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Everything posted by tastyfish

  1. The round starts and I see this: I have a good feeling about this round.
  2. I actually made the picture frames. https://github.com/ParadiseSS13/Paradise/pull/3668
  3. Went ahead and implemented both suggestions in this thread, as they seem to have general support. https://github.com/ParadiseSS13/Paradise/pull/3622
  4. I've also always found that weird as well.
  5. I've always wondered about this, is it supposed to be some weird balance thing? (eg filling maint with security cameras would make things hard for (s)lings.
  6. The mechanic stuff is literally my favorite thing from Goonstation by far.
  7. Done https://github.com/ParadiseSS13/Paradise/pull/3585
  8. Amazing! NTSAM, the person I have never met before, was randomly rolled as the winner in this legitimate street game.
  9. Hello mysterious person I've never met. Would like like to place a bet in my legitimate card game?
  10. tastyfish


    I never made made one of these.
  11. I'm pretty sure this was an oversight/accidental deletion or something because, yeah. https://github.com/ParadiseSS13/Paradise/pull/3496
  12. Simple enough and a functional improvement. https://github.com/ParadiseSS13/Paradise/pull/3495
  13. Huh, I assumed that they did have one.
  14. Oh yeah, I'm probably going to keep the ones I already wrote, unless I get a bunch of better ideas. It's just some of the species only have a couple of messages.
  15. I'm adding species-specific suicide messages, since half the standard ones don't make sense for half the races. If people could help me think of some, that would be helpful. See https://github.com/ParadiseSS13/Paradise/pull/3461 for the starting ones. I guess as a format, just write something like: Vox is huffing oxygen! IPC is smashing their own monitor!
  16. Disclaiming that I don't play medical, but does anyone use the beds in the bloodpack room? That could probably be expanded to fill that outer space beneath it and become a medical supply storage room, with the first aid kits, blood packs, and IV's. Maybe an extra box of syringes and pills too.
  17. Yeah, I'll rename it to Service, since multiple people seem to concur.
  18. >Air alarms >Cloning pod >Arcades (both Battle and Orion) >Central atmos computer >Smart fridges >mass driver >Pool controller (lol) >Turrets, I think >the waste disposals recycler >All of the tcomms computers, iirc >Teleporter computer >Light replacer >Megaphone >defibrillator >Lockboxes >Secure lockers >Spiderbots
  19. You think Tastyfish could stick this on his github.io think along with the death and RBI maps? I think that would be a nice location for most map-related informations I actually had been sitting on an unfinished wire / disposals map, for a while. I went ahead and got it functional and added this as a semi-transparent layer. I might adjust it to make it more visible later. http://tastyfish.github.io/paradise-wires/
  20. Since the US is broad geographically/culturally, I'm from North Carolina, home of pork, tobacco, military bases, indecisive weather, and American Idol finalists.
  21. The gravity generator and AI satt don't technically have infinite power, just so much that it would take like 10 hours for them to deplete.
  22. I got killed three times that round! Good times.
  23. One big reason for using absolute pathing is so that you can search for a type path; it's basically impossible if relative pathing was used, cutting the path in half over seperate lines.
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