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Everything posted by SomeGuy9283

  1. Safety precautions? On an NT installation? Preposterous.
  2. A spess Viking? Memery detected. Requesting BSA.
  3. Welcome to the forums, the once great SS13 meme repository replaced by discord. If you're ever bored, the declined ban appeals are great entertainment.
  4. Perhaps we don't need a weapon that fits that description. Like, if you're going to go loud and attack them in public, use an e-sword or revolver. If you are going to do it while isolated, use an e-dagger or silenced stechkin. If you're just a-tidin' a spear 'll do.
  5. We have e-daggers. We have glass shards, spears, and floor tiles. We have syringes for chems. Do we really need this?
  6. 8, because DumDum5 counts as a player, not an admin, for this thread, see a few pages back.
  7. 1 salty-min. Congrats on making GA, I'd not noticed before today.
  8. I'm SomeGuy9283, and this is my[spoilertext]Shit[/spoilertext]Post Shop. I work here with resident badmin DumDum5, and my apprentice, improvedname. Everything here is inane and pointless. After 21 posts, you never know WHEN a badmin will come through that door,
  9. Um... sure, what could possibly go wrong?
  10. I realize I'm a little late to the discussion here, but the current map isn't too small, it just has large, useless areas: Engineering workroom, Vacant office, Dormitories, Science station, Labor camp, Medbay Exam and break rooms, Engineering office(s), Arrivals lounge/checkpoint, oversized locker room, the large rmaint rooms... get the picture?
  11. :1 We must secure the existence of our species and a future for Human children. :1 We must pursue a final solution to the Vulpkanin problem. :1 The victor will never be asked if he told the truth. It is not truth that matters, but victory. :1 In order to find out who rules this server, you must first find out who you are not allowed to argue with. :1 When Vulpkania sends its people, they're not sending their best. They're not artists, doctors, engineers and lawyers. They are, in many cases, ERPers, furries, and autists. :1 We must dismiss this notion that Vulpkanin are our equals. This latest species is nothing more than a sham to hide their degenerate fetishes, dressed up in cringy German and the barest trace of effort. They contribute nothing to our space station that we did not already have. :1 We must never forget Sol Common, our noble tongue. This is our heritage as the master race, as Humanity. :1 Anti-vulp wall construction complete.
  12. 8 security officers, cause the 'tider count is so high.
  13. Ok, regardless of whether the Civil Disputes bit is kept, can we integrate Bailiffs and Contempt of Court into normal trial procedure?
  14. Regardless of the contents, I think it would better fit the format if it was rewritten like a factual report. Keep in mind that character records are (ICly) strictly factual, third-person objective dossiers kept by professional HR personnel. For example: The military officer you described, related to NT or not, would have likely been mentioned by name in the record, whereas such details as the neck scarring and trouble walking upright would have been listed in the medical, rather than biographical, section. Additionally, I have to agree with the previous mention of the character in question being qualified as a 'soldier'. Station-side security is quite separate from CC troops, and the paramilitary NT Naval structure is leagues different from other in-game militaries. Regardless of whether you decide to revise the main elements of the backstory, I would hope you would rework it as to sound more like an actual personnel file.
  15. Mind you, people will not likely be naming each other after present-day fictional characters 500 years in the future. Aside from that, Necaldun is right in that it was not an immediate change. I'm not privy to what goes on in admin-land, but I suspect other priorities take precedence over punishing all but the most obscene names. Whether or not there was a change to the rules in the past, the addition prohibiting fictional names is a necessity in the present if the server is going to maintain it's delicate balance of RP and action. Adding an enforceable, reasonable clause to the rules isn't a bad idea at all.
  16. You're right in that it probably doesn't need to be implemented. If you want to be a pink cat-person, more power to you. However, to those whom read this, I only ask you consider being sensible about your name and character. But, mechanically, I cede that this is not really something that can be implemented. Only YOU can stop low-RP
  17. Well, think of it as reasonable naming, but preemptive.
  18. Ok, I know right off the bat this is gonna be a salt farm, but here goes: So, you'll notice that the character creation menu offer a wide variety of obscene colors to adorn your character with. Well, that's all good and well, except that it is tantamount to saying they are genetically that color. We have a barber with hair dye, ya know. For all the inconvenience it may mean to characters with ICly dyed hair, there needs to be some safeguard against neon cats/foxes/lizards, etc. *Hides in anti-salt bunker*
  19. Does this really need to be a gamemode in it's own right? I mean, as an event, by all means, but not a gamemode. Also, what's stopping it from becoming 'Traders: The Mode' in a manner similar to vox raiders?
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