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Everything posted by Coldflame

  1. How about replacing labor camp with a new permabrig and removing the permabrig currently in sec? I'd still like to see a shuttle at sec to escape singularity/narsie/xenos/whatever, as all the other major departments have a way out of the z-level.
  2. I could see how this could work, though there are still a few issues: 1. Round starts as normal 2. 10-30 mins in, centcom report about the virus, followed by around 10% of the crew (selected from pool "be zombie " opt-ins) being given a couple minuites warning to position themselves before turning into a zombie 3. Zombie players are immune to instastun, but susceptible to stamina damage. Aggressive grab-click will bite victim, infecting them. Once infected, host dies within five or ten minutes, no cure. Any dead body will also turn into a zombie after an extended period, but longer than if they died via bite. Corpses of ghosted/disconnected players become AI zombies which are easier to kill but obviously react faster and act quickly compared to players. zombies can only be killed via either destroying body beyond usability or by removal to brain, similar to criteria for cloning to fail. 4. Game end conditions: -Major crew victory: All (perhaps most to avoid gameflow issues) zombies disposed of successfully -Minor crew victory: x% of surviving crew escape alive. Perhaps CC quarantine is lifted after 2 hours following the beginning to allow an escape by an overwhelmed station to still have a chance at survival? -Neutral: Escape shuttle leaves without surviving crew critera met or any zombies on board -Neutral: Nuke successfully detonated by ERT/Centcom sending the code. -Minor Zombie victory- Post-quarantine shuttle leaves with 1 or more zombies or infected survivors alive -Major Zombie victory- All (perhaps most to avoid gameflow issues) crew members are either dead or zombies
  3. Wizards are actually pretty weak when compared to lings/vamps combat wise, and "friendly" versions of those almost never fly.
  4. How about a box full of replica traitor items at 1-5 cost? Good for framing people, causing security confusion, or claiming it was a fake the whole time if you get caught. Perhaps it could include: -Fake Emag -Fake Camera Bug -Fake Secret Documents (very OP, maybe a separate item at high TC cost) -Fake e sword (different to the toy in that it's actually called "energy sword") and generally other fake traitor items that could realistically have been fake
  5. Just to note- You can only be charged with resisting arrest once per arrest, so unless you arrested him 30 times you're probably oversentencing.
  6. I don't think using (and arguably abusing) space lube to create a indiscriminate meatgrinder then changing the DNA of all the bodies into lesser forms to limit the potential to clone them is really something a validhunter would do.
  7. -This is fairly valid, but missing command staff would be significantly present. Additionally, I think account age bypass will null any benefit this system has- there are plenty of players who play heads poorly within the community, but aren't quite bad enough to qualify for a jobban. -HoP is RELATED to service/supply, but my point is they share very little gameplay. Quartermaster is arguably relevant (and even that's a stretch, the only real link I can see is them both being leadership roles; and in practice the HoP doesn't directly lead anyone in 90% of rounds), but outside of that I see very few cross-applicable skills. AI being related to borg is more arguable, but I still think they're less similar in practice than in theory. -As I said in my first post, this is a severe underestimation of the speed a player can gain competency. The numbers given are placeholders, though, so I won't go too far into depth about them.
  8. What about people calling the shuttle prematurely for tenuous reasons to get to play this? It'd work better as an extremely rare random occurrence once shuttle leaves would be preferable, methinks, though in general this is really ambitious and breaks the normal flow quite heavily.
  9. The general idea is good, but I see a few issues: -I have a strong feeling this would end up with a lot of empty command positions, with the majority of heads ending up being people who don't meet the requirements being promoted (through account age when implemented bypassing this will mean this is less of an issue). -A lot of the requirements seem to derive from sharing department, rather than genuine job similarity. HoP shares very little skills or knowledge with Cargo tech, miner or service jobs. AI's not hugely similar to Borgs or Drones, either, aside from dealing with laws (which certainly doesn't need several rounds of experience to get a grip on). -In general, the suggested limits seem very, very high. It underestimates the speed at which people will grasp the game's basics. You're asking people to total ~70 hours in a department (a lot more in some cases), before qualifying for head jobs. It also fails to account from players who are coming from other servers and already have knowledge of game mechanics (EDIT: expanding on this point, it's also really inconsistent between departments, though I'm aware they're placeholders)
  10. Alright, I shot you an invite on steam.
  11. Large red "You feel the air from your internals begin to thin" at 5% pressure, maybe?
  12. How about something unique, to differentiate from the detective but still feel different to sec, as well as fix the practicality issue? How about a ballistic pistol that deals lethal damage, but is unlikely to kill somebody without a reload? Of course, with a choice for rubber bullets too to fix the non-lethality issue. Aside from that, I'd rather a revolver rebalance than just giving them an egun.
  13. On that subject, reason to use anaesthetic would be great and make sense, as opposed to the current situation where it's useless aside from RP, which is regrettably being neglected by the majority of the community (medium rp right guise?). "Your patient convulses violently, screaming, and prevents you from doing x"?
  14. doesn't that create a situation where anyone with a toolbox and the correct knowledge can defeat any door within seconds?
