. That means it's much harder to make HUGE emp bombs, as the amount of input material goes up exponentially as well. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inverse-square_law I want to know what the universe square law is. Maybe we're a projection on a 2d screen of intergalactic proportions? Anyways, on my own personal thoughts on this. EMP is crazy powerful indeed, and I had thought about implications of reducing the effectiveness to IPCs by half, but it still doesn't leave them in much good shape at all. But, on that note, there's some things that don't leave organics in good shape either. Maybe it's not so much the EMP itself that's the problem... maybe it's because it's so damn available everywhere and useful for more than just IPC killing... maybe that is the root of the problem. EMP discharges sec weapons and kills their headset, knocks out borgs temporarily, scrambles cameras, causes hilarious results with doors, can be used to mislead killing a death alarm person by setting it off with good timing, kills turrets, kills AI, burns out flashes.... see what I'm getting at? Why WOULDN'T you want to carry a pocket EMP?
  16. Are we talking real life or SS13 life? Because in real life, you are passed out in 15-30 seconds, and dead in under a minute, even WITH oxygen being pushed into your lungs.
  17. Tully has mentioned before in mentor chat that he's open to SoP proposals, so if there's suggestions for changes, do provide quality examples! The thing is, writing SoP and taking everyone's opinion in mind is extremely difficult. In addition, it's never fun to shoot down someone else's hard work, but the fact is: you have to remember that just because you put in a lot of effort, it doesn't mean anyone is obligated to accept any of it. That's the disclaimer that I think that needs to be remembered. Still, anything worth doing often isn't easy. Let's see what comes of it!
  18. Spray Bottles are indeed pretty robust, but they are goddamn unbelievably useful too for more than just water. I really wish I had an answer for sprayables. It's that they are so damn robust and useful that they are rare... but it's kind of a pain that they ARE rare too when you could really use them for a mess. If soap didn't take so unbelievably long to clean a tile, that'd be nice. I never really messed too much with the biogenerator, didn't notice they made spray bottles.
  19. I've believed the spray bottles should be producible in a lathe... but it fucks with chemistry a bit and presents a real problem. Honestly, the potent chems should eat right through the plastic if you tried. Like CIF3, Flurosurfactant, things like that. These are items that should be in a beaker and still usable. Perhaps higher in the R&D tree, you could have a chemically resistant spray bottle? Smaller reservoir, but can hold anything.... oh god imagine if they had [noreact].... *shudders
  20. This would qualify as abuse, and a great way to get jobbanned.
  21. If you are found with two or more class C items and commit a major crime, even if you are not using them, you are an EoC. -OR- You can have only ONE class C item on you, but if you are caught using it to commit a major crime, then that also qualifies you for EoC status. EDIT: mistakenly wrote major in the second one.
  22. The garrote is junk. You CAN resist out of it if they get the grab elevated before you resist. I believe yellow and red grabs are not resistible.
  23. All this said, I'd love to see a server rule getting people to tone down the trash talk to security players. A few little jokes is fine, but constantly shouting on the radio, trying to start a riot, and bitching in all caps when you get cuffed is really too much. All that is SO inviting to new people playing sec. It's fucking unsportsmanlike. Aurora: we can keep them under a microscope still. But taking some of the cuffs off, I really do think, will help in the long run. Yes, this will result in a surge of ahelps and complaints for a while, until they either learn to stop being shitters, or enough jobbans are issued.
  24. I've been just watching to see how things turn out. From what I've seen: - NOBODY trusts security. But, that IS a two way street... if you want trust, you have to give it too... Always holding down sec just drives the good players away. - There is overwhelming support to differentiate red and blue. I've seen a lot of suggestions here too. Plus one that even tried to read me the SoP book. I've got a couple important points to make: - You will never get people to do things by the book as long as they think they will get away with it. - Security is an obstacle to be tackled, as our gamer instict will push, even when we are law abiding. How often do you listen to authority in a game, especially if you don't trust them? Current SoP, therefore, is pretty much useless. Trying to ask people to stay in their departments for example, it only works about half the time... for a few minutes anyways. But if everyone doesn't stay, then it's still a pointless endeavor. The reason for taking the kiddie gloves off sec is because when there's a large scale emergency, it becomes more important to keeping order than saving lives. Order is much more effective at keeping people alive, than chaos. However, about the only thing that motivates greytide to refrain from being shit, is ending their griefing run. Space law is laughably bad in this regard, hardly having more than a slap on the wrist for disruptive behavior. Even with workplace hazard, 15 minutes is nothing compared to the fact that sec is probably too busy to deal with most shenanigans anyways. However, it is not these shenanigans that going lethal on code red in this suggestion is about. It's about those shitters that push the limits of acceptable to the point where it should be self-antagging. They KNOW they will get away with it. They know security won't. Let's show them how wrong they are.
  25. Actually, I would love for improvised weaponry to have grades and extra steps! That would feel crazy blacksmithy in space!
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