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Everything posted by Coldflame

  1. online is fun with friends, probably wouldn't be alone. not played much campaign, so couldn't pass judgement. [spoiler2]and yes, I own the game in case me talking about online didn't make it clear.[/spoiler2]
  2. How about: Lings don't take fire damage? It gives lings a bit of a buff (but not to a huge extent), and replaces the test with something that will injure heavily if falsely tested.
  3. Do they need to be stunned or could you just restrain them in such a manner they can't move/escape for thirty seconds? Even cable restraints last just about long enough.
  4. The main issue is: Take out autoshoot, what's left? Aiming at someone can be emoted (and wouldn't be respected by a good portion of players if it wasn't guaranteed they'd get shot), and all the other functions rely on autoshoot. Kill it or keep it,just don't maim it.
  5. Get rid of antag tests (ling blood, vampire instaburning in chapel/holywater(though I think holywater was removed)). That way you have to actually fuck up to be executed rather than brigged for a banana peel on a ling/vamp round, tested, and burnt. Traitors already have a nice balance, I feel, because they can't even been proven a traitor 100%. Even carrying three emags, you still can't ever KNOW they're a traitor (an uplinked PDA could still be planted on someone theoretically).
  6. I'm not a fan of this (or any mention of a character, direct or indirect). -Is it worth killing immersion? -Who gets to decide qualification for notability? -What happens if Alice is suddenly never played again? Two years later when the drink is still in and someone asks in ooc why it's called that? -Is it fair on players who put in just as much dedication, but don't play a persistent character or don't play a character who attracts attention? -What if it encourages people to emulate established characters or play very specific types of characters to try gain notability and appear in game, instead of what their actual preference is?
  7. On the subject of transhumanism, I'd like to see robotic body parts expanded a bit more. If high-level research allowed robotics to construct limbs with advantages over normal limbs mid-endround, then they'd have something more to do than build a borg or two along with a ripley and odysseys(however the hell you spell the darned thing) before calling it a day and drinking themselves to death. Upgraded limbs could carry advantages such as: -Take more punishment before needing repair -Punch harder -Can operate in low-pressure environments to help attempt to secure rescue -Confer resistance to hazardous materials and potentially stop electricity -Potentially be equipped with tools (anything from the stuff you'd find in a toolbox to more specialised tools such as surgery gear or janitorial equipment) -Combat uses such as a concealed firearm or an electrified punch The disadvantage would come with difficulty of repair, production costs, and requiring amputation of limbs, potentially needing recharge for more exotic functions.
  8. Disarm should be tweaked in such a manner that it doesn't beat harm in 100% of situations at melee range.
  9. The main issue is the current version of vox raiders is mostly the design of the gamemode/vox ship is intended for vox traders, whilst it's still within the rules to kill someone just for being noncrew vox. It's the same kind of player who'll go around with weedkiller spraying nymphs. Wizard also suffers from this problem, with rounds usually ending early due to people being 'friendly' wizards and getting lynched for it, though that's the wizard's prerogative, mostly.
  10. I see no reason why not, seems like it's just make being a Cyborg slightly less inconvenient.
  11. I feel like Tajaran players at least offer more variety from humans(masterrace)/IPCs.
  12. I very much like the imageboard idea.
  13. I don't think the blueshield should start with a lethal revolver (if only for balance concerns), but I think their revolver should start with the ability to load lethal rounds without any fail chance.
  14. It's a very minor thing, but IPCs are referred to as machine people in the karma shop (and in race selection? I don't own IPC so I don't know). I don't see mention of 'Insect People' or 'Bird People' so it's inconsistent, as well as making little sense. Though it may have been intentional to avoid confusion, I feel that IPC being an acronym makes them being machine people clear and people will usually be doing at least a bit of research on karma purchases before buying them.
  15. Title, it's borderline insane how broken it is. It's a get out of jail free card with regards to Sec, and has no counter except for excessive beating of prisoners (encouraging shitcurity). It also allows you to deny other players a chance to interact with you at all. It should either be impossible to disposals yourself(I'm not even sure putting yourself in disposals is intended function, considering the fact it takes timing to do so), or it should severely injure anyone going through it. This one's pretty brief, but there's not much to say on the matter.
  16. "admin i spent all my tc on illegal booster packs and only got syndiefoxes can i get a refund"
  17. I agree with the removal of holy-water mass production. I personally believe that any detection as a crew antag should be purely a fault on the player's part. On a similar note, I also disagree with ling blood tests, because assuming another one's been caught that round ending up in the brig at all's a death sentence. For comparison compared to those two, take traitor. Assuming they don't use their uplink or act on their objectives, they can't ever be caught. If they get brigged for a crime, they don't get subjected to a 0% failrate test that immediately means death (arguably not for a crafty ling but the odds are still heavily against them.
  18. I'd like to say this is completely positive, but I'm just afraid that what'd end up happening is people actively pursuing non-lethal options on those particular antags to stop other ones being created (meta/powergaming is already a pretty hefty issue, this won't help much.) That said, if players aren't dicks about it and it gets added, fun times all around (aside from the dead antag)
  19. That's a very brief description and doesn't really cover the other topics mentioned. The Clown will indeed likely come under more scrutiny than other jobs, but is in general allowed to take things a little too far in the name of fun in most cases (this can be very unclear, hence the suggestion). For example, nobody but the clown/mime(and to a significantly lesser extent chaplain) would ever really get away with things like scrawling messages across the bridge or sneaking into a head's office and broadcasting HONK. That's not security I was referring to specifically, just in general anyone who gets tripped by a peel isn't going to be getting PMed over giving the clown a couple punches once getting back up. The issue with space law is that it's equally vague. Would tripping someone with a peel be considered assault? Not really, but if it's the HoS and they're particularly condom on a given round the clown's just got themselves a permabrig.
  20. Right now it's pretty vague with the rules regarding the clown. They clearly get a little more leeway with a view of the rules, but forfeit protection under some other ones. The issue is, where the lines lie are pretty unclear. Sometimes the clown clearly takes things too far (grav grief, reprogramming the AI to say honk constantly, etc), but some things can be pretty borderline (shaving unwilling heads, damaging non-vital equipment, etc) In the other direction, it's unclear to what degree things can be taken too far against the clown. Giving the clown a bit of a rough-up for being annoying is widely considered fine, but giving the clown a permabrig on a technicality probably isn't. What I'm proposing is a reclarification of policy in the rules instead of a change regarding just how much the rules differ regarding the jobs.
  21. Just make the jumpsuits grey by default with coloured ones available in the lockers at arrival (which I believe they are). That way new players can be easily identified without encouraging greytiding.
  22. How about something along the lines of a popup? "You see a light approach you, and it attempts to pull you from Nar'Sie's cold embrace. Do you follow it? y/n"
  23. I'd like to see more differentiation from sec and the colour red, to be honest, so this would be great. IT's been generally established that NT=blue, Syndie=Red, aside from sec which are the exception to that rule. I think camo gear will help fix that problem whilst also letting sec look more militant [spoiler2]alsoflyasfuck[/spoiler2]
  24. Although this is pretty much shot down anyway, I guess I'll fire off another point. Even if it weren't whitelisted people would still end up getting the roles just by asking the captain five minutes into the round, so then nobody would bother to apply, and then it'd end up where it started but with more hassle for the Cap.
  25. Wouldn't hurt, at the very least. just a recolor from blue to red for traitor/nukes would cover things on the most part since all the other antags are clearly distinguished for the player anyway (Abilities and the like)
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