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Posts posted by Plotron


    Actually I was thinking of implanting their target

    You'd need to get the implant first, and that means breaking into armory or (currently unsuported) reuse of implants.


    What if the implant was available on PDA Uplink, though? Wouldn't it be better to remove the brain and let it decay? Now that's fucking evil...



    Considering how strong these would be to an antag regardless, I dont know if it needs to have an Emag.


    The traitor wanting to clone their accomplice would have to do surgery first. It's not a big deal, but it's high-profile and dangerous.

    With an emagged cloner, a non-antag doctor could mistakenly clone the executed accomplice because the machine would override/ignore the chip inside. It's a built-in safety that would fail.


    I mean yeah, traitor doctors are powerful as they are, but it'd be niche use after all. It'd probably be too serious of a fault for the new implant to be used regularly, though. And we want to implement useful things, don't we?


    I am just brainstorming here.



    A white lab mouse, for example. Thematic, not annoying (it cannot push you because it is too small, it doesn't make loud/annoying sounds) and cannot be confused with the lab testing animals.

    Cool idea, but you're probably partially mistaken. Mice do make squeeking sounds when you step on them (and that sound is only heard by that person), as far as I remember.



    Very smart idea.


    Personally, I yell at officers/physicians who simply ditch the antag's body instead of cremating or spacing it.


    But should we allow the implant to be used on living people? I mean, it's definitely a cool feature that would work against permabrig fugitives. *shivers*


    I honestly think Brig implants need some love. This would be a step in the right direction.


    The cloner could return a message "Anti-cloning chip present. Aborting." on scanning. The chip would simply communicate with the cloner. We could also emag the console/cloning pod so it would clone regardless, and that's a fun use for a traitor!



    So yes, this is very much an Obvious Rule Patch to stop Antagonists from not acting like Antagonists.


    How am I going to roleplay that during trials? Pretend like it's normal thinking? Well, Space Law is Space Law, I guess, you don't need more.

    The difference is other Antagonists may have non-lethal objectives. Shadowlings only have lethal objectives.

    Well, true - ascension means death to all thralls.

    What about wizards? A huge majority of wizards have at least one assassination objective.

    Well, if a wizard trespasses in secure areas, it sure allows for execution. What if the wizard did nothing wrong, though?



    If you want to talk about those other rules or laws I'm all for it and we may agree or disagree on their wording or the need for them, but this conversation is solely about holsters for security.

    I agree, Davidchan went offtopic a little.

    I honestly can't say that I've seen many non-antag clowns stealing items from Sec officers. Certainly I've had rounds where clowns are annoying as hell and even ganged up on people to slip them or drag them around in a box for a minute or two.


    A better example would be a pickpocketer, emptying either the highly visible exosuit storage slot or the exosuit slot itself. The contents will land on the floor and be easily 'pocketable', if you pardon the pun. A backpack on the other hand would require the criminal to a) pick up the highly visible bag, b) occupy his second hand to check the contents and click the stuff they want, c) Ctrl+E the new item to put it in his own storage, d) likely throw away the new bag. That's more steps. Alternatively, he could simply click-drag the backpack on the floor to get to the contents faster, but it's arguably easier to lose the loot this way.


    By carrying weapons on your armor you make it easier for people to rob you, because a) they know what you're carrying and b) there are less steps involved in taking it.


    It's hypothetical, of course. Personally, I love putting the stunbaton on my belt slot for the convenience of quickdrawing and also to look more dangerous.



    So, an antag that is caught being an antag (but not breaking laws otherwise) gets rank stripped, items taken and tracking implant, but one that openly reveals themself to sec/captain/whoever gets perma?

    Stinks, doesn't it?

    That's hilariously ridiculous and unfair if you're looking at it in real-life terms.

    Well, Shadowlings are known to be here to literally murder everything that isn't a thrall, so you can always work off that.

    Intent =/= crime; just because shadowlings are known to murder everyone doesn't mean they're guilty of it, same goes for other antags.


    Such an obvious and sane response.

    If people want to get some cool laws going, they better not contain special pleading.



    The danger of BEING an antagonist is gone, they could just walk up to security, go "yo i'm a traitor, here's some proof, alrighty then.", get their "repurcussions", and then enjoy their round without having to fear that they are exposed as antag, merely that they are discovered commiting a crime. For antags such as changelings and vampires, this is a huge relief, as both could now, legally, and without being hunted down for it, take advantage of the bodies genetics/ the morgue will generally have. Wizards can go around being the incredibly boring friendly wizards again, and be everybody's superfriend. And shadowlings and cultists can just ask for volunteers.


    Very powerful words [emphasis mine]. Aren't changelings considered murderers from the get-go? That means that even if they come in peacefully, it will be possible to charge them with EoN.


    I'd like to have the rest of these concerns addressed by Tully or other proponents of this revised law.


    What is more, peaceful shadowling and cult groups could easily and legally rise in power and overwhelm security/loyalists in the last minute when it's too late to do anything about it, making for an unfair and lopsided battle.


    EDIT: YAY, 1000th post!



    TheDZD, Fox and Dave say that if we were to replace the revolver, it'd be best to replace it with an energy gun, not an advanced stun revolver.

    I have no issues with this being merged, although I honestly think it would have been fine to just replace the revolver with an energy gun.

    I wholeheartedly agree. But I guarantee you I would never hear the end of it from BS players if I tried that.

    I have no issues with this being merged, although I honestly think it would have been fine to just replace the revolver with an energy gun.

    I'm sticking with the Advanced Stun Revolver. How about you, guys?



    I.E. the clown banana/PDA slipping an officer, stripping their armor/exosuit slot and stealing the taser, compared to having to steal the entire bag or even take the jumpsuit off to get at the holster. Just saying that a specific slot counts as a holster for convenience is the 'we're too lazy to give a shit' route.

    Valid point, I'll use it from now on.



    I have some concerns about the first one, namely of it being used against people who don't want to help with an investigation...orrrr


    It's explained in the law that it's punishment for people who mess with officers during their processing.

    Since you've got these doubts, it'd be wise to state in the law what the law isn't about, namely - questioning.


    Because really, it's your right to keep your mouth shut.



    What have you done?!

    My fucking valids! MY VALIDS!


    Great, now I will have to deal with known antags and stalk them all the time just to get them arrested the moment they commit a crime. Although it'd be swell to give them a fancy title... "CONTRACTED BY SYNDICATE". Actually, it's not a bad idea at all... Typically you discover an antag via contraband and witnesses.


    What about shadowlings who do not really have a contract? What if they're peaceful shadowlings that only have thrall volunteers? What is more, if someone gets thralled, it is in his or her best interest to claim that it was voluntary.


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