  15. I like the cooldown idea. Building on that, maybe it could be powered? starts with random 3-5 uses, can be charged to five like a taser/egun. Maybe make the recharger flash a orange or red colour to increase the risk of recharging it.
  16. 3-5 use disposable emag for 2tc, and current emag for 10tc?
  17. doubtful straight-up plasmatank in corridor won't be as effective, but someone who knows what they're doing will still be able to end a round as atmos pretty easily.
  18. isn't this already a thing? package+letter where you want it to go, any not shit cargo department (>implying) will dtag it and send it.
  19. I feel the better solution is to fix the underlying problem of lings being able to go around turning everyone into a specific person. This could most easily be solved by making transform sting use the genome, but reducing the cost, potentially to making it free to compensate.
  20. A few extremely underdeveloped ideas: -Gateway Explorer: This gets thrown around as a karma job a lot. Main issue I see is it makes gatewaying without the job punishable outside of a crisis situation. -Locking all command jobs behind a very low karma gate (maybe 5kp to get everything but rep/bs)? Pretty controversial and probably a bad idea. -Subroutine-AI without the responsibility. Can't directly interact with anything, but can use cameras, holopads, comms, etc. -Chinese Restaurant Chef- Would need an expansion to be mapped in to the chinese resturant that is currently useless. -Private Investigator- Pretty implicit. Detective without the responsiblity of working for sec, probably no revolver. On the subject of karma jobs. I think magistrate should be put into normal job rotation. It's a pretty important role that only gets filled every third round.
  21. Alright cool. Feel free to get in touch, then.
  22. I'd be down, if you're okay with someone in UK timezone who doesn't have a huge amount of tabletop experience.
  23. (Writer's note: I know you like these formal, so I'll make my notes in red. And, T, if you're reading this- don't get pissed, I'm just writing down what the intel reports say say.) Name: Tristen Edwards Age:27 Gender: Male Race: Human-Caucasian Blood Type: O- General Occupational Role(s): Head of Security. Occasionally operates as a bartender to relieve stress during work deployments. Biography: Edwards was Earthborn, being born into a comfortable (By Earth standards) home, as the eldest child, followed by a sibling. Tristen's parents divorced at age 9, his mother and younger sister leaving the planet (No further records- T says he's not been able to contact or locate either, and neither are noted in any public or NT registration system. Presumably, they're dead, but T is pretty sure they're not.). Edwards enlisted in the Sol Central Marine Corps at the age of 16 in lieu of higher education (Tuition's not cheap in Sol- T's not much of a bookworm either way.). Edwards passed training with merits, and from the age of 19 served as an officer in a variety of deployments, most notably playing a role in the defence of Theta Indi against a protracted siege from human separatists(Those guys are pretty nasty; I don't envy anyone who has to go up against them). During his tours, Edwards eventually climbed the rank of SSgt. At the age of 24, during his sixth year of deployment, his squad was ambushed during a comms blackout on patrol- the exact circumstances are unclear (T's made it pretty clear he doesn't want to talk about it- he never filed a detailed report.). The squad was found two days following the blackout, dead with the exception of Edwards, who had survived with severe wounds. After approximately six months of advanced medical care, Edwards was successfully returned to health. However, his right arm was irreparably (By Sol standards- our guys could've fixed him easily) damaged in the explosion and amputated. His right arm and shoulder, two of his ribs, and a significant portion of his chest cavity have both been replaced with prosthetic alternatives. Edwards was honorably discharged, unable to continue his service. Edwards, after taking a period of two years to recover from his injuries, was contacted by Nanotrasen recruiters (Wounded vets- seriously, guys?), and accepted a NTSF position, being assigned to the NSS Cyberiad. Edwards served for around six months as a security officer, before being selected for the blueshield corps (Not sure who he pissed off to get stuck on bodyguard duty for that long.). Edwards served for four months as a blueshield lieutenant, and was then offered an opportunity to operate as the Cyberiad's head of security; his tactical prowess, military experience, and firm understanding of both security and command procedures made him ideal for the position. Edwards continues to serve as the Cyberiad's head of security. (T's the kinda leader you can't train- His guys trust him, and he usually manages to live up to that trust. He's not half-bad at shooting, either.) Employment Records: Previously served a period of nine years years in the Sol Central Marine Corps, reaching the rank of staff sergeant before being honorably discharged, following wounds rendering him ineligible for further service. Security Records: No previous convictions. (T's not always by-the-book, but he knows where to draw the line.) Medical Records: Missing a right arm, replaced with a Bishop Industries prosthetic. (Not cheap- Sol has a deal with Bishop, I guess) Personnel Photo (Appearance text): A young man in his mid twenties standing at around 6"1, with brown eyes and neatly-trimmed blonde hair. He has a lean, muscular build, and his right arm appears to be completely mechanical. He wears a digital wristwatch, and has several sets of dogtags on his neck, several of which seem burned and misshapen. Commendations [only to be added by admin]: Reprimands [only to be added by admin]:
  24. I prefer the new design, personally. As well as this, avoiding controversy at all is probably better than risking it.
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