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Everything posted by Shadeykins

  1. I think most people don't realize when admunz are playing a character. I can't tell you how many times I've given dumbnum karma for doing coolio things because I keep forgetting he's the admunz.
  2. Unless another lockbox is coded in, maybe one with a red stripe on it? Seems simple enough to me. Lower security box that's easier to crack.
  3. Here's a listing of jobs you will never receive karma for playing unless you're an antag/really go out of your way and deviate from what your job is. Chief Engineer, Engineer, Atmospheric's Tech, Chemist, Scientist, Xenoarcheologist, Shaft Miner, Cargo Tech, Quartermaster, Head of Personnel, Research Director, Botanist and Chef. If you want to get karma, and quickly I recommend learning medical and becoming a competent doctor - especially a surgeon. You can usually net around 1-3 karma a round if you're a competent surgeon. With that said, and as someone who's got Plasmamen and all the karma jobs unlocked as well - Karma isn't easy to come by. I have said unlocks not because of circle jerking, but because I've been consistently playing for 4-10 hours every single day for about 6 months (Factoring in a 3-4 month hiatus). That's in the range of 700-1400 hours of SS13 for what amounts to about 300ish karma. If we consider that crew transfer occurs at 14:10, the vote takes a bit and the shuttle 10 mins to arrive and 3 to leave, rounds typically end at about 14:30, accounting for malf-wizard-whatever let's just say it averages out nicely to 14:00, or two hours per round. Taking an easy average of 1000 hours, that's 500 rounds and with about 300 karma on the table, that's .6 karma per round, or 3 karma every 5 rounds which isn't much. Some jobs don't really get noticed ever, period. That's not an issue with the karma system so much as the expectations of aforementioned job. Think of engineering, specifically... Starting the engine is a must, an absolute requirement of your job and something the round more or less requires to function. It's expected of you, 100%. But a medical doctor? You're treating someone for injuries that are either inflicted by another person, or self-inflicted. It's something that while required is not usually seen as "mandatory". For people it's very easy to ignore the engineer who started the engine all by himself, but very difficult to ignore the medic who just saved your ass - despite them more or less both saving your ass in different ways. Any role that does mundane work/works behind the scenes will not receive karma as much simply because they're just that - behind the scenes/mundane. The only other system we could really have would be a roleplay rating system which awards karma retroactively based on the roleplay performance of any given character (Which I would prefer as it'd raise the server's roleplay level back up and encourage less greytidey behaviour). Outside of that, I don't really see how the karma system can be reworked when the issues lay less in the system itself and more in the fact that players simply notice certain job activities less than other simply because of their nature. tl;dr karma takes time and accusing people of circlejerking won't help you.
  4. Yes, that's not an uncommon thing. Clearly I'm logging in at the wrong time.
  5. Which are incredibly noticeable. If a traitor really wants sec glasses, they're free to EMP/EMAG the case. Regular scientists don't need them, fullstop. RnD is not security, and subsequently should not have easy and unlimited access to modify security records on the fly.
  6. Lockboxes can be analyzed without being unlocked now, and basic security access is pretty easy to come by, which is what I was suggesting for it.
  7. Let me get this straight. A GIANT SEAL ate the HoP and HoS? WOT.
  8. Can do, honestly I find the surgery guide is clunky and hard to navigate despite having everything you need on there. I might try and see if I can edit that and make more sense of it. Possibly steal the layout the "diagnosis" board uses and separate it into sections for major/minor surgeries? Or at least put all the taterish type surgeries (Xeno removal, shadowling removal) things into their own section. I main medical, so reworking these sections should be an easy task. Personally also tempted to edit the chemistry guide a bit and give it a quick-ref sheet for common use formula, like the old guide had. You'd be surprised how long it takes most chemists to make acetone, despite the formula for 15 acetone being 5 carbon, 5 hydrogen, 5 oxygen, 10 welding fuel.
  9. As someone who jumps into R&D now and then I can stand behind this pretty solidly. It's more or less a way for Science to dominate the entire station or be invulnerable if Robotics decides they want to make a bunch of securitrons or ED's. Just lock them behind basic security access, so they can still be easily printed out and taken by security officers who swing by R&D.
