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Everything posted by Regen

  1. If you don't know what cyanide and happiness is, it's basically a comic made by a few contributors whom make random comics, sketches and films on youtube. They just came out with a random comic generator consisting of 3 frames from 3 random comics, and the results are quite hilarious. http://explosm.net/rcg Post your best ones
  2. Should make the syndicate borgs have to hack into the AI core instead of just bypassing all doors, would make a fun minigame, syndicate borg vs AI
  3. Should we add le maymay arrows 2 forum? I think it wuld help cuz every1 h3re is pretty dank and we hav3 cool memes to show Like rate and subscribe for more call of duty 4 shipment montages
  4. I agree with just lowering the amounts of hardsuits on station instead of nerfing the armour it has.
  5. this, sadly, I mean, is it possible to liscence part of the code differently, if it's written completely from scratch? Probably, I guess we can just create parts of the code to be hidden from github, but it would defeat the purpose of open source
  6. Ideally I'd like singulo and explosion lag gone, as well; getting a new GC slotted in will help immensely towards this; ZAS will still be an issue, but that could potentially be tackled, too. Just a matter of effort, time, skill, and knowledge of the code, really--ours and others. Oh yes, definetly, I am just saying that the master controller is not a main problem, personally I think ZAS is more of a bitch. We should always be open for optimization, but maybe not when it would require 7 hours of work for a slight increase in performance, of where there were no real issues in the first place.
  7. Earth has been given the prize of literally worst admin.
  8. Funny enough our server rarely suffers any real "lag" without there being some special circumstance such as the singularity being loose.
  9. I will definitely look into this, thank you EDIT: Redid the guide to also include easy to use information for the server at the top, so that you don't have to read my wall of text to actually get information such as the IP and channels, also remade it for Hexchat
  10. Changed the Medals page to a link to the Github page
  11. There is a way to hold your breath. Just type "suicide" without anything in your hands :^)
  12. Hello! Please do not beat my record of most lethal virus and we'll be all A-OK!
  13. Reverted some of the changes, still needs work to not be completely all jokes and no actual description.
  14. Maybe not, but back to the issue at hand. I like the idea of vox getting a backpack, using the double emergency airtanks, perhaps resprited and renamed to something that is a bit more to the lore. In my opinion it wouldn't make vox overpowered, it would just give more leeway when playing vox as a whole.
  15. [spoiler2]You are all sluts[/spoiler2]
  16. Also added: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kDzgw03y73I
  17. How much do you like them? Less than catgirls
  18. Needs some work it seems Edit: Seems fine now
  19. Server listed again, thank you all for voicing your opinion
  20. Here's a picture of me helping our poor mentors
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