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Everything posted by Holyass

  1. For some reason they don't get a form or a file where they can record the data they get, so There a form for other stuff that for RP reason, why not add one for the Psychologist that can be copy at the copy machine? FILE BEGINS patient or prisoner name: Age: race: diagnosis of the patient or prisoner: treatment plan: Notes: END FILE With this add, it add layer of RP depth and it helps validates your power to demoted the captain if proven not sane.
  2. *Shoot Pure love water to kill the flames of hate*
  3. Hey STOP making that tiny writing it really hurting my eyes well Here how to near fool proof your idea in a few easy steps. 1. Is it going to make griefing easier? 2. Is it going to make greytides easier to do bullshit? 3. Is it really helpful to non-greytides? 4. All above.
  4. Ok, from what i been reading, R&D need to be hit with the nerf hammer
  5. So far most civilian are useles and have nothing to do and most of us don't want them, so? why not give them something to do!? in the brig there a labor camp for unwanted players to go mine some iron, why not add something like this for the civilian class to work at and get some work done and get better at it. or just anything to give them something to do to keep them from forming a cult and killing the heads..
  6. This Yes! this can help save some players and it ether easy to add in too.
  7. No, Just No. 5 reasons. 1.exploiters. 2. metagrudging. (It will happen one way or another.) 3. Admin eyes only ( if the logs because for all to see then we will learn how the admins think and then we can change what we type to them to see if we can not get banned from doing X and not following rule X but get away with it due to we know how to reply to that admin X to soften the blow.) 4. it's freaking hard to censor stuff 5. This is just a bad Suggestion. (that and you really want to read that one time that two IPC were doing it ? I don't want to know that... lol)
  8. Really? I was a QM at that time and I lived pass a cult and me and one other miner lived and were basicly living at the outpost.
  9. And No I was thinking from a RP point of view at that time in space, and what the hell is green text you two are talking about? you mean this? see i can make green text in the post, any ways i don't to see the point you two have.
  10. I think adding a Escape Pod there will be great incase the miners or research crew get stuck there.
  11. Well i like it but Griefers man, They will abuse that shit sooo hard that it will not even worth making a joke about it. (insert yo mama joke here)
  12. Because Ian is the only one true corgi. All others are impostors and should burn Corgi hater, You shall be shamed by all corgi now I cast the curse on to thee
  13. Hey, it's called a pod and a welder, maybe metal if you want make sure noone get in for a good 5 sec.
  14. Holyass

    Cargo Revamp

    Well that will give us a Reason to even use our money beside to buy food if there no chef,(and i don't eat cuz i'm a plant!) this can even make the cargo crew more work to do and you know on slow round the crago crew have like zero stuff to do in the downtime after the 1st 10mins of the round orders but after that it just slow ass hell and this help alot with crago crew giving them stuff to do. P.S. add a ATM in cargo with a booth round it too Battle corgi approves +2
  15. Yes and No, Walls Yes in one hit, Reinforced maybe, like in 5 hits.
  16. mmm why not prey to get your pet back? ?
  17. Uh Easy fix to the infinite restock, make it only spawn a Used restock unit that had what item were left in the Vending Machine, So that way you can put in the old one or a new one. basicly the old one will act like a restock unit but it will have item missing from it so it's not a full restock and it cant be use over and over. Old unit taken out, it have 9 out of 10 item b left, it put back in still show that item b have 9 units left, even put into a another Vending Machine it will still show 9 out 10 item b
  18. Never give up on your dreams. Keep sleeping. * Through DETERMINATION, the dream became true. i'm sorry i had to i just had to All boys leave home one day... It said so on TV...
  19. OH? Tell that to the last few people that I cleaned their bank of money
  20. Welp, one can dream. Never give up on your dreams. Keep sleeping.
  21. this will be Great for Roleplayers.
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