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Posts posted by FPK


    I've never liked the look of a lot of the weird coloured furs but I'd never say it was a problem. It's something that should really be handled in character. Dont like the way someone looks? Say it IC could lead to some RP.


    Have to agree here. You can be a bright neon green Tajaran all you want, but just be prepared for someone asshole (Derth) to come up to you in game and call you a radioactive furbeast.



    I've got one, but this was on LLJK #2


    Roundstart, and I'm a changeling chef. My only objective is to absorb 10 people by the shift's end, so I decide to make a ton of poisonous and fattening foods to feed my victims. What happened was absolute hilarity.


    I'm making deep-fried burgers of doom, along with shots of Bo Jack to knock people over and get them horribly intoxicated. I'd say something like, "Oh you skinny boy, you need to eat! Mangia, Mangia!" Sometimes they'd go along with it, and we'd both shove tons of food down their gullet until they collapsed on the floor. One assistant I was feeding when a radiation storm hit. Rather than go inside maintenance, he insisted he stay outside to gorge himself on fancy beer and food. Whoever that assistant was, god bless man.


    This goes on for awhile, and no one suspects a thing. I strip people in the meat locker, then gib their bodies to make more burgers to feed to people. Eventually, some guy comes in and sees like, 6 different IDs and backpacks strewn across the meat locker floor. This is how that encounter went down.


    "Oh no, you know where my meat comes from."

    I close the door behind him.

    "You can never leave here alive."

    Acid spit, followed up with a rolling pin to the head, and he's on the floor. He tries to crawl for the knife, but I knock him down before he can get a blow off. I eat him up, throw the body in the gibber, and make some hotdogs.


    I continue my stealthy but ravenous murdering spree, while the other changelings go loud and are eventually gunned down by the crew. By the end of the shift, I've absorbed 11 different people. To celebrate, I went full-on shambler on the escape shuttle, while the entire crew watched dumbfounded that the innocent chef was a changeling.


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    I remember this round, I was the HoS. It was kind of chaotic, with reports of changelings and no security team. I was doing my best to keep order, and despite the general confusion I think I was doing alright.


    I got a report that there was a changeling running around turning people into some fox. I manage to fish out a name over the radio, and find them in the bar getting stabbed by Jzoid. I bring both of them in to explain why the hell everyone's turning into this fox, and get two different stories. The one who turns out to be a changeling says that Jzoid has been injecting people. Jzoid says they weren't injected at all, that the changeling was the one doing it. I say okay, I'm going to throw the suspected changeling in solitary for now until we can clear this up. I move forward to grab him, when suddenly I'M a fox.


    This guy is clearly a changeling, and they've essentially robbed several people of their original bodies. Because we usually send lings straight to the borging table, I figure I'll send him to the electric chair first then haul their body to robotics. All three of us: The ling, Jzoid, and me go into the execution chamber, when suddenly I get BWOINK'd by LightFire53. He's asking why I'm executing the ling, so I have to explain to him my reasoning and why he should get the chopping block. LightFire shoots me down and says I can't execute the changeling, and that I need authorization. I pause, open up Space Law, and realize I'm in the wrong here. I reply back that I won't execute the ling, and move back to deal with this.


    I can't say I remember exactly what happened next, but I remember hearing that the armory was robbed, and that there's some other changeling or something killing someone, and I just say fuck it. I'll be honest, LightFire was justified in intervening, in the sense that Space Law does prevent me from executing confirmed changelings for some reason. However, something in me made me realize that I really, really didn't want to put up with this shit, so I told him I'd go to cryo. I threw my gear back, went to the cryotubes, then went up to get a cup of tea to calm myself down.


    I wound up watching some more of the round from ghost vision, and I did regret cryo'ing after seeing what a mess everyone was making out of the execution chamber. If anything, this whole situation is my fault for not wanting to finish what I had started, and instead leaving it in the hands of others.



    I won't lie, that felt a little demeaning.


    Doing a "helmet rollout" (which is seldom done, in fact I'm the only one who's ever done it to date to my knowledge) and passing out the riot/bulletproof/sec helms to every crewmember basically negates xenos altogether unless they pin someone down for a sufficient period of time to also strip them (which most xenos don't do). It disables casual facehuggers entirely, in arguably the biggest source of infection for xenos.

    While helmets do give maginal protection, it's laughably easy to pounce/disarm-stun/acid spit anyone with a helmet, drag them away to somewhere safe, then either kill them or take their helmet off. While killing them does effectively mean one less body to infect, there are plenty of crewmembers without helmets who make easier targets for infection. And yes, cargo can order more helmets for the crew. I don't know why they don't, but it might have something to do with the fact that the wiki page for Xenos does not explicitly mention helmets can help. Also, from my understanding, only riot helmets block facefuckers. I could be wrong though.


    You can also weld vents, and accessways to funnel them.

    Xenos can spacewalk and bust through walls and airlocks in a fairly short amount of time. Welding vents does limit some Xeno movement, but if a Xeno wants to get into a room, they will find a way.


    You can break pipes, and set traps with emitters. (Break a pipe in a long hallway that you cordon off, and have an emitter fire downrange. Xenos will pop up, be stuck in the hall, and get murdered by the emitter).

    I have never seen anyone ever try this before, ever. I don't know any xeno that'd be dumb enough to ever fall for this either. If you really think you're going to catch a xeno with a trap like this, there must be easily enough xenos that alternative routes can be carved out.


    You can electrify window grilles, very easily - literally anyone with tools and gloves can do this. Electrified grilles are incredibly effective against xenomorphs (it kills them in 2-4 shocks, which isn't even enough to break the grille down sometimes).

    This does sound like good area denial, but again, Xenos will find a way around anything. Also, what is acid spit.


