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Posts posted by PhantasmicDream

  1. Because Dumbdumn shared a picture of mannequins striking a pose after I said to Tully  "I think I might have to draw Jonah in some sort of JoJo pose."



    This is either the least threatening thing or the most, I haven't figured it out yet.

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  2. It's a pretty boi.. maybe
    This is my character Zuriel Valara, he's an Arkanian Offshoot and a Consular who was originally created for a Star Wars RP that was taking place in the Empire Era and I got to be a special snowflake however the DM quit before I got a chance to actually play. ;w;



    A sort of reference sheet of @HereticChurch's Shadowrun character



    Lastly,  a cute drawing of T3A-V4 / Teva holding onto an octopus plushies,  look at how cute and nondemonic she is

  3. A character that I created who would be in my SSNoir comic if I ever worked on that again who knows, drawing comics is tough. He would have been a boss for a sort of space mafia/Yakuza that have a main set up on Mars...


    Here's an "Undercover" type of situation... this had been a series of drawings that I've been adding more to


    Some of the other scenes. 




    And here we have a Churchy who got scared by the "space storm"

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  4. I got into the game because of my boyfriend @HereticChurch  ♥

        He started playing around 2013 after a few friends of ours talked about it in passing,  after he played it for so long he'd tell me all the different stories and situations that happened in game... he talked about it a lot.  When April of 2015 came around I decided I'd finally try the game so he'd stop harassing me about it, and I thought well, we'll just make up an account and play once or a few time and then I'll probably never play this game ever again.  and now we're here.

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    • explodyparrot 1
  5. You know sometimes you gotta drink some tea and bitch about your problems.




    This one is a redraw of something I did up in May of 2016,  which was originally describing "the difference between witnessing an explosion and causing one"


    There's probably a few people who've had this happen to them, where they're just walking through the halls and then suddenly an explosion goes off behind you in an area that you were just in,  and you may think to yourself, *wow what great time...* which is basically what the first have of the picture is showing.

    Second half is actually based off of my first round as being a traitor,  where I had the worst timing ever trying to break into the Captain's office (because a few heads where in there) I ended up being taken in and thrown into perma,  but the nice officer let me keep my PDA because i was being well behaved so of course I was going to blow up perma and walk out of there. 


    If you're interested in the original picture, well here we go, because who knows how long it'd take to find it in this thread. 


    For the hell of it, here's a comic from December(?) of 2015 showing off some scenes from that traitor round   
    explosion_by_phantasmicdream_d9jvoqd-pre hold_this_by_phantasmicdream_d9jvphr-pre
    chilled out with the Brig Physician (who was the Vox) and then handed a C-4 to the Detective who accidentally activated it and blew up processing.

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