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Posts posted by FPK


    Honestly, we need more events. It's the easiest way to promote RP, and it gives more of an immersive feeling that the server's really been lacking recently. Lore needs to be fleshed out, current events happening off-station should have some sort of impact, and a little bit of continuity would be nice. What I've wanted for awhile is scheduled events, and a plot-tracker. If an admin wants to do an event, announcing it a few days before and setting an aprox. time of when it's going to happen would help get more of the community involved. If the event furthers the current plot or has some kind of impact that should be considered a part of the continuity, then a quick summary should be recorded on the forums.



    EX: Urist McAdmin wants to do an event where a few bounty hunters show up, with a prisoner in tow. They post on the forums that they're doing an event, and need a few people to participate. The ones chosen to participate are told how to act, what their motives are, and any specific information concerning the character they're going to be RP'ing as. A date is picked for the event, and is marked somewhere on the forums. Event specifics are not revealed, only that an event is going to happen. The event rolls around, things play out, and by the end something has happened that should be kept in the continuity (prisoner was busted out by syndicate agents on board, the prisoner was killed, the prisoner was turned over to CC, whatever happens). The details surrounding the event and it's outcome are revealed on the forums, maybe in the form of a newscast or a NT report. This way, future events can be based off of details of previous ones.



    I like the idea of it being a part of IAA, we really don't need another job. IAA sits around for the most part, an entire job dedicated to one function seems like you would have two people sitting around.


    The magistrate can approve parole, it only makes sense for their underlings to be a part of that too.



    I'll throw in my two bits.


    Space Station 13, in my opinion, is a game about entropy. Various elements on the station increase/decrease the station's total entropy. Usually, when things go wrong, entropy rises. The crew, in response, works to restore order back to the station. Examples include antagonists, medical emergencies, engine failures, criminals, and random events. It's the crew's job to work together to handle these situations, and in doing so, survive Space Station 13. In my opinion, that is the spirit of SS13.


    To go off on a tangent, Goonstation does this fantastically. Think of the station at round start as being completely neutral. The station is intact, all crewmembers are safe, and there are no active threats. However, there is huge potential for the crew to both increase entropy, as well as order. The engine is an easy example. While the station can run off of solar power, setting up the engine increases order by providing a power source for the station. However, at the same time, setting up the engine increases entropy. Plasma fires, breaches, the PTL, ambient heat generated by hellburns, those are just a few ways that the engine can increase the station's entropy. Even if the engine is set up correctly, there always remains the potential for something to go wrong. This is what keeps the round interesting. An imbalance is made on the station, so the crew works to even it out.


    From what I've seen, and what others have said, Paradise lacks a balance of order and entropy. I won't bother going into it, seeing as how everyone else in the thread has covered that topic like tomato sauce on pasta. Powergaming has found itself a home on Paradise, and reducing it would require either the removal or overhaul of several, several features. It's an absolute mess, and I'm not sure what the answer is to it.


    EDIT: knew I was forgetting something. It's late and I should get some sleep.


    RP is intrinsically very orderly. There should be a certain level of order present on the station so that RP can exist. Too much, however, and there's literally nothing to RP about, other than boredom.



    For capital crimes only the Magistrate, Captain, or CC should be allowed to authorize parole. Also, Parole should only be offered for crimes 15 minutes or greater. Any shorter than that, and they can sit it out.


    There's nothing written about gun/contraband permits, should that be left for Legal SOP?




    Honestly don't see any problem with the current description. Kidnapping is fairly obvious, and security will probably be focused on bringing in the kidnapper for some other reason anyways, like assault.


    Medical Aid to Prisoners

    If it's self harm, loading them up with ether to sedate them should suffice. If it continues, cuffing them to their bed or pulling out the straight jacket should do it. Other than that, there's not much you can do to stop them, short of temporarily removing their arms. I know self-harm is allowed by most AI lawsets, could it be allowed under Space Law? If they're really punching themselves in the face and not using the suicide verb, then I'd hardly say it's worth it.


    Intent and Self Defense

    Intent needs to stay in the capital crimes. It's a waste of security's time to determine someone's intent for a timed sentence, especially when investigations can take anywhere from 5 to 20 minutes. With the addition of Battery, it doesn't make sense for security or the prisoner to argue over Space Law. This is how every damn fight security breaks up goes: Guy one points the finger to guy two. Guy two is brought to the brig, while guy one strolls off to medbay. Guy two claims it was self defense. No one answers security when they ask for witnessess. Guy one is never seen from again.


    Self-Defense gets on my nerves so often because it's something that security themselves can't usually prove. Witnesses, or if one guy was clearly running away, are the only solid ways to get the Self-Defense modifier. If security can't ought-right prove that one side was acting in defense, then both combatants need to be brought to the brig. An IAA or Warden can talk to both sides once they're IN A CELL, not processing.


    Lethal Force

    There's nothing I can add that hasn't already been said. Honestly though, if security is given lethals for code red, then don't be surprised when they use them.



    I'm fine with this, it encourages traitors to hide items and random guys with illegal gear they found in the gateway to get their gear checked out by the Captain/HoS. As for the .357 argument, there ought to be a very, very rare chance of a .357 spawning somewhere on the map. Somewhere out in space, on the asteroid, hidden in one of the station's nooks, ect. If possession of a .357 doesn't mark you as a traitor, then there ought to be a chance to obtain one while not a traitor.


    Also, Unsure if Contraband stacks with Possession of a Restricted Weapon. I don't see why not, but if someone wants to argue against it, say so.


