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Everything posted by Enginseer-42

  1. Get a laser pointer. Upgrade it with a microlaser from research. Aim for eyes. Enjoy smashing the crap out of a sec Borg.
  2. Then why have a borg? Borgs ALWAYS have absurd powers. This is downplayed by the fact that they are borgs and are very specialized to be good at what they do. Don't try to robust a combat borg. EMP the shit out of them from a distance. Or just run away and weld a door.
  3. It's.... already in. You just take bolas and put them in a pneumatic cannon. I was just saying it would be cool to have a non-duct-taped together sprite so it doesn't look like sec is going Orky.
  4. This has balance implications. But a Suitably Security-fied Pneumatic Cannon. Stick the Bola's into it and it's a first strike option that doesn't completely end the fight in secs favor but also weights it towards them.
  5. Personally I'd like to see the Chaplain more tied to the chapel. The holy sword and armor thing is nice, but if there's any sort of 'chaplain magic' going on it should be tied to the chapel itself. Perhaps set up the Chaplain like a benign cultist? They start with nothing but the robes on their back and the ability to convert people to their religion RP-Rev style. With greater numbers of worshipers comes greater powers. Various heals and wards. Eventually the ability to sanctify an area. Making it count as 'the chapel' for all intents and purposes as like their 'end-game'
  6. And when does my guide advocate that? In fact, my guide directly advocates putting aside any notion of 'shitcurity' to back them up in the event of an active and direct antagonist threat. The point is that when you break space law while there's nothing going wrong, you get security people wondering if you are an antag, while they are looking into you and what you're up to, they're not paying proper attention to everyone else, giving Antags some breathing room in the beginning of the round.
  7. I don't see how it will get you banned? Honestly, the only times I've had admins yell at me was when I WASN'T following this guide. Though I suppose someone following rules 2-4 but not rule 1 could get in trouble. Rule 1 is important for a reason.
  8. Those are lesser used? I use them literally every time I get traitor as an assistant.
  9. Hey there, so I've been a greytiding shit for a few months now, running about. Stealing things that aren't bolted down. Stealing things that ARE bolted down, building shotguns in maint and in general being security's most annoying friend ever. I'm going to give you four general principles of Petty Crime and what I like to call 'Lesser Antagonism.' I call it that, because you're not a full blown antag, and shouldn't act like one, however your antics do serve as a distraction and smoke screen that might cover an antagonists tracks. Anyhow. Principle one. And it's the most important principle of the lot. 1.) Security is not your enemy. But Enginseer! You'll object. This is a guide about petty crime? Shouldn't Shitcurity, who arrests you for doing that, be your enemy? No. And I'll tell you why. As long as you stick to the petty side of petty crime, they're at most a slight nuisance. You might lose a valuable tool (Goodbye my shotgun. Goodbye my vodka bottle full of napalm.) or get brigged for a few minutes. But ultimately, as long as you stick to the role of the petty criminal, they won't go after you too hard. Don't try to act like an antag. Act like a neutral agent. Not quite the law abiding crewmember, but still be willing to put a shotgun slug into a lings face to help an officer in need. You might not be abiding by the law, but you're still a crewmember of the Cyberiad. Act like it. Anyhow, this is one of the more boring principles but also the most important. 2.) You can get away with a lot if you just ask and act like it's no big deal. Yes. I have before recieved some insane things, (Bluespace beaker full of Potassium? No problem!) just by asking in a way that seems nonchalant. The stranger you act about something, the more suspicious people will be. You get nothing from fighting or arguing with people. Because that just makes them dig in. Ask, and if you meet resistance, agree and go away and come at the problem from another angle or even just wait and ask someone else for the exact same thing. Or ask for something that sounds less dangerous but really amounts to the same thing. For example, oftentimes scientists will have no problem letting you use the autolathe, but would balk at the idea of giving you shotgun slugs. 3.) The Station is full of pieces that nine tenths of the time won't be missed. So, the station is big. And with our relatively short round times, there are plenty of times where you can cannibalize parts of the station and no one will even notice, let alone care. For example. Oftentimes you can pull the scrubbers pipes out of sec maintenance and the round will continue as normal as if nothing happened. This isn't ALWAYS the case mind you. But it is more than just possible. All those chairs and tables scattered around are valuable materials for guns, ammo, and other goodies you'll need as a criminal in the dangerous world of the Cyberiad. 4.) Take Risks. Fortune Favors the Bold. So, the whole point of playing a criminal character is high risk high reward. You abandon the relative safety of following SoP, take your life into your own hands and hope to space jesus that you don't get merced before you can make it big. Some rounds this approach works. Other rounds you bite the bullet early on. But the important thing is to just keep trying. And think about how you can do better next time. You're already on the bottom, what more is there to lose?
