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Everything posted by Farya

  1. The thing with antag stuns is if you get caught it's GG because you're EoC. With a stunprod or equivalent you can usually play it off as just being a greytider, the trade off is less effectiveness and so it should be. Prods aren't really any deadlier than the easily mass producable spears knives or half the things science can print off dozens of. Yeah it's really fucking annoying when someone validhunts with them but if you're getting into a position where someone with a makeshift stun stick can get you it's likely you didn't prepare yourself properly. That said though I'd be in favour of reducing the stun prods stun to juuuust a fraction above the time it takes to cuff someone, maybe have them make a loud BZZZZT sound as you'd expect from raw electrical contact, they are slightly OP given how easy they are to get a hold of since for stuff like knives you at least have to break into the kitchen somehow. Just make them do not fit into baсkpaсk - only in belt slot and in suit poсket of jaсket. Maybe people will use the garden more then - you сan make your own seсurity belt with very little effort here and it will give you 5 slots for the prod itself and makeshift сuffs as well. So people will assembe them just before they need it. Its not a problem to keep wired rod in bag and power сell with wireсutters in your poсkets. Its also good beсause when found people сant сharge you with possession of weapon.
  2. Unathi might have poor eyesight. And "need glasses" will make it even worse. But they will be more resilent to poison and infeсtions.
  3. Lolstuns should not be so easy to get as non-security or traitor with uplink. Even papapen while being silent do not offer instasedation and victim can potentialy run away, fight back for short time. Its really bad that such powerful weapon can be got without using any tc or robbing security.
  4. We are not bay where its possible to make every race unique and different from human by only RP and lorewise measures. The only way to make races "alien" enough is to make them unique codewise, which will affect the gameplay accordingly. Plasmamen, vox, kidan, ipc, greys, drask and dionea are such races. Vulp, tajaran and unathi are not. And "they are free from karma races" would not work here. Diona have very different gameplay from human and even slightly OP but its a free for all race. While plasmamen is mostly human with breath plasma and burn without his snowflaek suit.
  5. Not only vulps, but skrell, unathi and tajaran needs some rework. For now they just have small gimmicks or nothing at all. Their downsides changes nothing at all so they feels like resprited humans.
  6. There are 10 tanks on research outpost in storage. Nobody knows about them mostly so you can get one from here with ease.
  7. Except to change an APC you need ins. gloves. Shit a Civvie is not probably gonna have, not legit ones anyway. So if you're an eingeer or work in Cargo you.... frankly can just get them no problem. And... also have way better alternatives like... flamethrowers or ordering a murder crate. Still a very far cry from a "Widespread problem everyone is abusing" as is being claimed. You can change apc cell without gloves if you lucky.
  8. You can ask for bigger power cell for any other reason. Like wanting to replace power cell in apc in vacant office to make some gimmick office here. And electrical maintenance is rarely ever visited by engineer, it have no cameras installed. And you dont even need to hack the door to get inside. Just make a fake wall and you got a good place to hide as well as supplies.
  9. Foam pulse destroyer? Damn, I like it. Also make foam NT smg then.
  10. Its still given to the warden only and everyone knows it. So even if he paints his gloves yo are free to guess that he have one ready on him. And you still get big red warning message when warden prepairs any unique attack with his gloves.
  11. Any stun weapon is better then weapon without stun. What sense in high damage of e-sword when your target can just draw stunprod and hit you just once. Then picking up your e-sword and killing you. So capacity is not a problem. Even one guarented onehit stun is a great advantage. And its stupid to rush with any weapon. So stunprods is often used for ambushes instead. Or sudden attacks.
  12. This literally can be applied to any item of the game. You can pull out many items and quickly use them on a person.(Banana Peels, Soap, Space Lube, Screwdriver to Eye, Table then tie) The questions you should be asking yourself is A. Why are you letting them stand right next to you if they are a sketchy figure. B. Why not call for help if they stun you? C. Why were you in Maint alone(IF you were when they stunned you) Honestly, this notion can be applied to many items in the game. Just because you happened to be a particular target of a stunprod user does not mean it needs to be changed. If you get proded, scream bloody murder and get help. If you are alone in maint and they pull your headset off, turn your suits sensors off, then that is your fault for being alone in maint. Stun prod is much easier to come by then lube, peel or soap. You can make one roundstart as ANYONE. You also can make secbelt in botany with ease and the fill it with 5 stunprods. While traitor weapons like esword, pistol, energy crossbow or revolver have costly tc price. Thats not normal to have weapon which beats traitor/sec weapon with ease availible to be made from crap without serious downsides.
  13. > OP item which is not seen on examine and sprite, can be mass produced, have no warning when readied up > 1 powerful item with unique sprites and give only to warden.
  14. Or break the legs of your enemy, so he cant stand up... Yeah, I saw stungloves on tc(it have both stungloves and stunprod in code). Even security make them as backup weapon. Thats sick as hell. However admins bwoink people like assistants for making them because bay and because admins see assistants like some kind of gopnics.
  15. Make security meme-swat? Would be fun actually.
  16. Stunprod can be shoved into any charger. And its charge depends from cell it uses. Ask for bigger power cell from science to negate bigger power consumption. A chance to backfire when used make sense because prod handle is made out of metal(!) bar and there is nothing insulating on the handle. So you better get yourself insulated gloves. cheap insulated gloves may either protect from self-stun or make it worser.
  17. > Ask centom to send you your old ipc chassis > Make a scan of alive Tristen in cloning scanner, record the scan on disk, keep it on you all the time. > Put Tristen's brain inside your old chassis, decap his old body and make a photo for syndies to fool them. > Tristen is now technicaly dead but he is not. > ??????? > PROFIT
  18. Dont be afraid. Im think its would be like with asari - it dont matter what race the father have. The child will have same race with mother. In our case it will be little kitty.
  19. Some kind of bioengineering and genetics magic?
  20. For healing their meatbag friends. Welders for self-repair are easy to get.
  21. On tau ceti server Unathi have passive resistance to brute damage but they are slower then humans a bit. Because they have thick skin but they are a bit less agile due to that.
  22. But flashes are pretty weak already. They no longer drop people down and there are many things blocking them: rig and spacesuits helmets, welding googles and helmet(and rd with ce have their unique googles which they can wear like sunglasses all the time), sunglasses and shielded HUDs. Weakening them even more against people without protection is not okay.
  23. I dont think pirates should have murder objectives. That would make them more like "second nuke". And I know what Im talking about. Tau ceti have its own space pirates gamemode. Group of raiders with non-lethal guns(assault rifles and silenced pistols with unique ammo), LOOT RIPLEY, unique spacesuits and SPESS BIKES with objective to loot the station to get money. They steal anything not nailed down to the floor inculding crewmembers. They have fulton recovery marker for that. But anyway its often ends up like second nuke ops without nuke. Pirates loot the armoury and start to slaughter security and anyone who resists.
  24. IPC's are just about the only race that are actually properly delineated from humans. They don't really need any changes. You forgot drask. But drask is a new race. We really need to make old races more unique from humans. I personally would be very glad to see some changes to unathi to make them more appealing for people.
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