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Posts posted by Plotron


    Related: I love it when I have Crewsimov and Command wants to execute an antag.


    I'm like:

    "I'm afraid I cannot let you do that due to limitations of my lawset."

    They're like:


    I'm like:

    "This lawset does not let me operate at full effectiveness, but I can't break it and neither can you. Bolting the doors."

    They're like:

    "Sure. "Robocop" sounds fun?"

    I'm like (internally):

    "Robocop is the best lawset."



    Gameplay Wise : I don't believe it is faster than people tend to think it is.

    Provided the proper procedures were done, ( having the external damages fixed first ), a surgeon can have everything fixed up in one room and finalized with a quick trip to the sleeper/cryo.

    Either it being brain transplant, organ repairs, bone setting, or literally putting all the limbs back on, surgery can be faster.

    Well, sometimes you lack real surgeons or they're busy, but that's an exception.


    It's easier to clone people because you usually don't have to babysit them or stand over them to actively fix them up. You start the cloning process, prepare the bodybag and items, you check the % every once in a while and you can help other people in the meantime. Once the actual cloning is done, you fix them up in cryo. You just make sure the patient makes it from one room to another. You turn on the auto-eject feature and check the guy from time to time. Once that's done, the rest goes smoothly - the patient can grab his items. If there's something wrong, you get a clean SE. I'm speaking from the point of view of a Geneticist - it's really no deal. I don't want to keep surgeons busy with (semi-)dead people.


    The machines do most of the work for you. You're not tied to one person and there's little or no risk of fucking shit up if someone were to disturb you - for instance, you can't simply walk away in the middle of a surgery. Likewise, it'd be hard to have another surgeon finish up the surgery for you. With cloning steps are clear, straightforward and flexible. Anybody can step in to finish the cloning.

    Is it convenient for me? Definitely. It's multitasking-friendly and that's one of the most important aspects in SS13 IMO. Multitasking.



    You advocate for surgeons but you you prefer to clone instead of fixing all the organs and bones when too damaged?
    That's the fun and shouldn't take long. Much more satisfying.

    In case you don't know, I am not a surgeon. To me cloning is more satisfying, provided that it would otherwise require surgery to fix someone after a defib.



    One Tip it could be helpful to place a medical laptop in the mourge, so that a medic can update the database with the reports from autopsy and cloning more easily. Same goes for Surgery.


    Don't be a loser - use a MedHUD to change status and add medical notes.



    It just screams powergaming to me.

    Paramedic is already suited to the roll of rescue doc, and I'd be quite happy to plus one any request for the paramedic to get better access so they can actually rescue people rather than watch them die through an impassible barrier as the AI will 100% of the time watch someone die of their wounds calling for help rather than open a pathway up for said person to get help.

    Davidchan is absolutely right in his judgments.



    I've tested what plotron said, and it seems to be false:

    1: Summoned a player

    2: Killed them, put a mask on their face, they show up as unknown

    3: Put the ID of another on the body

    4: Scanned their records into the DB

    5: Cloned them, still has original name


    Did I do something incorrectly?

    First of all, it's not my exploit. I was unaware of it.

    I think you messed up - I think they mean that you have to put someone masked (and perhaps still alive) into the GENETICS DNA MODIFIER where you will copy the UI + SE to a buffer. And then you can apply a syringe with the voice data to someone else.



    More than a few people have been intentionally killed/left to die simply because cloning them would be easier, and I'm sure some of those people are posters in the thread (no small amount of doctors already won't even defib someone if they've got more than one or two broken bones because "cloning is faster").

    Cloning dead people? Yes, potentially faster, less risky, doesn't require much attention - simplifies multitasking. I'm the proponent - if many broken bones and much organ damage, clone. Of course, I'm one of the few people who tend to the patients - I'd hate to see a patient get killed by an antag twice in a row on my watch. If I have doubts, I just bring the corpse to the advanced medical scanner for quick diagnosis.

    Leave our surgeons alone!



    Not even remotely close. Pressure is not the same as total amount of gas---you can have the same pressure in two different tank sizes, but the total amount of gas will be dramatically different.


    Physics and science... also logic. This answer should be very obvious to everyone. A basic fact.

    The smaller the tank, the more compressed gas you need to have the equivalent amount of the gas compared to a larger tank.

    Atoms: the more tightly packed, the more gas you can fit in a given space. Typically you can fill both tank types to contain gas with pressure of ~1000 kPa. The pressure being the same, the only other variable that would affect the amount of gas would be VOLUME. Small tanks have super small volume. You'd need a very high pressure to compensate for the small volume if you wanted to carry a tiny tank with lots of gas inside.


    Damn it, people. Shame on you!



    i just need a ID with the right name on it, i can trick the DNA modder to scan the ID instead of the face if i use a mask on the patient along with the ID.

    Damn it, that should be a fukken' exploit! Patch it nao! Why the fuck would the DNA modifier ignore the actual flesh?!



    i can fix this in fukken seconds if i was a geneticist and found somebody with a MONKEY XXX name.


    Sometimes you don't have the required DNA data. You could have lost it somewhere along the way; one mislabeled DNA syringe and suddenly you're Bulma...


    This would give medical/security records some use if you can print out the photo from them.


    Sure, it makes it quite reversible, but you could turn people into other people way too easily IMO.

    One photo and you're set? Come on...


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