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Posts posted by PhantasmicDream

  1. 11 hours ago, TheClosetMailman said:

    Zeke still looks less than overjoyed over having to deal with a baby-ish corgi and a little slime girl.

    Five bucks both will end up in weird places because of their size/power, like air vents-

    Everything is fine until someone gets stuck in the vents, and you have to call for your hunky Unathi friend to fish them out.



    In other news, it time for me to share my half from an Art Trade that I did with Drakeven! You can see their half on their thread post!! So here's Jay Chase.  :3c


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  2. Sometimes I get people asking me how to draw something (or to look over at drawing they're working on) to see what my input is, sometimes that leads me to sketch up something to help show them better.  When I bored I would attempt to redline some drawings... because I have nothing better to do.
    *Redline-ing is just when an artist (or someone) draws over a drawing/picture to help show any possible flaws that could be improved on.


    I thought why not show some of the stuff in here to see if it'll help anyone else!!



    help8.thumb.jpg.b32f875a411a836d285db6f58661d766.jpg halp.thumb.jpg.052ecb272ee012c34844a18eebc94aa5.jpg


    HandsSketch.thumb.jpg.dbce0799cdc0a7837d3f0e739f6ac1b1.jpg help.thumb.jpg.bc941ec578fb5afb54eb8bddff8701f8.jpg

    help4.thumb.jpg.9143a20ca40542ebd6dfde50b16f00c8.jpg 655438095_help5copy.thumb.jpg.02d2fd80970dd8ace1f90b053e76274c.jpg

    helping.thumb.jpg.c085b0f621a9aa2d421f3caba8804c1a.jpg help7.thumb.jpg.f28936a2b03b892d50d91c071c37a7c8.jpg

    helpbodyshape1.thumb.jpg.720fc3bac4f73057bd76a5a859030347.jpg ColourHairTip_copy.thumb.jpg.302db883f7c99280a0e0c4fea878df5b.jpg


    helpbodyshape.thumb.jpg.b0ab340c566b08f5a94350d3d7adc9aa.jpg shittyref.thumb.jpg.8fc0d9707aedf0015cc267208ecbbc23.jpg

    posetrace.thumb.jpg.4f988080018d4b3153a0e1d7973281e3.jpg skulls.thumb.jpg.e6ebafa81024427cfb5bb64fc9d70077.jpg 


    sketchesbatchblue.thumb.jpg.e4c1d1abae648a05288bf7cc358d0389.jpg sketchesbatchpink.thumb.jpg.86a25eddbaee6b38221cdeaeb5a2bebf.jpg






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  3. Here's a bunch of Star Wars themed drawings!!

    A drawing of my Arkanian Offshoot Jedi   Zuriel Valara.  Due to being in the Empire Era,  Zuriel had strip himself of any classic Jedie outfits. 

    curled_by_phantasmicdream_dd7g35v-pre.jp     light_by_phantasmicdream_dd7izyt-pre.jpg




    Here's another drawing of Zeke and Jonah in a Star Wars setting,  however they're more in the Old Republic time frame. 

  4. I forgot to post this sooner,  felt like drawing up a sort of selfie and social media thing for the space web(?) because why not? Head canon, Instagram or something like it will still be around during this time, another head canon Jonah drinks coffee straight from the pot.



    I had this picture of a scene from Kill la Kill (side note never watched the anime, I just had this picture for some reason) and I decided that I wanted to draw it...  So here we have Zeke and Garoon 




    Lastly here's a bun


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