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Everything posted by PhantasmicDream

  1. Sorry you must be confus, it's the Vox that can't love
  2. Here's a cute picture of Zeke blushing, surprisingly enough he doesn't blush that often...
  3. I threw money at people and the drew me things! Here's a movie poster mock done by Draw-it-Ralph Here's a drawing of Churchy and Edward Anderson O'Connell by OblivionsGate They were both great people to work with, and mygod their styles are probably a nice change to see on here! Lol
  4. Here's Churchy, Zeke, Sax, and Jonah watching a movie.
  5. The first two are sort of spooky in a way.
  6. Got a YCH (your character here) from cupcakeformykitten they did a great job draw my slime girl Dreamy!
  7. I swear he's not a trap... ... I'm not lying to myself... *sweats*
  8. Nothing will stop Zeke from being flirty. For some clarification, the slime girl is Churchy, she's like 24(?) And she's Zeke's housemate. The dog is Sax, and is Zeke's floofy baby.
  9. ♫It's beginning to look a lot like Chriiiistmaaaaas~♫
  10. @ZN23X yes! I believe we were planning it out around March of 2017, but didn't become canon until around December of 2017. Her name is Nora (or Eleanora) she's a cute slime baby!! And clearly I needs to draw more Daddy Alex.
  11. Well, it's that time of the year again! where we take the time to look back and reflect on what happened and what was done... There was a lot drawn this year, and it was hard to pick only one picture for a month, but hey if you want to see mostly everything from this year you can click here and it'll take you to the page that starts it off!! And of course there's still more art to come for the remainder of the month/year!
  12. Some more art works from other people! This one was done by Robin (from an artist discord), She did a lovely job on drawing Zeke, just look at those lips! And nice hatch shading going on. These two were from people on Amino, by "a lazy raccoon" I feel he's got that anime look going on! sadly with this one I couldn't track down the name (or a better quality) of this picture. SingingShadowFox from a random discord was doing fun sketch requests, and they did up my fallen angel boi Ezekyle And from the same discord, someone by Cupcake also did up some requests, and drew T3A-V4 (far right of course)! Here's a commission i got of a spooky T3A-V4 that was drawn by Draw-it-Ralph!
  13. Here's another drawing of Nurn'kal and Jenkins which is best ship.
  14. @ZN23X you're silly, but it is a fun naming style! T3A-V4 > Tea-va > Teva which is a brand of Sandles that Heretic and I own. Lol Unfortunately it's not a romantic relationship, Nurn'kal probably doesn't understand the concept of it.
  15. Deer. A rough self portrait I did for practice. Here's a Shadowling Ascendant Nurn'Kal and Comms Officer Jenkins.
  16. Would Cecilia adopt a Tajaran-Human hybrid baby? In my new headcanon she does As a side note, D&D is always great for inspiration and playing with others!
  17. Tie pulling? Here's something not Space related, spoiler, they both end up dying
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