    And as an ERT, you have no excuse to lose to xenos unless the problem is absolutely massive - you have guns that shoot through windows, and xenos can't. RCD some maintenance access glass airlocks and tactically advance.

    This implies ERT works together and isn't incompetent, like how it is half of the time. ERT is a mash of random dead players, including a plethora of people who have never played ERT and have no idea what teamwork is. Not to mention, the ERT needs to get an RCD first, then have a steady supply of ammo so they can sweep through the entire station. Xenos can just bust through the hallway walls, or build resin walls to block the ERT's advance.


    Xeno stuns (while definitely incredibly strong) are negated by traveling in threes.

    I see, so you can have two people watch you get dragged away instead of one. This implies that you're going against a single Xeno, and your two buddies with guns that don't need to recharge and helmets can blast the xeno before it zooms away with your stunned body. If this were the ERT, I'd believe it. Most of the crew is not ERT.


    The problem with xenomorphs is they require coordination and tactics by the crew to defeat, two things which are scarcely utilized. This is also the reason that blobs win a lot of the time.

    I do agree with this. I don't know why people just think so nonchalantly of Xenos. If the entire crew went full metagame, raided cargo and the armory, and stuck together in groups of five with an array of laser guns, like how absolutely nobody ever does, then yes they'd win.



    quick, unformatted post. Ive read your responses, come up with ideas for fixes.


    cooldown on xeno disarm stun, just enough to allow someone getting dragged by a xeno a fraction of a second to move away. Removing stunlocking would make it a much fairer fight.


    fixed time for facefuckers to burst you. why it's random I'll never understand.


    either reduce stun time for acid spit or increase cost.


    allow xenos to be stunned, if only for a fraction of a second. Just enough to drop any facefuckers a xeno is holding and give the shooter time to escape. would not work for aggression, as stun would not last long enough at all.


    make healing cost plasma, or have damage reduce xenos movespeed.


    make xeno weeds more important in xeno effectiveness. while off weeds, only hunters eho should be aggressive are not impaired. all other xenos suffer some greater penalty



    I can't help but feel like I'm part of the reason you made this thread. I want to apologize for all the times I've bitched about being salty and made a huge fuss about it.


    Like that time my nuke ops team got found out because someone saw the drone's camera that was with us. Or the time Headcrab as an abductor fucked me up while I was having a stressful HoS round. Or all those xeno rounds where I did nothing but bitch in deadchat. Or any time I've died because I got stunned once and beat over the head with a toolbox/blunt object. Or when I got adminhelped for brigging three vox for half an hour each, all at the same time, during a vox trader round. Or when I helplessly listened as Alex Rockwell, as a vampire, got burned in the incinerator while me and the HoS shouted for the detective to not burn him. Or when I cryo'd when the entirety of security thought that the detective in question needed a trial, despite very clearly not needing one. Or when I got stuck in an hour long trial defending a clearly guilty vampire because the Magistrate thought we needed a trial for some reason. Or...


    I'm a salty suzy, it's pretty bad.



    Yes, this is in retaliation for the previous xeno round. Yes, I am salty. But I feel as though I'm justified in my salt. Xenos are horribly unfun to play against, even with the buffs made to counter a few of the xeno's one-hit-kills. Xenos wreck ERTs. Shitty xenos have a pretty good chance of winning against even mechs. Xenos, with one click, can end a round for you. Xenos have several attacks which work as insta-stuns that last a decent chunk of time. The counters for xenos are limited, both in supply and what they can counter. The only way to win against Xenos is though sheer amount of mechs, or sheer amount of luck by catching the xenos early. Fighting against xenos is a loosing battle.


    Now, I've played a lot of games where loosing is fun. I'm a DF vet, I play a decent amount of security, rogue-likes and dungeon-crawlers are in my blood. But loosing to xenos? It's the most unfun experience I have with ss13. If you enjoy xenos, your level of masochism surpasses mine by an unreal factor. I get that ss13 should be a dangerous place in space, where you should expect to die. But with xenos, I expect to die 100%. That's not surviving the madness of ss13, that's a suicide mission.



    Maybe I've just become too cynical. Let me rephrase that last post.


    If the subject is acting in a dickish manner, but not in a way that poses a threat to station security, three possible solutions exist. One, analyze Space Law for a valid, legal reason to enforce order upon the subject, in hopes of curbing their behavior. Two, ignore the subject (seeing as they don't pose a threat to station security), and instead direct the victim to an IAA who could potentially solve the situation through negotiation or a clause in SL/SOP. Three, hold the subject up not to SL or SOP, but instead your own moral values of fairness and justice. Apply reasonable force/punishment, and be prepared to defend your actions from the legal department/admins. This third option should be reserved for when all other legal means fail, and should never be your first choice.



    I'll throw my two bits in.


    If the purpose of this change is to allow Security to deal with dicks not explicitly breaking the law, then we really don't need the change. If there's some jackass harassing crew members, I would suggest harassing them back. If it's code blue, demand to search them whenever you see them in the hallway. If they're shoving people over to fart on them, arrest them for Battery. If they inhibit someone from doing their job in any form or fashion, arrest them for Workplace Hazard.


    If you still can't find a reason to arrest them, stun them with your baton and spray them down with pepperspray. Steal their shoes and throw them in the trash. Be a dick to them, and avoid the gaze of the HoS/IAA/Magistrate.


    Alternatively, ignore it. Security is here to provide SECURITY, not to give everyone their safe place.



    I'm split on this. On one hand, security's job is to provide SECURITY. Redoing departments with chemsmoke grenades isn't really a threat to station. On the other, I do understand how annoying seeing lumps of chocolate everywhere can be from an IC standpoint.


    From an IC standpoint, it makes sense. From an OOC standpoint, it really doesn't.


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