  10. Sergey is best officer. The event we had with the Russian commissar was great too, would have liked it to pan out a bit longer before everyone got shot up though.
  11. Added "Racial Differences" segment to the wiki in the "Guide to Medicine" including sections on the do's and don'ts with Vox, IPC's, Plasmids, Grey and Slimes. http://nanotrasen.se/wiki/index.php/Guide_to_Medicine Should hopefully cut back on some silly medical behaviour. More edits to come, and please provide feedback and let me know if I've glossed over something/missed it. I might also take a look at going through some of the other medical guides and making them more concise, as well as making a proper R&D guide that includes what tech levels specific items provide (That'll have to wait until I get a few days off though). Eventually intending to learn more of the in's and outs of the singularity engine and provide a proper, comprehensive guide on that too along with doing some edits on "Wiring The Solars" given the new computer UI's and some common mistakes I've seen when wiring them. I encourage anyone else to go ahead and edit the Singulo guide though, don't wait on me. ♥
  12. Once I get some time off work I might go out of my way to rewrite the destructive analyzer/prolathe page, and include all the relevant items and the tech levels they provide.
  13. Guide to R&D is pretty... Useless. It would be nice to once again have a chart listing what items provide what in the destructive analyzer.
  14. I don't find it all too boring (although it can be tedious I suppose), but fair enough. I was just trying to think up some positive net benefits, in this particular instance (with what you said) the only benefit I'd see is having an already disabled cam, with no potential to accidentally trigger a cam alarm.
  15. Ah Walter, a true blue bureaucrat. I remember coming to Cargo once and pulling the reports out of the filing cabinet to make sure they all had the HoP's stamp, I felt like Walter was on the verge of crying tears of joy when that happened.
  16. In this instance, it would have actually been better if the disk was never touched at all. The Captain's office is WAY more secure that the HoS' office, is right beside central primary and the bridge (Two high traffic areas), whereas the HoS has an open window directly to space and nobody (not even security) even goes within view range of that office after getting their equipment.
  17. Hey hey, chummer. Soykaf? At least I'm ASSUMING that forum name is an on-the-sly Shadowrun reference. Welcome!
  18. To be perfectly fair regarding the AI turrets (as I was the one who was carding the AI in the instance Kluys mentioned), it's very easy to laser down the first two turrets and just manually cut through the wall and card it. The random broken cameras provide avenues of opportunity for attentive antags and don't actually detract all that much from the AI's capability. It also gives engineers something to do after they set up the engine which is good, since from my observations they all seem to go SSD or do nothing related to engineering after the power is up.
  19. I updated the Guide to Medicine with some critical, basic racial guidelines to medicine. Hopefully medical will suck less eggs in the future :3
  20. I may or may not have been responsible for the murder of all those dionae in that screenie. THEY DUN GOT WHIPPED
  21. Lucky lucky! I saw you as Ivan that round and Ivan is a relatively good friend of mine, but I decided I didn't feel like talking to him. I could have blown your cover sky high if I decided to talk to you, since Ivan has a very specific pattern of speech and pretty much always stops dead in his tracks to have a chat if I pester him. I think I saw Syndifox in medbay a few times too but decided nothing of it and figured he got adminbused there. Alas, I was but a wee pharmacologist.
  22. A slip is at best a battery or hooliganism sentence, and even then, only if they're being overly obnoxious about it. Generally my first response to a clown slipping me when I'm trying to do something important is to either slip them back, or take the banana peel.
  23. Nope. Unpowered windoors can be crowbar'd, too. That's actually how you access their maintenance panels.
  24. To hack the armoury doors, cut the power to the adjacent APC and crowbar them. Problem solved!
  25. Typing on a Razer Blackwidow. On my old piece of crap Belkin I used to get upto 125 since I'd been using it for eight or so years. The spacing on the newer keyboards is so tight. I also don't homerow and type domintantly with my left hand for some reason. My finger resting position is like.. A S D F and O 0 - Backspace (spacebar on both thumbs).
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