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Posts posted by Plotron


    Without a brain, the cloning scanner does not function.

    It doesn't function because it lacks the data to reconfigure and manipulate neurons in the new body that is being grown in the pod. If you wanted to clone a braindead person, you'd probably come up with something like our humanized monkeys.


    I mean - when the DNA in the brain doesn't match the rest of the body, you've got some really hard paradox...

    From a gameplay perspective, though, it's the body that matters. It's the way your body looks and its own inherent defects (genetic disabilities). The brain is merely* a carrier of your consciousness - or rather - the organ that creates it.


    *there's more to it, of course; the brain is truly a marvelous organ!



    All organs (limbs, hearts, brains, what have you) already store a copy of their owner's DNA datum on creation.



    Anyway, I do not like your idea because the brain is quite a lot smaller than the body itself... Swap brains, swap minds. Why would you want to make cloning dependent on the brain's DNA?



    Firstly, from a Chemists standpoint. Salbutamol requires Salicylic Acid as a component, which in turn needs Phenol as a component. This mean that you would have to mix together Phenol, then Salicylic, and then the Salbutamol. Meanwhile, for Perfluoro, all you have to do is mix together fluorine, oil, and hydrogen. The medicine that takes one step heals 10 times the damage that the medicine that takes three steps heals. Therefore, it's much more energy efficient to create Perfluoro than Salbutamol.


    Yes, I'm sorry that I have temporarily forgotten that it's a guide for chemists, not to chemistry in general.

    As I said, I do not make complex chems. I would never bother myself with making salbutamol.

    I'm a frequent user of chems, however, and I spoke from the point of view of a (para)medic, Blueshield, HoS or Captain in need of first aid. Which is why I also talked about emergency chemical implants.

    Salbutamol is commonly found in maintenance and O2 lockers.


    IMHO, here is what you should/shouldn't distribute as medchemist:


    Shoo, it's not your thread. Do not hijack threads with uber-long opinion posts.



    Perhaps it could be changed so that changelings and shadowlings can eat people instead of fat people, because those two antags actually are fucking monsters.

    You know what?... I think I'd rather have fat man-eater people than xeno-like lings consuming their victims.



    But even if genetics is under the RD department, then it's perfectly doable that giving powers to non-command requires a CMO approval. Just like borging requiring an HoP approval.


    Biomods are primarily an issue of security, not just public health.

    HoS may not like the risks and problems that come with some of these modifications.


    There is at least one biomod that directly concerns medical (coldproof - cryo stops working), but the rest? No fingerprints, shockproof, omni-eater, cryokinesis, invisibility, identity theft, stun-farts...

    All beneficial, offering some useful abilities for the antags.


    Also: viral augmentations. CMO should know the risks, the symptoms and other things, as it isn't as clear-cut as DNA powers. In this case it's fairly obvious that it's CMO's area of expertise.



    Thanks to your guide I finally got back into mixing some chems.

    Sure, I only make the simplest chems that do not require oil, ash, charcoal, acetone and other bullshit, but it's still something.

    Synthflesh is very easy to make now, thanks to you!


    Perfluoro does have a downside, though.

    Many times I use salbutamol because I want to stabilize someone with a ruptured lung. And I use salbutamol in emergency chem implants, too - in that case I just can't afford the downside. Not being able to talk and call for help is a dealbreaker.



    As for increasing the patches/pills, it shouldn't be a problem but I'll have to double check the code to be sure

    The biggest issue IMO is that the buffer in the Chemmaster accepts only 100 units max.

    Make it so it is 200 units when it's fully upgraded to accommodate bluespace beakers. Figure out some incremental bonuses.


    As for the super-condensed pills, make sure it isn't OP.

    5 bonus units per upgrade tier sounds reasonable.



    Thats why i specified "key roles" NT recruiter and custom officer have no actual job description beyond rping (iirc they both deal with greytide). Their job description itself mean that even if they are not here, the station will be just fine.



    I'd like to see some bartender love.

    Bartender used to have more fun when the cargo crates weren't super strong at 1k HP.

    Anyway, you can always ask Science for materials to build yourself pill-making machines. You can mix your own medicine, too.


    Bartender doesn't need or deserve more things to do.



    Halogen isn't a Mary Sue.


    Correct me if I am wrong, but wasn't Halogen the one to set up PACMAN chains to save the station once or twice? I clearly remember it was a Plasmaman who did it. I'm not sure if it was Fawkes - I usually see Fawkes playing a greyshirt/miner. On a second thought, it probably was Fawkes...



    Really, that's how I see it. A shift where I don't have to handle a spill or major breach is a good shift. It means nothing bad happened. Atmospherics is, in fact, a job where, if everything goes right, you don't need to do jack shit, which is why most of my time is spent coming up with new cooling setups.

    But SS13 is a space crisis simulator! If nothing goes wrong in a round, you're not playing SS13 properly.

    Doesn't matter what job you have, you should always have shit to fix.



    what the fuck is Halogen?
    An antag NPC that got out of hand and can no longer be controlled.

    Halogen is a plasmaman Mary Sue played by Shadeykins. Made famous in a morgue incident, when one of the crewmembers yelled for help on the radio: "HELP HALOGEN ABSORBING ME IN THE MORGUE!". I don't have more details as I haven't seen it myself. It became a meme on our server.


    I just noticed this. I feel kind of bad. The CE told me to not let Halogen get away, so I welded the airlock shut.

    So that is why Halogen had troubles getting out the airlock!


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