  10. Except that argument is rather silly isn't it? "This non-time critical condition can be cured, but one way we're going to demand that it be made 100% perfectly, but the other we're not going to question at all." It probably DOESN'T get as many Mhelps. Because Genetics is fairly easy to just do. It's also fairly easy to do wrong, but that's not readily apparent to the geneticist unless something goes seriously wrong. Unlike with Chemistry, where rather than not knowing if your clean SE works until you inject someone with it, you instead are entirely aware your mix isn't mixing. That doesn't change that the directions are right there on the wiki and genetic damage is not 'drop everything and fix it.' the emergency. It can wait.
  11. Right. Forgot about the uplinks. But the risk of valid was actually deliberate. Slows down recruiting.
  12. https://nanotrasen.se/wiki/index.php/Guide_to_Chemistry#Mutadone Literally right there. Anyone who can read can make it. And no medical as a rule should not be able to treat everyone without chemistry because otherwise what is the point of medchem? Chems are an integral part of medical. I don't get why that bothers you so much but that's the case.
  13. No. No you don't. You just have to know how to make it. There are no genetic defects that will kill you if the chemist takes a few minutes to make a terrible wasteful patch. And if a clean SE is easier, it fits with the general mechanical role of science in providing tools that make your jobs easier but aren't strictly needed.
  14. Mutadone is on the wiki as well. As a complete tangent to this. It seems to me that it would be cool if heads of staff could implement alternative operating procedure. Cook something up for your department. Submit a copy to IAA so they can Know what to look for. Get the captain to sign off and bam. Would be interesting.
  15. Why not? It's both not hard to do, not against the rules and not particularly harmful. Look right? A clean SE requires genetics to be competent. You can't make decisions based on the idea that both chemists will be totally incompetent and the geneticists won't be.
  16. That's funny. I never have, and I break into medbay almost every round. You can't get human test subjects from scichem or xenobio reliably. I am aware. They asked for a mechanical argument, so I gave them one. A clean SE, is by and far a shit way to fix genetic defects given it poisons the subject. Mutadone doesn't. And you don't have to worry about the geneticist accidentally slipping blindness into the clean SE. And mutadone isn't even hard to make.
  17. And how often do those things happen? If ever? I have not once seen a geneticist manning the cloner as their primary duty. Literally ever. In the entire time of me playing here. Why is that? Because it's boring. And now there's even a coroner who's going to take the one interesting aspect of the job, handling the corpses, out of it. Genetics provides for science the same things it provides for medical. Humanized monkeys for test subjects. Mechanically, robotics can provide the limbs that are needed for surgery. If asked. Should we also make Robotics a dual (Or possibly even triple) department job? The whole game relies on the departments working together. So stating that a job produces stuff that the department needs is wholly irrelevant. Science requires mining to do their job for pretty much anything. Science is a counterpoint in the supply chain to Cargo. Cargo provides the station with Raw Materials. and Science provides the station with finished goods. Medical DOES NOT provide the station with finished goods. They provide a service. as your argument hinges upon genetics providing medical with finished goods, then it therefor follows that Genetics is a branch of science, that is heavily relied upon by medical to provide them with stuff.
  18. Name one portion of science that really does much interaction with the rest of science? You can get a few points of bio tech out of Xenobiology. And Sulphiric Acid from Sci-chem. Science is the department that covers mucking about and making super dangerous stuff for no apparent reason. And Genetics does that in spades, it's 90% of what you do as a geneticist. The cloner is at best a side project that literally anyone can and often does run. And you can use Mutadone to cure any genetic defects someone might pick up. Secondly, is it really that hard to just ask another department to do something for you? You do it every time a hole is blown in the middle of the surgery OR. And Science is kind of used to people showing up at the front desk, asking for stuff. Though personally I'd like to vote for a remap of science with the RD's office and the R&D lab swapped in place. So the RD is out front to receive requests so they can go shout at scientists to get stuff done. And they don't MAKE monkeys. They're supplied with a limited amount of monkeys at roundstart. Xenobiology can make monkeys. So can Cargo. Does that make them part of Medical?
  19. Just gonna say, generally if you give a zealot time to prepare for their suicide mission they waste time until the effects wear off.
  20. Things were... interesting, I had fun spooking the Head of Personnel. Apologies to robotics, I kinda dropped the ball on you.
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