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Everything posted by Shadeykins

  1. I did warn you and Necaldun I was going to write a Nomzy x Necaldun fanfic..
  2. PROLOGUE Eyes groggy and stinging, the hazy-red light from the clock blinking 3:14AM. Try as he might, sleep just wouldn't find Fox. 3:26. 3:34. Relenting he finally tossed the sheets and got up, he may as well get an early start on his evil deeds for the day. EPISODE 1 - A WARM SUMMER'S DAY - A NOMZALDUN STORY The sun shone brightly overhead as Necladun (kawaii) skipped, arms swaying to and fro as she (everyone may be considered to be a 16yo japanese schoolgirl from this point on) made her way to another day of classes. Life was great, especially when you had such a great a person in yourself like Nomzy-Senpai! If only she would notice lil' Necaldun for once.. No less! Just a chance to see Nomzy was enough to brighten the day! Anyways, Necaldun was all uguu kawaii and stuff and arrived at the front gate, seeing Nomzy they were like "NOMZY SENPAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIII :3" and Nomzy was like not even paying attention! Totally oblivious. Necaldun's heart broke in twain (but only for ten minutes) because it seemed like once again they would go unnoticed (like that one character from Yuru Yuri). Anyways, it looked like Nomzy was in a fierce conversation with one of the upperclassmen.. Necaldun-sama-kawaii-chan recognized them immediately, it was Regens-sama (who only went by Ojou-sama for reference this is important take notes please). Anyways they were in an argument about different flavours of Takoyaki and which one was superior, Regens-sama was all like "Pssh, I am your ojou-sama, I know best! Takoyaki is commoner food!" But Nomzy wouldn't have NONE OF THAT SHIT OH NO. NOMZY WAS ALL LIKE "I AM NOMZY, MOTHERFUCK. NOMNOMNOM. NOM-ZY. WHAT DO YOU THINK I DO AS A LIVING? I NOM. I KNOW WHAT'S BEST." Clearly perturbed by the sudden outburst from Nomzy, Ojou-sama (regens) was defeated by Nomzy's superior Takoyaki argument abilities (in which she had 76 points which is really good in a dating sim by the way) and left. All the junior students basked in awe and glory and were like fangirling all over Nomzy because holy crap Nomzy just TOTALLY DEFEATED the PRINCESS DARLING OJOU-SAMA REGENS-SENPAI-KAWAII-CHAN-DESU (Necaldun was also star-struck). Anyways the admiring didn't last long because all of the sudden a HAIL OF GUNFIRE RAINED DOWN ON THEM, THE BODIES OF JUNIOR STUDENTS FALLING DRAMATICALLY LEFT AND RIGHT. Fox yelled "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING TO MY SERVER, WHAT IS THIS SHIT. I DON'T EVEN." Everyone was running away and getting shot and screaming (because everyone knows Fox is robust as fuck) but not Nomzy, Nomzy was like "DESPAIR, DESPPAAAIAIIIIIRIRIRIRIRIAIRARASDUAHGWDAWGFYAUIFA" and pulled out a piece of parchment, writing an awful love poem (it was kind of ecchi so I won't tell you what it was) and reciting it. Fox's head immediately exploded. Nomzy was hailed as the hero of the day (and maybe even the week) for saving the Uguu-Kawaii High from certain destruction, and since it was the cultural festival everyone built a massive idol to Nomzy. Necaldun however sat on the sidelines, all like "S-Senpai never notices me.." all by themselves. The day was ending, the bell rang and all the students began to head home tromping over the pile of bodies (that nobody cleaned up for some reason). Necaldun sighed, watching the crowds leave, all on their own UNTIL THEY HEARD A FAMILIAR VOICE. "Want to walk home with me?" IT WAS NOMZY, OMG. OMG OMG. Necaldun's face shone brilliantly with tears as they went chibi-mode "S-Senpai!?" anyways they walked home together and totally held hands and shit and from that point on they were the best yuri couple known to man (and also to toasters). Fox was certainly doing barrel rolls in his grave. EPISODE ONE, END. okay guys i worked like really hard and spent literally thousands of seconds on this please tell me what you think if there is enuff interest i may make episode two "A Trial of Hearts - A New Challenger Appears!" which will be centered around my two original side characters Kluys and BoneWhite. oh and for the love of god don't ban me Necaldun I love you.
  3. For reference since I saw it posted here.. Server is not light RP. It's medium, but the Greytide nonsense as of late tends to reduce that.
  4. If you got ahelped for anything short of a major crime during a non-emergency situation, ahelp it. I get the syndi balloon all the time and I've never been implanted, because it's not even contraband. "What? You want to take away my BALLOON!? MAGISTRATE!" If I'm pretty sure you're an antag, and you've committed an upper offense (that is something deserving of perma) I'm more than happy to implant you, because the alternatives all involve you sitting out for the round. Grand Sabo and Assaulting a Head of Staff are both perma-able crimes (the latter depending on how bad the assault is), the only scenario you listed where a loyalty implant should never be used is for the syndie balloon (which really isn't even illegal. I mean, come on people, it's a balloon). Terrorist collab is also a perma-able crime (being an antag, more or less), and with that said when working any security role the first thing I always do is figure out what the code words are, so I can verify and figure out for sure who's an antag. Implants can be ordered as well, so reducing initial availability is just going to make rev rounds impossibly hard to start and end up with a lot more murderboning. While they're a gimmicky game mechanic, they keep people playing when they would otherwise be dead. So, I vote no.
