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Everything posted by Hylocereus

  1. It used to be that holy water caused brain damage - it still causes stuttering. I'm not sure why that was removed (maybe because people were killing cultist's brains, literally) but in its place I do wholeheartedly agree something else should be put. I don't think this will stop shitcurity from holy waterboarding people, but it should make most people stop and think. (And give the brig phys something to do on cult rounds. Hue.)
  2. As an officer, I don't leave the brig without; As a brig physician I carry; Physician Vest - I love this thing so much, people don't realise it has the same armor as sec armor roughly. 1x Pepper Spray - I rarely have issues with prisoners, but when they're an ass this is all you need. If they're aggressive towards me, I don't treat them. Simple as that - nowhere does it say I am required to subdue anyone for medical treatment. Most will behave if asked nicely anyway. 1x Flash - See above, also FUCK BORGS. 1x Full toolbelt - Generally for renovating brigbay and repairing IPCs/mechanical bits, but also as three quarters of a ghetto surgery kit. 1x Medbelt containing; Syringe, Crew Monitor, Splints, Pill Bottles x4 - Syringe is for emergency blood transfusions using myself, bottles contain meds for all damage types. 1x glass shard + hatchet - the missing quarter of a ghetto surgery set. 1x soap - cleaning under brigbay sleeper and winding up officers/prisoners 1x cleaner - see above, for added banter add 5u flurosulph acid and 10u styptic so that it makes people scream and melts things Fire extinguisher and SBR as above, also extra flashlights. Usually also a hot chocolate. Occasionally I carry a pizza to bribe bored prisoners. The spray cleaner I actually mess with a lot. I usually just leave it as is with space cleaner in it, but if I find myself having to handle dangerous prisoners often for whatever reason or get greytide out of my face I make up some fun sprays using the pepper spray refiller and some favors from chemistry. Keepin' the place squeaky clean and scaring greytide with a knockout spray that throws up scary chat messages without actually being harmful is good stuff.
  3. These sound fantastic. Shit, I'll sprite them all right now if you tell me what's needed.
  4. As I've already said, I do love these and hope they gain some traction. The changes improve cohesion and overall graphic quality and oh my god yes solid color cats. Personally I kind of like that the male body and female body are almost identical - cats aren't as sexually dimorphic as humans, after all - but eh. Everything else is great, I hate that stupid bucktooth pixel on the mouth and I didn't realise how bad the facial shading was until you fixed it. :P
  5. So, one day while mining I found a facehugger on the asteroid, and a borg helped me bring it back on station for scientific purposes... The captain ordered us to breed a xenomorph for captive study. Not pictured - mini infestation when the first queen and 2 hunters broke out after the captain opened the door.
  6. Goo is a cutie pie. I like stalking her from afar and watching her develop.
  7. If you think Ares is bad be thankful you weren't playing when the Old Guard were around. Fucking Afrum Bowhawk, man.
  8. > inferior models > Current/release vulpkanin heads Maintainers, input please.
  9. While I agree it'd make sense for like, Diona, can we please not become more of a SJW cringefest.
  10. I fucking love the blueshield's beret and I will steal it at any opportunity. When that's not availiable, security beret of course. Only the unclean wear helmets. Style is important.
  11. My favorite gimmick IPC I've seen in a long time <3 It's hilarious out of context how scary it is when a sec officer randomly offers you cola.
  12. Boo! Why'd the maintainers decide that? Removing four pixels won't mess up clothing, nothing pokes through. Oh well though, if you tried it already I suppose that's all there is to it. I think a liitle waist definition would be possible on the "okayed" model but if the powers that be don't want significantly noticable changes I'm not even sure what to do.
  13. It seems more of an oversight than anything that there isn't one, honestly. The wrench for the cryotube canisters seems to serve only to tempt greytide into sabotaging it. I'd sooner trade both crowbar and wrench for a screwdriver.
  14. Yeah, it's a toughie. I had a fiddle around in gimp myself to see what sort of thing might work though - this obviously would need tweaked, so I'm just leaving it as an example. I popped up your changed model and had a look to see if I could make it look a little more detailed while still fitting with the game. Thoughts? I shaved off a line of pixels too just to see how it looked, as I felt it looked a bit better with your sleeker overall aesthetic for the females. 1. Is your version, 2. Is my example edit The spine confused me so I straightened the back out, not sure how arms would look on it but I think they'd probably be fine? I tried to add the detail of the ribs and hips, as well as lighten the shading of the breasts as it looked a little like they were connected to the armpits. I tried to make the spine a little more defined but I think I fucked that one up, so I'll wait to see your take and commentary on it.
  15. I think this sounds pretty neat and fun. Clowns will obviously love this, I can totally see shitcurity covering people with written abuse, and it'd be neat for leaving "warnings" on bodies too. For additional practicality, perhaps have a cheap tator item - Adhesive Target - that can be slapped onto an area of the person's body as a variant of it, with the benefit that it makes all shots hit where the target is applied rather than there always being a chance to hit other parts of the body? Also, duct tape blindfolds when?
  16. Looks great! not too ripped, any subtler would be almost impossible to actually see in game, a nice balance. One thing that strikes me now though that I look at it again, the female from the side looks a little featureless too. Obviously, it's harder to show subtle definition there, but there should be some tweaked shading around the hips - as it is now, it sort of looks like everything from the breasts down is part of a sphere from the side.
  17. I actually really like these, particularly the female models. While bulkier from the side, it does give more room for detail to show, and the fat sprites of both genders look much better. (chubby but not obese sprites when ree I want diversity) The male pecs could do with being a little subtler, and perhaps a LITTLE more detail on the torso would help - pecs and a completely featureless abdomen doesn't look as good as it could.
  18. Well, you did literally climb on the table as HoS in front of a load of people and walked all over it and the food. From an IC standpoint 'course I'm gonna be pissy, especially when I've had a demented russian trying to bash in the windows :P If someone jumps on the counter at a cafeteria, do you think the cooks are going to be impressed?
  19. that awkward moment you hide your target's corpse and they mhelp you and you gotta pretend you didn't see it because you're too guilty to answer I'msorrydude
  20. GODDAMNED SLITH GIVING ME SURGEON PTSD Some weird vox roleplay going on r-recognition?! Local God bullies traumatized woman, breaks fabric of reality
  21. Oh my god these are great, I was giggling over the screaming Mike just yesterday, and now I get this pleasant surprise. It's gorgeous! Sam's eyes are grey, not blue, but I love everything about this <3 I love how you perfectly nailed the "I'm not sure I like ANY of what's happening right now" expression I imagine she usually wears, gold star!
  22. I actually think what happened there was I shoved you on the same tick that you grabbed me, as I saw you coming at me with the wire in hand before you actually caught me with it and I was frantically trying to disarm click you. Either that or you didn't upgrade to kill in time - you can resist out of aggressive grabs with luck - and since that's all the garrotte does, puts an automatic aggressive grab on, It would be resistable purely for that - but not kill grabs. Maybe it was lag or something, I dunno. I agree though it needs a price reduction, why would you use 12tc for a wire garrotte when you could get the incredibly powerful holoparasites or energy crossbow for the same price? Tator uplink items are well overdue a rework imo.
  23. Just realised this is over a year old. Big update and tidy! I think I put way too much effort into this shit. Time has NOT been kind to poor Sam.
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