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Posts posted by FPK


    Lots of important roles are now filled by baldies and really incompetent nerds.


    Greytide is pretty bad, but makes for interesting rounds.


    Lots of new gimmicks/minor events that I can get involved in.


    New faces, so much that I've actually started keeping notes on who my characters know and how they know them.


    Been getting into a lot more yelling matches as Maya. So much for professionalism.


    My stance on removing the suicide verb has only been reinforced. Seriously, I would rather have them ghost. It's hard to RP distress when three people commit suicide in a row by biting their tongues off.


    Command and security roles need to have stricter requirements.


    I still don't get how us relisting has suddenly made more people find ss13. I've noticed an increase of noobs on goonstation and the ss13 subreddit. I might be wrongly attributing the increase to us, but it's interesting to see.


    Increasing the number of job slots might help cut down on greytide. If we're going to have 100+ players on peak hours, we should have enough jobs to accommodate them.


    All in all, I think we should stay relisted for maybe a month more before going back to unlisted.



    Hydrosprays are nice, but we really don't need them. Goon's hydrosprays are there because people are dying left and right and MDs need a fast way to administer a whole lot of drugs. Because chemists usually don't make chems, there's a plethora of basic healing chems available, reducing the impact wasteful use has. On Paradise, the only drugs we have in mass supply on round start are the ones found in the vendors. Hydrosprays would chew through a chemist's hard work, if not to mention the annoyance of now having to create important medicines in bottles as well as patches and pills.


    I don't remember the last time I had a doctor on Paradise work to get me out of crit beyond throwing me in the cryotubes, though. Goon medical is a whole lot more tense in that way.



    The actual processing room shouldn't see as much use as it does now. I don't see what's so hard about bringing someone directly to the warden or a cell, especially when it's a minor-medium crime.


    He's right though, processing really should be streamlined. Anyone who's ever been caught alive by security knows the madness that is processing hell. Either the amount of traffic that goes through that room should be cut down, or processing should be more defined. The latter does risk making security even more complicated, but I feel as though half the time I ask someone to process somebody, they think it means interrogate or play patty-cake.





    Job specific objectives would still have to be general enough that security doesn't instantly know who's doing something like poisoning the food with cyanide. The briefcase full of bees is a good example: Once that sound file plays, every last botanist is set to arrest and botany gets swarmed by angry officers and hunters.



    Stuns in any videogame suck. Stuns in ss13 are absolute cancer. As a security player, idgaf what you people do to the tazers. One way or the other, security/antags are going to find a way to incapacitate relatively helpless targets, with the justification that they should have seen it coming.


    I do like Goon's tazers, but I'm biased towards their combat system and everything else on goon holy fuck it's awesome.



    Maya Stewart isn't a fan of free time. She feels as though if she's not working, then she's just wasting time. She tries to keep herself busy, picking up other assignments from CC on different stations and facilities. When even CC tells her to go home and get some rest, Maya hangs around her apartment. Drinking, going for long walks, and working out keep her busy, but it's not long before she starts to fall into a rut. When CC finally calls her back into work, her hair is even messier than before and her stash of rum a little lighter.


    Derth Guri hangs around dirty hangars and space trucker stops, looking a ride or his next high. It's hard to sum up an average day off for Derth Guri, but it usually involves a great deal of drugs, fighting, and bad, bad choices.



    "You have scopophobia: A fear of being seen and known. Hide your identity and presence as much as possible."


    "They can't track you. The trackers are how they get you. Never fully activate your suit sensors, carry a GPS, and never let yourself be implanted with a tracking implant. It's how the Grey Ones got you last time, it's how they'll get you next time."


    "You hate clowns. Sometimes, mimes too. Bully that clown."


    "Humans disgust you. Find every excuse to insult, belittle, and harass them. Remind them how inferior they are at all times." ((This can still be done as a human, Chris Haversam.))


    "Great, they fucked your schedule again. Your sleep clock won't have time to catch up. Next shift is your night shift: Do your best to stay awake at all times. Drink coffee, slap yourself, dump water on your head, whatever it takes to stay awake."


  8. I hate to say it, but maybe it's just summer. Influx of shitcurity in previous weeks does correlate with the beginning of summer vacation. Also, I've got summer classes that demand my attention, so I haven't been able to get on security as often as I would like to.


    Knew I should've done debate club when I was younger.




    If possible, statements should be used in favor of live witnesses. It's hard enough to get security to work together for a trial, getting random crewmembers to sit around the brig so they can give a quick statement isn't viable. Before the trial, any witnesses involved should be investigated by the IAA/Magistrate/Detective/HoS, without any bias towards prosecution or defense.


    NTR should be included in the list for possible judge.


    One of the HoP's lesser roles is to act as a defense for people brigged by security. They could be an option for someone's defense.


    Internal Affairs + Magistrate


    No problems with what's written so far, but it could use some additions.


    While IA shouldn't provide legal representation for timed sentences, they are permitted to give legal advice. Investigating an arrest and giving advice to prisoners is within their power.


    If the Head ignores a valid IA report, the Captain should be notified. If the Captain ignores the report as well, then CC and NTR should be notified.


    Brigging, Permabrigging, and Execution


    All that good stuff from the current LSOP, just carry it over. I see nothing wrong with it.




    That's all I can think of right now, though I'll probably come back for more. We still need stuff concerning parole and gun permits.


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