  5. I've never even heard it, personally. Ship ambience has never played for me. Ever.
  6. 90% of the time you'll have a team who's new to Nukies, and there will be a few who're not very robust... Hence why I state the formula. It's not the only way to win as nukies, no, but it's pretty much the only tried and tested route to a victory (And even then, I've seen this fail). I throw the beacon out of the bridge because it's just the safe thing to do. Nukies tele to the teleporter room and almost never direct to bridge. Getting to the teleporter room is just one door (And then you can get in the bridge). If you're stealing something off the bridge the teleporter is an ideal way of cutting down on having to hack a bunch of doors in plain sight. (You can double back by hacking into the windowless Captain's office). I have also seen bombs teleported onto the bridge as an assassination method, so there's that too.
  7. Loyalty imps are possibly the biggest cop-out for sentencing, in my opinion. Most people don't roleplay them as is, and most people in the brig are not antags. Probably about 50% of the people I've seen justly executed were self-antagging.
  8. Only 30% of ops are successful as is, and they really only have one working formula (Which is to hit telecomms, the AI, take the porter board, and blitz the bridge). This will just make the formula of success drop even further for ops who try alternative methods. Ops really have no way to take on the Durand, because the Ion Rifle is bulky and can't be put in suit storage or anything, so it's always left behind. More or less this is just a formula for security to steamroll the ops every round. Also, as for the nuke counting down... No. There is no reason why, if sneaky operatives set us up the bomb unbeknownst to us, that the station should suddenly gamma and alert everyone.
  9. That's what I thought, but the "This is just to avoid confusion and allow everyone to read about your character easily. It would be preferred if you did follow the template exactly, however you are free to add in your own sub headings if they are relevant." part of the template lead me to believe that writing out an actual backstory/too much fluff would be frowned upon. I suppose an easy fix is to just change that part of the template thread? ? That's what confused me about that section.
  10. GOT APPROVAL FROM THE CAPTAIN, IT'S LEGIT. But really, when the janitor runs around slipping everyone at every turn (and they do) and needlessly mopping the floor in front of windowless doors, you too will ask the Captain to space the fuk'n cart. Suggestion stands. Spacecleaner refill station, no extra cart.
  11. Pretty much every single anything where roleplay is involved that has a forum, there's always a backstory/history section. Some people actually enjoy writing, and some people actually enjoy reading. I don't see you listing the section with a generic template (which I mentioned by-the-by) as a solution here. It also helps flesh out the lore.
  12. Even more-so when you crotch-punch them once and they're unable to use radio 70% of the time.
  13. I'm fully behind this. More than tired of having the demote the HoS when playing Captain for jumping through the Gateway and letting the station go to hell, or twiddling my thumbs as the HoS as the Captain runs through the gateway WITH THE FUKKEN DISK. Had a round where we blobbed and the disk was in the xeno-infested gateway. Then the aliens came out of the gateway. Then we had a Death Squad, and they got ownt. And I still didn't have the FUKKEN DISK >
  14. I support this idea, minus the Janicart. No. Fuck no. No more janitorcarts, I usually get authorization from the Captain to space the damn thing every round we actually have a janitor, as is. Just add a spacecleaner refill station that both those schleps can use. I almost prefer the station being dirty to SLIPPING ALL THE DAMN TIME. If you ever see the HoS wearing yellow wellies, you now know why.
  15. Make IPC's able to use radio at all times regardless of their current health. IPC's don't feel pain and therefore should not be able to be "in too much pain to use the radio". It'd also add an extra consideration to anyone tasked with taking out an IPC as an objective.
  16. Seeing as this is le forums for a roleplay server (even if it is medium), make a subsection somewhere specifically for writing character history beyond a generic template, because currently there's no real place to put that sort of stuff.
  17. I would very much like to see the speed debuff gone if the armour values have dropped. As it currently stands I will REMOVE MY HARDSUIT and carry it in my hand if I need to get from Point A to Point B just because of how GOD AWFULLY SLOW it makes me.
  18. I always played this off as slotting it into an AUX point at the base of the monitor screen. I see absolutely no reason why this was removed other than to make IPC's smokers be jonesing forever. (ICly NT would also have no reason to remove/deny part of their consumer base to begin with).
  19. I've personally never witnessed someone be sedated unless they're screaming their heads off and being annoying. Even the crazy murderboners generally don't get sedated, and it's reserved for the shouty-ones. I'm against. Priveleges should not be taken away because of one or two abuses.
  20. I remember one round where Alice and I tried to escape in a pod, only to fluke over the Captain's dead body in space. Took the NAD and distracted the nuke-ops while a bunch of civvies ejected the nuke in the chapel. Was pretty great.
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