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Posts posted by PhantasmicDream

  1. A fun different style that I might to try to draw more in (time to time)

    Here's one that I did last year (for those who haven't seen it before, or people trying to remember where they say me draw in it)



    Also,  got a new tablet a few days ago... so line work and stuff is a bit different looking. *sweats*
    Here some crappy pictures 


    ^ And the finished drawing of that is another human!Zeke... finished watching this anime with HereticChurch and my brother, and there was this cute green hair boi and I was like "I must draw more hooman Zake!"

    • Like 1
  2. Something now spess related, but Spider-man related! 
    So something going around with a bunch of different artist is making a "spidersona" which I had to jump on board of because Spider-Man is my favourite superhero.


    Techno-Spider (still a WIP name) is in a more future like setting,  the eyes on her mask allows her to check out files and information on the go. The black bits on the tip of her fingers (on the gloves) allows her to use the holographic screens, it also lets her to have better grip when climbing up walls. She can project things on her suit,  normally she uses it to make faces on her mask.  She has gadgets on her wrists to shoot webs. She has double the strength of the average human and quick regeneration/healing. She tries her best not to speak while working.

    Lexie Shields is in her mid 20s who works at a bakery in the day time.  She lives in a small apartment with her boyfriend who helps coming up with new gadget idea's and designs.  


    Here's a Human!Zeke and Skrellian!Jonah
    human_zeke_by_phantasmicdream_dcw1hsx-fu skrellian_jonah_by_phantasmicdream_dcw1i

    What a weird change,  at least they look better this time around than back in 2017 when I drew this


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    • angryeyes 1
  3. I threw money at people and the drew me things!

    Here's a movie poster mock done by Draw-it-Ralph


    Here's a drawing of Churchy and Edward Anderson O'Connell by OblivionsGate


    They were both great people to work with, and mygod their styles are probably a nice change to see on here!  Lol

    • Like 1
    • fastparrot 1
  4. Well, it's that time of the year again! where we take the time to look back and reflect on what happened and what was done...


    There was a lot drawn this year, and it was hard to pick only one picture for a month, but hey if you want to see mostly everything from this year you can click here and it'll take you to the page that starts it off!!


    And of course there's still more art to come for the remainder of the month/year!

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1
  5. I thought this could be a fun thing to do,  so put on you thinking caps and search through your play lists!  And see what titles are fitting for your characters!


    For my boi Zeke I figured these three titles suit him the best

    • "Everybody loves me" (OneRepublic)

    • "Dude (looks like a lady)" (Aerosmith)

    • "One of the drunks" (Panic! At the Disco)

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  6. Some more art works from other people!

    This one was done by Robin (from an artist discord), She did a lovely job on drawing Zeke, just look at those lips! And nice hatch shading going on.


    These two were from people on Amino,  
    by "a lazy raccoon"  I feel he's got that anime look going on!

    sadly with this one I couldn't track down the name (or a better quality) of this picture.



    SingingShadowFox from a random discord was doing fun sketch requests, and they did up my fallen angel boi Ezekyle


    And from the same discord,  someone by Cupcake also did up some requests, and drew T3A-V4 (far right of course)!


    Here's a commission i got of a  spooky T3A-V4 that was drawn by Draw-it-Ralph!

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