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Everything posted by Regen

  1. Actually, this is genius. I mean, for starters it'll give the Chef more responsibility, especially if you have a system in place for cross-contamination between dead folks and food. Secondly, on many naval vessels during times of war, the dead are stored in with the food and respected/looked over by the cooking staff, hence why aboard a ship you remove your hat/cover when entering the galley, so as to pay respect to the departed who may be stored within. It'd give a cool little nod to actual nautical history much like the act of having a Captain as the boss, or the station naming conventions, or the NT officer's uniforms. Plus, it'd be cool to actually have to lynch a cannibal chef more than once in a blue moon. I'd suggest giving the Chef job a toggle-able job title like several other jobs have: Chef, Mortician, Meat-Handler. You know, something that works for the system. Well, the difference would be that in SS13 we have cloning / revival technology that would essentially mean nobody would die unless they can't find the body / sample of the DNA All I can think of when suggesting giving the chef morgue access is the chef grinding up people who can still be cloned, not that doctors are actually competent to look at the morgue tray lights to see if anyone is actually available for cloning anyways.
  2. I don't, frankly, see any gameplay issues at all here. What? Do you want space to be a hugbox that gently caresses you when you go sailing through it? You are on a space station in a lethal environment. It's one of the defining features of the gameplay environment and it should remain lethal. Instead of nerfing space to be friendlier to people, give them tools to deal with the environment. At some point you have to ask whether or not you even want a challenge in this game. One of the reasons I enjoy and play ss13 is specifically because you can have stupid random and sudden deaths from being careless. You KNOW space is lethal to you. You should not be able to throw on internals and go traipsing around in space, and moving away from making space cold, to simulating the actual effects of a vacuum only makes the game more interesting. This gamist philosophy is why we get dumbed down simplistic and shallow shit in videogames today. I hate it, I don't want something simplistic, shallow and easy. I want complicated, chaotic, hard and interesting. My issues with this new lung code extend only as far as the player not being aware of what is happening to them and why - and no further. More lethal environments are a good thing and space in ss13 has been far too kind to players for far too long. I agree with this, I don't love SS13 because of how easy it is. Space would in reality would kill you within minutes, you'd have little to no chance of survival once exposed to it, thats realism. I know that realism isn't always fun, but we need to find an in between point of !!FUN!! and what is actually extremely lethal. Right now I think space is way to friendly, seeing people EVA without protective gear for 30 seconds before they just run back inside to eat a pill and trundle on is just aggravating. I want SS13 to be a game where your actions have real consequences, such as exposure to a non pressure environment.
  3. Alright got my character set up, this looks promising guys
  4. Admin approval isn't really a problem, we're reasonable people and this looks fucking amazingly well though out. While the true barrier lies in coding this beast, I think this would be a really cool project. I myself can't code for shit, and creating something this big requires experience as well as knowing how to code, because it needs to be properly balanced.
  5. This has been discussed with Fox. The delisting is not permanent, and we will be back soon,
  6. Reposting what I said in the previous thread. Fox disagrees with us benefiting from being listed. From what I've gathered it is because of the lack of admins, and he would rather have few players than a lot going rampant when there are no admins online. When it boils down to it Fox is the Head Admin in charge right now, that means he has the final say if the server stays unlisted or not. While this might seem discouraging, I support everyone who wants to give their opinion on it to go ahed and share it, because personally I think this shouldn't be about personal preference, but what everyone wants as a whole.
  7. Mhm, I see. Do you think making a separate thread with a poll in it will help convince Fox? I know Baystation decides on many matters by majority vote through a poll, so that may work here as well. I wouldn't know, really. Perhaps it would get his attention, but I am unaware of how much he uses the forum on a daily basis. Edit: It certainly would give a better overview of what the community on the forum things of all this, as well as giving a vote to those who may not want to make a post about it, but rather just cast their vote without having to give an explanation.
  8. While these are all valid points as to why we should go back to listed there poses one problem. Since Fox has not responded to this thread, I will. Fox disagrees with us benefiting from being listed. From what I've gathered it is because of the lack of admins, and he would rather have few players than a lot going rampant when there are no admins online. When it boils down to it Fox is the Head Admin in charge right now, that means he has the final say if the server stays unlisted or not. While this might seem discouraging, I support everyone who wants to give their opinion on it to go ahed and share it, because personally I think this shouldn't be about personal preference, but what everyone wants as a whole.
  9. I have a suggestion for all of this, it might not be liked by everyone because it restricts a lot for ERT, but it can help with the metagaming "I am a security officer with all access above captain harr darr" that we see from time to time. What if we had a predefined set of equipment for the different roles of ERT? Is a medical ERT needed? Well then you start will all items needed to fill that role as ERT, nothing else. Is an Engineering ERT needed? Well then you start with the required items to fix the station and nothing else. So how is it decided what the station needs? Well we can have multiple options on the keycard authentication device. This will also significantly reduce the time it takes for ERT to arrive, because you literally spawn with all the gear you need and all you have to do is walk to the shuttle, hell we can even make the spawn in the shuttle, all it needs it to be started. I believe this would help our current situation with ERT other than a lack of players wanting to play ERT.
  10. It's not broken, it was Fox's decision to go unlisted.
  11. SPRITES FOR THE SPRITE GOD! I love these, we are soon going to get some new engineering hardsuit thingies Here On a side note, your avatar is mesmerizing, I liked Index, but Railgun was really dull..
  12. Looks like Arma 3 is free for 4 days You should definitely try some Wasteland steam://connect/
  13. Do you use the domain name to log into the forums? http://www.Nanotrasen.se/phpBB3/
  14. As of now we have officially moved all our services over to our domain name Nanotrasen.se This means that cookies for the forum and wiki is saved to www.nanotrasen.se/phpBB3 If you've been wondering why you get instantly logged out when you log inn with our old IP then there is your answer. If you find any service or post referring to using our IP instead of Nanotrasen.se feel free to send me a PM about it and I will look into it as soon as possible. This also means that the Wiki cookies has been fixed, thus you no longer need to use our old IP to log onto the wiki.
  15. mChat i am a little unsure about because I was not the one who installed it, all I know is that it was a pain in the ass to install.
  16. uhm, I suggest you just search through the PhpBB3 forum for compatible mods, that along with Automod helpes me a lot when installing the mods, without having to go through the pain of manually doing it
  17. I've been playing ArmA 3 quite a lot lately, from Wasteland to Breakingpoint. Mostly I play mods, because the game that actually is ArmA is a tad too clunky for me, with the unit control and AI etc. So in this thread I want to know, do anyone here play ArmA 3 or want to check it out? I've been looking for an excuse to start up an ArmA 3 server for a while now, because the setup and administration of it looks really fun and rewards a lot of experience with general server management. So if you're interested, what exactly would you be interested inn? Here are some links to mods to get you going: http://armakoth.com/ http://a3wasteland.com/ http://www.thezombieinfection.com/forum ... ing-point/ http://epochmod.com/ http://battleroyalegames.com/ http://www.altisliferpg.com/page/index.html
  18. You actually don't have to Right click image, copy image address http://i.imgur.com/8z6CGfj.png
  19. But... you're not supposed to know that your target is a ling, so in the off chance that it is a ling (which will rarely happen anyways) then it just adds to the challenge. Sorry but we are not going to remove such features from the game just because you want to be greentexted at the end of the round. It is a feature, that your target as an antag may also be an antag,
  20. Actually has really good potential!
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