    Repeat Offenders

    I like tzo's idea of adding 10 minutes for every offense. It could push more people into perma, but if they're committing that many crimes, then they probably deserve it. If not, then IAA could always argue for parole.


    Modifier: Escape


    The punishment for escaping is "reset timer". This is terrible.

    Someone tempbrigged for 5 minutes only faces a 5-minute reset for escaping. Thus they have no incentive not to. Hence constant breakout attempts by people only brigged for vandalism.

    On the flipside, someone facing a permanent sentence has no incentive NOT to escape. What are you going to do, reset the timer on their 'Perma' sentence?

    IMHO, the modifier for "Escape" should be:

    - If their sentence is timed, double it, or add 20 minutes, whichever is more

    - If their sentence is perma, escaping now qualifies them for execution

    - If their sentence was already execution, escaping now qualifies them for Kill on Sight status.



    Modifier: Refusal to Cooperate


    +25% is really light for people who act like this.

    I'd be more inclined to make this +50%.



    Modifier: Cooperation with prosecution or security


    -25% is way too little incentive for people to rat out their conspirators.

    I'd up this to a potential -50%.


    Agree with all of this, except for the escaping penalty on timed sentences. Having to hold someone for 25 minutes because they thought they could escape out the brig door because an officer didn't lock their cell sounds terrible. Reduce it down to +50% and +10 minutes.



    This would require an entire new class of crime/punishment length, and would be the only one in it. An extra 5 minutes makes little real impact, and puts it in a weird area of "Major.5" crimes.


    Sentences for violent crimes tends to be shorter than non-violent. AggAssault is a pretty serious crime, but if that's the only crime you're charging them with, then it's a pretty light sentence, comparatively. It's possible to put people into crit by just smashing their face against a toilet seat, I've done it before. There's no weapons, no contraband needed to nearly kill someone. So usually, it's just that one crime that they're charged with.


    Meanwhile, say an assistant breaks into engineering to grab some gloves. That's already twenty minutes, and it's not even a very serious crime. Crimes stack pretty hard for some chump carrying a stun baton around in his pack, even if the actual crime committed is minor in scale.


  7. Aggravated Assault should be twenty minutes. If the victim lives or dies can sometimes be determined by how competent security/medical/research is. If medical has a teleporter set up, then almost anyone with suit sensors on can be saved, even if their attacker was aiming to kill them. Just because medical is doing their job right, shouldn't mean that criminals get a lesser sentence.


    Kidnapping probably needs a bit of detail on what's not kidnapping.

    Otherwise we'll just see it being tacked on every time someone gets dragged out of robotics.


    Dragging/grabbing someone somewhere is not kidnapping, unless they're incapacitated and cannot move away from the person who's dragging them. Slapping cable cuffs on someone then dragging them somewhere is kidnapping. Disposaling someone isn't kidnapping, but with the new changes it should be charged as battery.


    Detaining someone inside your department so security can pick them up isn't kidnapping, since it falls under self defense. Especially important that this bit is clarified, so medbay can still throw thieves in the sleepers and load them up with ether.


    Officers detaining suspects is not kidnapping, if they have a valid legal reason to bring the person in. Security officers should rarely be charged with kidnapping; when you think about it, their entire job is kidnapping people. If they brought someone straight to the brig, their intention was definitely not to kidnap them. If they bring them to a tiny hole in maintenance, it's kidnapping, and the officer is most likely compromised.



    As security, if the bees get out out of botany, it's a workplace hazard. Kill any escaped bees, take the botanists in, and tell them to either kill their bees, move them somewhere safer, or build a second airlock.


    If they let the bees out, it's sabotage.





    While assaulting someone, if you slap cuffs on them, does that count as kidnapping?


    Is it possible to arrest someone for attempted crimes?


    There should also be a note on Battery and Assault (Maybe AggAssault too?) that all parties involved should be brought back to the bar. Testimonies should not be taken while outside of the brig, as it usually leads to whoever can lie better getting away scott free. Witnesses or some other kind of evidence (One side was trying to run away, and it was witnessed) should be required to get the Self-Defense Modifier. There's too many he-said-he-said situations that occur with violent crimes, and if we're going to enforce a five minute sentence for a violent crime, sitting around in processing is just going to waste everyone's time.



    Legal should have a spiderling in their office, considering they're a sub-department of Security.


    Janitor has a pet sponge in a fishtank. It occasionally heads for the kitchen and makes burgers for the crew.


    Cargo ought to get it's lizard back.


    Maintenance has a wild, crazy monkey that somehow escaped science. The chef can try to bring him down, but he's armed with a toolbox.



    Wearing pants on top of jumpsuits? That doesn't sound very comfortable.


    I wouldn't mind seeing more department jackets. Assistants still need hoodies to complete the greytide feel.



    Here's my two bits:


    If someone wants a gun, they should get a signed and stamped paper for that gun from the Captain or HoS. If they bring that paper to the HoP, the HoP can then add weapons access to their ID. Also, their gun should be labeled with a hand labeler to prove it's theirs. However, we really don't need another icon for sec HUDs. Instead, if security sees someone walking down the hallway with a gun, security should ask if they have a permit. If no, then arrest the guy and confiscate their weapon, and tell them they can get it back if they get a permit.


    Also, there ought to be something about civvies with guns on different alert levels. If the gun has lethal capabilities, then it needs to either be carried on their belt or back on code green, or stashed away in a private locker. They can have it in their pack on code blue, but on code red, if they're walking around in the hallways with their gun drawn they need to be moved back to their department. And it really doesn't need to be stated, but if they don't have their permit on them, then that's no good. If they break any of these rules, then their weapon permit can be revoked.


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